Chapter 13

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Kelli's POV
"My mom, dad and siblings all got murdered." I softly and quietly said, sitting up and bringing my knees to chest. He looked at me shocked. Oh no, here comes 'Get away from me you freak. You have a hit man after you.' That's what I got at my old school. I had my friends, but then there was those kids who picked at any kid who stepped out of line, unfortunately it was me.
"Kel-" I sighed and he stopped. I need to get this out. I haven't talked to anyone about this, Kirra, Ellie, and Una tried to, but I would always change the subject.
"It was a year and a half ago, April 29th, it was a Monday and as normal as any other day for me. We all went to school, my younger sister Kiana took the bus to school, my younger brother Kyle got a ride from one of his friends, and I got a ride from Ellie. Kirra lived in a small apartment acrossed town, and my parents went to work. But something about the day felt off, I knew something was going to happen, but what, I had no idea..." I drew in a shaky breath and looked over at Billy. Why am I telling him my life story?

He was staring at the ground,
"El and I went over Una house after school to go shopping. But I forgot my wallet, so we just stayed at her house, for a while. I went home around seven, and saw that the front door was wide open. The screen door was shut but unlocked and my mom always locked it. I got kind of worried, and ran into the house, when my dog didn't start barking, I knew something was wrong. I remember walking quietly into the living room and the TV was off, and that was never off when someone was home. I heard a thump up stairs and I ran to the closet and got a baseball bat." I said closing my eyes. It was like a vivid picture in my head.
"I walked up the stairs and heard crying. My stomach dropped when I heard it, it was my little sister cry. I heard something that was thrown at the wall and a scream. I ran up the stairs and saw a shadow in my brother's room, that's where the crying was coming from. The door was halfway open, it started to open and I ran into the nearest room. The person walked by, stopping in front of the door, he was about to open when I heard a scream and then a gun shot. I heard sirens in the distant, so I went out the room and saw... my baby s-s-sister laying on the ground d-d-d-dead. The monster saw me and came towards me with the gun I swung the baseball bat and closed my eyes. After that was kind of a blur, I felt arms wrap around me and a cop saying to let the bat go." I some tears came from my eyes.

I felt Billy's arm go around my waist and bring me to his chest.
"It's okay Kelli, you don't have to continue." He whispered softly. I shook my head,
"N-no I need to talk, I've bottled this up since that day..." I took a deep breath and felt him nod,
"It turned out the guy killed my parents in their room, and killed my brother Kyle in his room. Kiana was the last one left, and I'm pretty sure an eight year old in that kind of situation wouldn't really know what to do. B-but she saved my life." I wiped my tear. "I lived with Kirra since. School was hard, people made fun of me, saying a killer or hit man was after me." I said.
"I didn't tell Kirra, because it didn't really bother me, until the end of junior year, that's when things got really hard. Kirra wasn't herself either and she agreed we needed a change, so we came here. We also got all the money our parents left for us, that's how we afforded moving here." I said.

"Is the guy that, um you know, still out there?" he asked. I sighed,
"I didn't hit him hard enough in the head to kill him. But he was in the hospital and then went to prison for life, with 1st degree murder." I said.
"At least he's locked away." Billy said rubbing my arm.
"Did you ever find out why he did that?" He asked quietly.
"It was all planned, my dad made this deal with this guy before he met my mom in college. I guess my dad never paid the guy the money and he hired a hit man to kill him. He was only supposed to kill him but my mom, Kiana, and Kyle where home at the time." I sighed.
"Did they get the guy who hired the hit man?" he asked.
"Yeah, but the guy's family is so rich that they bailed his way out of jail." I said.
"Then why would he want you dad's money if he's so rich?" he asked.
"That my friend is a good question." I said.
"I ask myself that everyday."
"Well at least the killers gone." He said.
"Yeah, but I'll never get my whole family back. I take medicine sometimes to forget that awful memory." I said.
"I get really bad nightmares at times, and I would get flashbacks." I sighed.
"Do you still get them?" he asked.
"It's not that frequent or bad," I said. We didn't say much after that; we laid down next to each other looking up at the evening sky. The clouds were a pink, purple, and orange from the sun setting.

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