Chapter 6

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Kelli's POV
"You shouldn't believe everything Billy says." Stefanie said sitting on the bed I was going to sleep in for the next two nights.
"Yeah, he's my own brother and I don't believe him half the time." Erin said folding her clothes and laying them down on her bed. Erin came about an hour ago with her two friends Sierra and Allie, and we are all sharing a room; Stefanie's sharing a room with Jake.
"I know, but were they like that?" I asked.
"Sometimes, they'll do little bets. Nothing serious, there are worst guys in our school, so I don't know what Billy's talking about." Erin said shaking her head.

I looked out the window seeing, Billy, Sierra, Allie, Niall, Robert, Gregg, and the two I still yet have to meet in the lake goofing around. Billy picked up Allie by the waist and threw her lightly in the water, when she came up from the water she giggled and splashed him.
"You know I told that girl not to go near my brother, she doesn't listen." Erin sighed and sat down. She seemed like she's been having a rough time or something. I turned to her,
"Does she like him or something?" I asked.
"Yes." She sat up,
"And I think that's why she's my 'friend,' I tell her every time, Billy's just going to play you, when he's finished with you; you're going to come crying back to me when he broke your heart." She said.
"Enough about my brother want to go swimming?" she asked.
"YESSS!!" Stefanie jumped up grabbing a towel and running out the door.
Erin chuckled,
"Her and Jake are like perfect for each other."
"They are really cute together." I said and she groaned.
"Did they already start with the cute couple stuff?" she asked.
"Yup." I laughed. She smiled and rolled her eyes,
"Just a warning, that's going to go on all weekend."
"I'll try to avoid it the most I can." I said. She nodded and grabbed her towel,
"Ready?" she asked. I nodded and grabbed my purple beach towel and went down stairs and out the door with her.

"Oh please." Billy muttered. I saw Robert get a small blush on his face then he got dunked by Gregg.
"Hi you must be Kelli?" I looked up at Gregg, wait no Gregg's in the water. This must be Graham.
"Yeah, the one and only." I smiled.
"I'm Graham, Gregg's twin. But the better looking one." He said. I laughed, there really wasn't no difference between them, maybe their noses but that's it.
"Really? Because you two look exactly alike." I said.
"MY POINT GRAHAM!" Gregg yelled from the lake. I looked over to him just in time to see Robert dunk him.
"Come on, you could have just agreed with me," he winked.
"Which one of you is older?" I asked.
"Gregg..." he mumbled. I pretended I didn't hear.
"GREGG! He's older!" He yelled. I always loved tormenting the second twin. I started laughing,
"I heard you the first time, no need to yell."
"I- but you- never mind." He said and walked over to a cooler.
"I'm Calum, but just call me Cal!!" A guy called from the dock. He ran and jumped off it doing a flip, for a second my stomach dropped, how could he just do that? But then he came up laughing and splashing Stefanie and Jake who were sucking face.
"Come on Kel!" Erin yelled running into the water. I started to take off my shirt and I heard whistling. I quickly put my shirt down and started blushing. I looked over at Billy who was smirking with Allie on his lap; he sat on the ground on a towel.
"Shut up Billy!" Erin yelled from the lake throwing a large rock at him, he quickly dodged it and stuck up his middle finger to her.
"You're such a dick to your own sister." I said.
"She's the one who threw the rock!" he said thrusting his hand out toward where Erin stood.
"Stop being a baby about it." She said.
"Yeah aren't you Mr. Badass?" I innocently asked playing along with Erin.
"Oh whatever. Go turn into the little mermaid Er. And you can go follow." He pointed to me. I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him and took of my tank top, and shorts. I went to the water and Robert smiled.
"Now that everyone's here..."

"You asshole!" Gregg yelled splashing Graham. Graham pushed Gregg off the dock making him fall in face first. Graham laughed from up on the dock, and pointed at his pissed off twin.
"Your face! Too funny!" He said. Then Niall ran behind him and pushed him in. Niall ran off the dock before Graham came back up and pretended he didn't do anything.
"WHO DID THAT!?!" he yelled. This time Gregg was laughing out of control.
"It was the evil demon." I said. He rolled his eyes and swam up to the shore.
"You guys want to get out and walk over to the shack?" Calum asked.
"Are we going to get something to eat?" I asked. Everyone who was in the water; Billy, Allie, Sierra, Calum,Erin, Stefanie, Jake, Robert, and Gregg started laughing.
"What? What's so funny?" I asked.
"The shack isn't where you eat," Erin started.
"It's where we do our annual thing." Robert finished.
"And that would be?" I asked.
"Come on we'll show you." Calum said. Everyone swam out of the water and grabbed their towels. I threw my hair in a bun on top of my head and wrapped my towel around me.
"Who's staying here?" Jake asked. Sierra, Niall, Allie, and Gregg raised their hand.
"Okay, everyone else let's go!" Calum called. I slipped on my flip flops and went over to Erin. I did too much walking to day all I want to do is go sleep, the sun was setting, making the sky turn an pinkish, purplish color.

"Where is this 'shack' thing at?" I asked.
"Acrossed the lake. We're walking not swimming." She said. I nodded.
"What are you girls talking about?" Robert asked coming to walk by us.
"About the shack." Erin said.
"Well Kel it's not much of a shack anyway." He said.
"What do you mean?" I asked. Erin and Robert both looked at each other and laughed,
"You'll find out and you'll probably hate us afterwards." Robert said.

"No. Nope, I will not do that." I said.
"Come on Kelli live a little." Billy said holding the lighter out to me. Okay freeze, your probably thinking, what are they doing? Smoking? No we are at this 'Shack'. That they apparently go to every year they come here and set off illegal fireworks. They were stacked up in like a pyramid formation,
"I thought you said you weren't a good two shoes."
"I'm not-"
"Then light it." Billy said. I sighed and took the lighter.
"If we get caught, it's all your fault. And why do you even call this a shack? It's a freaking pile of fireworks." I said. No shack around here guys.
"There used to be a shack, we did this so many times the shack blew up." Graham chuckled.
"And you never got caught."
"Never, now hurry up." Billy urged. They said they have been doing this for the past four years, and the fireworks are always in the same spot, what idiot does that. If you know some dumb teenagers come every year, around the same time, you would think they would hide them somewhere else.
"Come on Kelli. We don't have all night." Billy kept bugging me.
"Then why don't you do this?" I snapped.
"It's a tradition. Every new person to our group did it since the first year. Stef was last year." Jake said smiling down at Stefanie. I really wished I had a relationship like that, but with a boyfriend who would be like 'no Kel don't do that you may burn your face off.' Psh what am I talking about that's only in the movies.
"Whatever." I mumbled going closer to the fireworks.
"OH MY GOD KELLI!" Billy yelled.
"WHAT!? OH MY GOD WHAT?" I asked paranoid and started running. Billy caught me by the waist and put me in front of him.
"Nothing, now move a little faster." He said and shoved me a little.
"Don't touch me." I said and pushed his hands off my shoulder. I took a deep breath and went over to the fireworks, for the second time. I bent down and saw a wick to one of the fireworks; I flicked the lighter and caught the wick on fire.
"Run!" Robert yelled. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away, I started to run but my flip flop broke and I fell. Damn, my favorite flip flops.
"Come on Kels!" Billy yelled.
"My flip flop broke!" I yelled back picking it up. I heard him mutter something, and suddenly I was picked up bridal style and being ran to the other side of the lake.
"Well I could get use to this." I smirked up at Billy. He rolled his eyes,
"Don't get to comfortable." He said putting me on a towel. The fireworks started to go off, while I tried to fix my dumb shoe.

"Kels look!" Robert said.
"What I'm trying to fix my flip-" I stopped when I saw the beautiful lights up in the air. Purple, red, blue, green, gold, yellow, white, every color went into different shapes in the air making the sky light up. How pretty.
"Wow I think this is the best yet." Erin said as she sat down next to me. I nodded; this was definitely the best firework show I've seen. Now back to my flip flop.

"You called lighting fireworks, almost getting my face blown off, and your brother carrying me is fun?" I asked when I sat on my bed.
"Don't lie, you liked it all." Sierra said painting her toe nails.
"Wait Billy carried you?" Allie asked, seeing jealously in her eyes, I did not want to get in between her and Billy; even if he's just using her. What am I saying I don't even like Billy.
"Yeah, but it's not like I wanted him to. My stupid flip flop broke." I said showing her the broken flip flop that was currently drying from super gluing it back together. She nodded and went back to her magazine, Erin looked at me and mouth, 'Don't mind her' I chuckled and nodded,
"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked looking at the movie's Erin sat on her bed.
"I want to watch 'I am number four'." Erin said.
"Isn't that with Alex Pettyfer?" Sierra asked looking up from painting.
"Yep." Erin nodded.
"He is so hot." I said.
"Right!" Sierra smiled.
"His eyes are just so dreamy." Then Sierra and I got in a huge conversation on Alex Pettyfer and his beautiful eyes, and sexy voice and body.

"I know I'm hot but you need to fantasize this much." Billy laughed. Allie's head snapped up so fast I thought she would have whip lash.
"Oh! Billy they weren't talking about you they were talking about Alex Pettyfer." Allie smiled and fluttered her eyes.
"I bet they were secretly talking about me." He winked at her, making her giggle. Barf! Billy's such a cocky son of bi-
"Kelli, princess stop talking out loud." Billy smirked.
"Get out of here!" Erin yelled throwing a book at him, a hard cover book. I think it was the hunger games. He chuckled when the book missed him, and he walked off.
"Forget him. Let's watch the movie." Erin got up and turned on the DVD player and TV and put the movie in, shutting the lights off.
Alex Pettyfer really is sexy...

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