Chapter 8

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Kelli's POV
"Rock a bye baby on a treetop, when the wind blows the cradle will rock-"
"No you idiot, we are trying to wake her up." I heard someone mutter.
"Shh we should scare her." Robby?
"Wait! I think she's waking up." Well that's definitely Gregg's voice, but what who were the other voices? I rolled over and looked up the four people who somehow gotten into my room.
"El? Una?" I asked sitting up, am I dreaming? A smile broke out on my face and I jumped up and hugged my two best friends.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
"We got in about an hour ago, but the airport pretty far away." Una said smiling.
"Did Kirra pick you up?" I asked.
"No, these two did." Ellie pointed to Robert and Gregg who sat on my bed throwing my little stuffed monkey around.
"Hey! Don't do that!" I yelled taking the monkey from the two baboons.
"Anyway how did you know to pick them up?" I asked setting my monkey down.
"When we Skyped we gave them our numbers. We did call Kirra but she said she was at a job interview, so we decided to give these two a call." Ellie said and smirked at Gregg, he smirked back, ew my friends are flirting in front of me.
"How long are you two staying for?" I asked.
"Only three days, you know our school's starting early this year?" Una muttered curses under her breath.
"Why?" I asked.
"I don't know, the whole school district board got changed," Ellie said. I nodded.
"Well you guys can go make some breakfast or something. I have morning breath, so I'm going to brush my teeth."

I skipped out of my room and to the bathroom. It's been two weeks since I got here, a week since I was at the lake house and talked to Billy, three days since Erin, Stefanie, Sierra, and I went shopping; apparently Allie had to 'do something', honestly I think she just doesn't like me. But I really don't mind, I made wonderful friends, and plus my two best friends are here, so my life can't get any better right now.
"KEELLLL!!" Robert yelled coming into the bathroom, me having tooth paste all around my mouth, how embarrassing.
"Robby's being a meanie!" Niall yelled also coming in. Wait, when did he get here?
"Nuh uh!" Robert stuck his tongue out. Those two started to argue, next thing I know Stefanie and Jake came in.
"Isn't Taylor Lautner cute?" Stefanie asked.
"No! He's just a freaking werewolf with fake abs!" Jake said.
"What did you just say about my husband?!?!" Una said coming into the bathroom also. So now we have Stefanie and Una arguing against Jake about Taylor Lautner's abs, Niall and Robert arguing about who's a bigger meanie. Why are all these people in my bathroom? I spit, rinsed and wiped my mouth,
"Guys... Guys... LADIES AND GENTS CAN YOU SHUT UP! TAYLOR LAUTNER'S ABS ARE REAL! ROBBY ISN'T A MEANIE AND NEITHER ARE YOU NIALL! So can you now exit my bathroom so I can finish getting ready?" I asked.
"Sorry Kel." They all mumbled and walked out.
"Sorry I had to yell. But thank you for listening." I said and they walked out. I really don't understand how everyone always ends up in my house.

Sitting down on the couch next to Niall I looked around the room to see everyone here, well everyone being Gregg, Robert, Una, Ellie, Erin, Jake, Stefanie, Graham, Calum, and Billy. The whole crew, yay! (Note the sarcasm.)
"What shall we do today?" Robert asked and everyone but me, Billy, and Calum threw ideas out.
"We should go shopping." Erin said making, Stefanie, Ellie, and Una agree. Jake, Gregg, Graham, and Niall just threw something's out like going to the skate park, or the park. But then there's Robert, the one we have to worry about what goes through his mind.
"I think we should all go camping in the woods, and be like cavemen," he said proudly.
"Why would we act like cavemen?" Billy asked.
"Because it would be fun." Robert stated seriously.
"No it won't." Billy mumbled. I rolled my eyes, these people... As everyone argued about what to do today, I got up and made my way to the kitchen. I took a glass from one of the cabinet and filled it with Orange Juice.

"They can sure get a little crazy." Billy's voice came out of nowhere, making me almost drop my glass.
"Geez, Billy you scared me." I said, carefully setting my glass down and turned to him. He stood on the other side of the kitchen island, leaning on his elbows. He chuckled and smirked,
"So Kel I think we should get to know each other better." he winked. I rolled my eyes,
"There's nothing you need to know about me." I scoffed.
"Well we are friends... right?" he stuck out his bottom lip and did a cute puppy dog face.
"Well, um... yeah...?" I stuttered. Curse the cuteness of the puppy dog face. Maybe if I just turn and not look at him, I could answer with a simple no and then go to my room. But I'm not that kind of person. He started laughing,
"You don't remember when you were bugging me about me liking you?" Billy asked.
"Oh yeah." I chuckled a little.
"So Kelli, why didn't your parents come live with you and your sister here?" Billy asked standing up straight.
"Um... Well you see...uh... my parents were-"
"It's okay, I think I know." He said. I swallowed a lump that formed in my throat,
"Y-you do?"
"Yeah! Your mom was a hooker and your dad was a drug dealer." He cracked up at his own 'joke.' My mouth fell open and I went over and smacked him,
"No they were not!" I said.
"I'm just kidding." He took a deep breath,
"But you don't have to tell me, it's your business not mine." He smiled genuinely. Wow I never thought I would say this, but Billy was kind of has a little kindness in him, and when I say kind of, I mean really little piece of kindness in him.
"Thanks Billy." I said. He bent down and whispered in my ear,
"But I would like to know more in the future babe." He winked and the stalked off into the living room. Okay I take my words back. I grabbed my glass and went back into the living room and Robert was playing Just Dance 4, dancing to 'Wild, Wild, West' with his shirt off. Oh my friends.

So it turned out we didn't actually 'do' anything, as Jake put it. But it was fun, we played Just Dance 4, and watched movies, and played hide and seek, Robert's idea; but it was fun and it was something I would never forget. No, seriously, we took so many videos and pictures today. Around seven o'clock everyone went home, except for Una and Ellie, who are staying with me. Kirra came home and we watching a marathon of Pretty little liars, something me, my sister, and my two best friends use to do back in Delaware. At one thirty in the morning, we all went to bed, from the fun day.

So now, Ellie, Una, and I were at the mall shopping for new school clothes.
"Are you sure this is going to fit in our suitcases?" Ellie asked Una. Una was the shopaholic in the group. Yes Ellie and I did our shopping from time to time, but if Una could actually live in a mall, she would.
"Of course it will Ellie. Oh my gosh, I definitely buying this!" Una said pulling a pretty peach scarf off the rack at Hollister.
"You won't be able to find this in Delaware." She said trying it on.
"Sure you wouldn't." Ellie said and rolled her eyes looking at me. We both chuckled and went to look at some of the dresses.
"Do you ladies need any help?" A masculine voice came from behind us. Ellie looked at me and I looked at her, we both smirked and turned around. A Hollister employee, a.k.a Hollister hottie. Damn! He had brunette hair which was in a quiff, brown eyes, and a dimple, because he was smiling.
"No, we're just looking around..." Ellie flirtatiously smiled,
"My friend here," Oh no.
"Just moved to town, I'm just here visiting her, because we're best friends. But she would like to know if you go to the local high school." Okay when did I say this? He smiled and looked over to me,
"Yes I do. I'm a senior, and I'm assuming you'll be attending there too?" he asked.
"Yep." I smiled. What a dork I am.
"That's cool, maybe the first day of school, I could give you a tour. My names Cameron by the way."
"My name's Kelli, but call me Kels."
"But you told me to call you Kelli when we first met."

The dreadful voice came from behind me. I felt an arm snake around my waist and I was pulled into his side. Lord please help me.
"Cameron." Billy nodded over to Cameron, glaring.
"Billy." Cameron glared back. The tension in the air was thick as the two had a stare down,
"So Kel, you know him?" Cameron asked.
"Yes, she does." Billy said. Cameron shot a look at Billy and then at me, he smiled softly,
"Well I need to get back to work, call me over if you need help." He then turned and walked off to other customer. I pulled out of Billy's embrace and glared at him,
"What the hell?!" I yelled.
"What?" When I get angry my face scrunches up, my nostrils flare, and I'm on the edge to punch someone.
"Don't you dare act like you did nothing." I hissed
"I was just being a good friend Kel. Cameron not the kind of guy, that whole 'Hollister worker,' is a cover up. He's a no good player." Billy said looking me in the eye.
"Oh and you're not?" I put my hands on my hips.
"Oh Frank look at this young couple arguing. Remember we use to do that, but we ended up falling in love..." And old lady and man walked by us.
The old man sighed,
"Yes Maggie." He said. Okay first of all why is there an old couple in Hollister?
Billy wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me to his chest
"See Kel even old people know we are destined to be together." He said loud enough for Cameron to hear, who happened to be walking close by.
"Ugh Billy!" I pushed away from his chest.
"How did you even know I was here-You know what I'm leaving before something else bad happens. Goodbye Billy." I grabbed Ellie's arm and walked away.
"Bye princess!!" Billy yelled, making Ellie giggle and me roll me eyes. Can he be any louder?

I was so ticked off before I walked out without Una, so we had to wait another thirty minutes.
"Oh my god Una you missed it." Ellie giggled.
"What? What did I miss?" Una asked frantically. Ellie proceed to tell her the story, of the handsome Cameron, and the demon Billy.
"He so likes you!" Una gushed as we walked to the food court.
"No he doesn't. All he wants is to get in my pants, like all the other hormonal disgusting boy teenagers." I said.
"He may not like like you but it's defiantly a little crush." Ellie smirked. Of course she would say that.
"Whateves El." I sighed.

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