Chapter 3

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Kelli's POV
"Up and at 'em, sunshine!" Kirra bounced into my room. I groaned and rolled over.
"Come on Kelli! You fell asleep at ten last night, it's now twelve." She said.
I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes with my fist, yawning.
"Why? Why do I always get woken up so rudely?" I asked. No lying here, even back at our old house she would come in my room, on weekends and wake me up. Maybe that's why I'm grumpy in the morning.
"Get your working clothes on and get ready to be working your butt off today!" she called skipping out of the room. I sat there yawning for another five minutes before I decided to roll out of bed, literately. I landed with a thump and I was surprised I didn't fall through the floor.
"Kel are you okay?" Kirra yelled from downstairs.
"Perfectly fine!" I yelled back from the floor. I got up and went over to one of the boxes that was labeled 't-shirts' and another two labeled 'shorts' and 'underwear'. I grabbed a white v-neck, black and pink Nike shorts, a bra, and underpants. Going to the bathroom; I jumped in the shower and quickly washed myself and shampooed and conditioned my hair.

After I was done grooming myself, I ran down stairs,
"Finally Kel, I was thinking you drowned in the shower." Kirra said flipping a pancake.
"Well maybe- woah." I raised my eyebrow at the three guys sitting at my kitchen table.
"Who are they?" I asked pointing to the three musketeers who smirked at me.
"Oh, well Niall." She pointed to a boy with blonde hair that was like that Justin Bieber hair but different hair colour,
"Is Cody's cousin and they are his friends." Okay well that tells me who they are, not why they're in our house.
"So... Why are they here?" I asked.
"They're here to help carry the old furniture out and the new furniture in." Cody said walking through the kitchen door way. I have a feeling I'll be seeing him a lot around here.
"I'm paying them to help because they need the money for the damaged they did." Kirra put three pancakes on a plate and handed to me.
"Since you guys are still eating, Cody and I will start in the living room." Kirra walked out, Cody tagging along. I covered my pancakes in syrup and sat down at one of the empty chairs.

"Which one of you was the one who set off the fire cracker?" I asked, cutting my pancake.
"How do you know?" a kid with shaggy brown hair asked. His nickname will be Shaggy.
"I think I met your friend Gregg yesterday, at the convenience store down the road." I popped a piece of pancake in my mouth.
"Gregg, he doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut." A guy with curly brown hair said under his breath. His nickname could be Beemo, that little game thing from Adventure time, who is so cute, and quiet. Shaggy smirked. "Yeah well we're all pretty badass." He winked, flexing. I laughed and rolled my eyes,
"Cocky much?"
"No babe, it's just confidence, and a lot of it." He smirked. He was cute, but definitely not my type. He looked like a teddy bear you cuddle with, but was an over 'confident' teddy bear.
"Excuse my friend's whorey ways. I'm Niall, that's Robert," he pointed to Shaggy boy,
"and that's Jake."
"As you can tell babe, I'm the flirty, funny, and most handsome in the group." Robert said with a huge smirk and a wink.
"Niall here, is the... how do I put this...Hmmm FUN SUCKER!" Robert yelled like Jamie Lee Curtis did on Freaky Friday. That movie's hilarious.
"And Jake here, well he's the quiet one of the group. But he can be crazy at times." Robert earned two punches from Beemo and Niall, hmm... a nickname for Niall, he seemed like a guy that fights, so we'll call him Rocky.
"I'm Kelli."
"Sexy name." Shaggy smirked, which made Rocky hit him again. Well that name defiantly fits. I rolled my eyes,
"I would feel sorry for your girlfriend, if you have one. All you would do is flirt with other girls, maybe even guys." I smirked.
"Ooohhh!! Man she got you Robby! You don't even know the girl that well and she still got you man!" Rocky laughed, Beemo laughed silently shaking his head. Shaggy sat there unfazed.
"You just wish to be my girlfriend." He chuckled.
"I think your reading off your own wish list buddy." I got up putting my plate in the sink, leaving Beemo and Rocky making fun of Shaggy. Ha! Seems like someone's never got turned down.

Cody, Beemo, Shaggy, and Rocky had gotten all the old furniture out. The moving truck still wasn't here yet, so we decided to start painting. Kirra had picked out a nice warm tan color for the walls, and white color for the ceiling and boarders. I tied my hair up and started painting.
"Um, Kelli?" I turned around and saw Shaggy standing there. He came beside me and started painting.
"Listen, I'm sorry. I'm usually not that... overly cocky, I'm nice, and a funny guy. I'm easy to joke around with. So I just wanted to say sorry." Were all the guys around here this mushy, and forgive easily? What have their mommas' been teaching them? All the guys in my old school could care less if the insulted you, even if you were a girl. I smiled,
"It's alright Robert. I met guys that are way worse. Trust me." I said. He smiled showing his perfect teeth.
"Call me Robby."
"I actually had nicknames for you three." I said.
"Oh really what are they?" he smirked.
"You're Shaggy, Niall's Rocky, and Jake's Beemo." I said.
"What? What the hell is a Beemo?" Jake asked from acrossed the room.
"Why am I nicknamed after a Scooby-doo character?" Robert asked.
"I actually like my nickname." Niall smiled and continued painting.
"Well you two will just have to deal with those." I laughed, continuing to paint. Robert pouted and continued to move his brush up and down.
"So we cool?" he asked after a minute.
"Cool as in friends?" I asked.
"Hell yes." He laughed.
"Then hell yes!"
"YAY GUYS I GOT A NEW BEST FRIEND!!!" he yelled and picked me up in a bear hug making me drop my paint brush, thank god for the tarp.

A week past and the house was finally coming together, the living room was finished, the paint was dry, the wooden floor was redone and polished, the new furniture was in, the curtains were replaced with nice sheer white ones, and the old rug was gone. The kitchen was getting finished up by the boys; Kirra and I worked on the two bathrooms, and the upstairs hallway. The dining room was getting worked on here and there, but that soon will be finished too.

Robert, Niall, Jake, and I are starting to become real good friends, Gregg even stopped over too, they had three other friends, Billy, Calum, and Graham; Graham being Gregg's twin. I didn't meet those three yet, but what the boys are telling me is that they are the biggest troublemakers in their group, so I really didn't plan on meeting them.
"Kel!!" Robert yelled barging into my room.
"ROBERT! HAVEN'T YOU EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING ON A GIRLS DOOR BEFORE YOU BARGE IN?!?" I yelled covering my chest with my hand. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" I said slapping his arm.
"Ow woman! What have you been eating Spinach?" he asked rubbing his arm falling face down on my bed. Yes my bed has also come, but my room isn't done yet. I flexed my arms and made a face like Popeye,
"Well mate. I think Popeye has taught me a lesson to eating your vegetables, you weakling."
"Oh yes, because just eating vegetables helps you get biceps, like these bad boys!" he said up flexing his arm. Okay, so I'm not the strongest person in the world.
"This is called going to the gym baby." He kissed his arm and laid back down.
"So Shaggy what has brought you and your wonderfulness here?" I asked picking up my drawing I dropped.
"I'm very grateful you think I'm wonderful. Thanks Kelli, it means a lot, really." I sensed his sarcasm and pushed him, making him fall off his bed.
"Owie!" he mumbled.
"Oh my god! That was so cute! Hearing a guy who thinks he's all that say owie!" I pinched his cheek when he sat up. He pushed my hand away,
"Glad to know you think I'm cute."
"Don't flatter yourself Robby. I said that was so cute. Meaning what you did was cute, not yourself." I said, a pillow came flying at my face and hit me.
"Ouchy!" I whined.
"Aw! Look who's cute now!!" I rolled my eyes.
"Why are you even here? Who let you in?" I asked. Kirra is over Cody's house and has been getting really, and I mean, really, close with Cody, if you know what I mean. *wink, wink* I'm just kidding, but they do seem like they've been getting along well.
"You left your door open dumbie." He said flicking my forehead,
"And I'm here because I'm bored."
"So you just came here for me to entertain you and keep you from your boredom?" I asked.
"Yes." He smiled triumphantly and went looking around my room,
"You really need to start decorating this room." He said.
"I will. I just need to find a color to paint this." I said.
"I think a hot pink would do." He turned around and winked. I don't mind the color pink, but he knows I don't like it.
"Oh hardy har har." I stuck my tongue out at him.

He chuckled,
"Me and the guys are going out Friday night... You wanna come? You'll get to meet Billy, Calum, and Graham."
"Uh, sure. Are you guys going to see a movie or something?" I asked. He started laughing like I said the most hilarious joke.
"Oh Kelli, Kelli, sweet Kelli. You don't know our Friday nights." He said, which made me feel kind of nervous, but excited at the same time.

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