Chapter 1

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Kelli's POV
"JUST A SMALL TOWN GIRL! LIVING IN A LONELY WOOORRLLDD! SHE TOOK A MIDNIGHT TRAIN GOING ANYWHERE!!!!" Kirra sang off tune. I laughed and started to sing the next verse.
"A SINGER IN A SMOKEY ROOM! A SMELL OF WINE AND CHEAP PERFUME! FOR A SMILE THEY CAN SHARE THE NIGHT! IT GOES ON AND ON AND ON!!" I laughed and threw my arms up in the air and Kirra sped down the country road blasting Journey. My hair blew messily behind me, not like in the movies where the girl rides in a convertible and all her make-up and hair is alright at the end. No, but I wish.
My sister and I are moving to this small town in Indiana. It wasn't in the country part, but you had to drive through it to get there. We've been here a lot of times when we were younger, when everything was alright.

The air was perfect, not to hot, or to cold, just right. No bugs in the air, and the sky was such a pretty blue it made Chase Crawford's blue eyes go to shame, and that says a lot. Some puffy clouds where in the sky, and I couldn't help but make them into something. "That cloud looks like a snowman!" I pointed up to the cloud.
"Kel I would look up but...I'm driving." She chuckled and turned the radio down a little. I shrugged and continued to stare up into the sky. We passed by some houses... well maybe not a lot of houses more like two, and one of them looked like an old worn down barn that no one uses anymore.
"When are we going to be there?" I groaned and put my feet up on the dash board. Driving from Delaware to Indiana was tiring, we didn't take a plane because Kirra said she wanted to drive through some states and take in their beauty. But I guess Kirra didn't realize she drives like a manic and we got to Indiana in three days with only about seven or eight stops. No joke.
"In a little bit. Why don't you read your magazines you brought?" She suggested something for me to do.
"I read all of them."
"How about that book you brought?" She asked.
"I'm too bored to read." I said.
"No games on your phone or IPod?" She tried again.
"Both dead and I can't charge them because you won't let me use the car phone charger." She's using her phone GPS that almost got us lost three times. I set my chair back, prepared to take a nap because Kirra said that we'll be there in a little bit, three hours ago.
"Okay then. Just take a nap." She said.
"That's what I was going to do." I said and got comfortable.

"Kel! Kelli! Kelli, wake up!" Who dares to wake me up from my sleep? I mean someone shaking me and yelling at me to wake up is obviously not going to go down good. I grabbed the closest thing I could grab, and threw it at the person who disturbed my sleep.
"Ouch! You know I lived with you since mom brought you home from the hospital, you think I would have learned to stay fifty feet away from you when I'm trying to wake you up!" I cracked one eye open and saw Kirra rubbing her cheek.
"Sorry Kir." I said.
"But you know better." I chuckled. I hoped out of the car and it turned out to be a phone, particularly my phone, which I threw at Kirra.
"I know. I know." She grumbled. "Anyway, now that is over. WE'RE HERE!" she exclaimed pointing to Maybe...?
"Uh... not to sound like a bitch... but um what is that?" I asked pointing to the house. That old barn I saw on the way here looked better.
"Our old summer house! The house we use to stay in." She clapped her hands. Our summer house... I thought. It once was my whole family's summer house. Yeah, we didn't have a beach house, or a lake house, we had a house in a small town that got us away from all that stress back home.

It was beautiful here, if you went exploring in the woods, like I did when I was younger I found a beautiful meadow. And down the road is a huge lake for the whole town everyone uses in the summer. But we stopped coming when I was twelve and Kirra was nineteen. I don't know why, but we did.
I looked at her, then to the house, and then back to her. "So... we're living in that?" I asked.
"Yeah... it's a fixer upper, but I think we'll be able to do it. I mean five years of no one living here does wear down a house, plus this was old to begin with. But mom never wanted to have it like a modern house; she loved the old fashion type of stuff." She babbled on.
"Okay. So you think we'll be able to fix that? We're going to do this all by ourselves?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, yeah!" She smiled. "I think it would give us time to have sister bonding time."
"Not to sound rude or anything, but Kirra we see each other like every day and talk to each other every day." I shrugged. She sighed.
"I know... And you'll be starting school in a month, and I don't think we'll be able to finish-"
"Kirra Berglund?" a guy's voice came from behind Kirra. Kirra had wide eyes and slowly turned around, I looked from behind her. Wow! Sexy guy alert! A guy with light brown hair and what looked like to be piercing blue eyes smiled and waved from the house next to ours. It was a lot of feet away from our house and so was the yard the guy was in. His shirt was covered in dirty from whatever he was doing and his hair was a bit messy, but it made him look cuter.
" Cody Christian?" Kirra asked barely above a whisper. His smile never left his face and he made his way over to us.
"I never thought I'd see you again. I mean everyone in this town thought you would never come back, not after..." he cut himself off.
"Well it's good to see you." He said. Kirra was stiff and not moving, I wasn't sure if she was even breathing. I nudged her arm, which startled her; she jumped and bumped into the guy. She turned her head and glared at me. "Sorry...?" I trailed off.
"Cody. And you're Kel right?" He asked. Waaaiittt... how does he know me?
"You don't remember me do you?" he raised his eyebrow.
"No." I simply said.
"Well, you, your sister, and I use to be best friends here, when you would come in for the summer." He chuckled.
"Oh, well most of the memories here I forget." I said. I more like tried to forget memories here, because I never thought I would be back here.
"But anyways, sorry for Kirra's crazy ways, she's been on medicine." I leaned closer to him and whispered.
"She's a little loopy." I did a little circle with my finger by my head. He laughed and Kirra gasped.
"Well cheerio! I'll leave you two alone." I skipped away with the keys and went up the porch. Well carefully went up the porch.

It creaked like it would break if there was too much pressure.
"Oh geez." I muttered and I tiptoed to the front door. I put the key into the key slot and twisted it. I grabbed the old door handle and jiggled it making the door open. Talk about dust. Only five years and it got this dusty. I coughed, if I had asthma I would have been dead by now. I walked around the house the living room defiantly wouldn't look like a modern day house. A large TV with the box on the back took up one corner of the room; a couch that looked older then my grandma faced it along with a reclining chair that matched. A rug that looked from the 60s covered the floor, the curtains looked stiff as a board, I was afraid if I tried to move them they would fall to pieces. The paint on the walls is peeling off, and everything was basically covered in dust. I walked to the kitchen, at least the style was better, but again it needed to be fixed up. I walked into the dining room and almost fell in a small hole in the floor. I looked down and saw the hole, that has been there since I was six when my cousin Thomas stomped his foot and put a hole through the floor boards. I chuckled at the memory, and how my parents have never gotten it fixed. The bathroom was I think the best room down stairs, but it looked like the 70s gone wrong in it. I went to the stairs and walked up them not putting a lot of pressure on them. The rug on the steps and upstairs hallway was pulling at the sides; it looked like cats have been ripping at them. But there are no cats in here; hopefully, the rugs are just that old.

I opened the first door on the right and saw the room my parents always used when we came here. It was the smallest because, if our family came down like our cousins and aunts and uncles, they gave them the bigger rooms to share. The next two rooms where the rooms that where just empty, the first door on the left was the bathroom and the second was the room Kirra and my older cousins stayed in. The next one was the one the boy cousins stayed in and the last one was my cousin Bonnie and I's room, we were the youngest in the family and we both got the biggest room.

I shut the door and went back downstairs. As my foot hit the floor Kirra came in from outside.
"Why did you tell Cody I was loopy?" she asked trying to be angry, but then laughed.
"Nah I'm just kidding. But I can't believe Cody Christian still remembers me. I haven't seen him since I was nineteen. We had such good times when we would come down here for the summer. We went out for a while too." She said. Then a second later she recalled what she had said and covered her mouth.
"You and Cody use to go out?" I asked.
"Please don't be mad I never told you." She begged.
"I never even told mom or dad." I laughed.
"I'm not mad..."
"You're not?"
"NO! I think that's cute!" I squealed.
"I mean not to sound creepy or anything. But Cody is a hot piece of meat and honestly if you didn't tap that piece of ass, I would have. Oh! And you two would have the cutest, sexiest babies in the town. Then I would be an aunt... THEN I WOULD BE AN AUNT!" I yelled the last part.
"Please don't make me an aunt yet. I'm seventeen, at least wait until I'm out of high school. Only a year." I said. I know people become aunts and uncles younger than me, but I just don't want to be one yet.
"Calm down Kelli! Cody and I haven't talked in over five and a half years. I'm not just going to have his kids." She said.
"They would be your kids too. But you still think he's sexy, don't you Kirra?" I made that face that SpongeBob made when he tries to get squidward to confess his undying love for krabby patties. Well at least tried to make that face.
"I- uh- I'm not telling you!" I smirked. "Oh! You know you still think he's hot! As soon as you heard his voice you were having dirty thoughts."
"Ew. Please never let me hear that come out of the little sister's seventeen year old mouth."
"So when I'm eighteen I could say it?"

I know Kirra is younger than Kelli in real life but I just wanted her to be elder so don't judge!!!!!! PLZZZZZ VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!! 😀

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