Chapter 26

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Kelli's POV
It's been a week since I told Ariana to tell Peyton that I didn't want to be on the team anymore, she's been giving me glares in the halls and the classes we have together. It's also been a week since My cold is also going away; all I had now was a small cough. Today was Friday, also the 'big' game.
"Hey Kel!" I looked behind me and saw Daniel walking with his arm wrapped around a small girl's waist. I waved and walked over to him.
"Hey Dan!" I smiled.
"Are you going to the game tonight?" he asked.
I nodded, "Yup!"
"Cool, are you sitting with Billy?" he asked looking behind me. I shrugged and felt an arm wrap around my waist like.
"Yes she is." Billy said. Daniel raised an eyebrow as the girl next to him beamed at the both of us,
"Are you guys...?" Daniel trailed off. It got awkward for a bit, seeing neither Billy nor I had any answer for that.
"Is this your girlfriend?" I asked breaking the silence, looking at the girl. She was very short, with Brown hair and pretty blue eyes, she had olive skin.
"Yep my beautiful girlfriend Emma and she is from the UK."He smiled down at her.
"Hello." She smiled shyly at me. I smiled back at her,
"Where did you move from The UK?"
She smiled ,
"Born and raised in London, my family moved here about three years ago." She said with a British accent.
"That's so cool." I said. I would love to travel to the UK. She smiled, and looked at the ground.
"Well we'll see you guys at the game." Daniel and Emma waved bye and left. Billy tightened his grip on me.
"Billy?" I asked looking over the parking lot, my eyes landed on three people who were huddled by a car, and the girl yelling at the two boys. I easily could tell it was Peyton yelling at Cameron, and some other guy.
"Hm?" He asked wrapping his other arm around my waist, hugging me from behind. His breath hit the back of my neck making me shiver.
"Who's that guy?" I asked nodding over to the boy I didn't recognize. He lifted his head from my neck and looked over at them,
"Liam Payne, he's strange." He said.
"Why do you think Peyton and Cameron are talking to him?" I asked.
"Who knows they all are crazy." He chuckled; I rolled my eyes and turned myself around,

"What should we do now?" He asked.
I shrugged,
"Let's just go get ready for the game." I said.
"I'm just wearing what I wearing right now to the game." He said grabbing my hand and leading me to his car.
"So you're coming over?" I asked. I don't know how Kirra would feel about having a guy over, I mean she's already question Cody if she should ask if I had sex or not.
"If you want me to..." He looked over at me.
"Sure." I shrugged. He grinned and we got into his car.

"Billy! No!" I yelled giggling as I tried getting off the bed, don't get the wrong idea, I was simply getting ready for the game when Billy pulled me down on the bed, not letting me get up.
"Come on Kel." He whined snuggling into my side.
"Do we have to go?" He asked.
"Yes, we have to." I argued back trying to unwrap his arm around my waist but failing to do so.
"I'm tired." He complained.
"So am I but I'm going." I rolled over and looked at him.
"Please." I stuck out my bottom lip and gave him my puppy dog eyes.
He sighed and let go,
"Fine." He said. I smiled and hopped out of bed and over to my mirror, finishing my make-up.
"You don't need that." Billy muttered.
"Yes I do." I said applying mascara, it was very rare you see me put this much make-up on, I was too lazy in the morning to do so anyway.
He muttered something under his breath, before getting out of bed and slipping his shoes on,
"Ready to go princess?" He asked as he held the door open. I smiled and shook my head,
"Why do you always call me that?"
His cheeks redden, he looked everywhere but me,
"Because..." I chuckled,
"It's alright, I like it." I smirked walking by him, and down the stairs. I said bye to Kirra and Cody who cuddling on the couch.
"Be home by twelve!" She yelled before I closed the door.
"Alright!" I yelled back.

Billy took my hand and led me to his car. It was a quiet ride to the field, except for the occasional off key singing. I like this side of Billy where he was goofy and not have his bad boy act up. I never really understood why people call him the bad boy at school; he really doesn't even seem like one. When we arrived at the football field it was already packed. We found a parking spot in one of the last sections to park in,
"How many people come to these football games?" I asked. In my old school we would have people come to championship games, and stuff but never this many.
"This school is really big with this kind of stuff." He said hopping out. I followed closely behind him as we past some cars with kids- or should I say adults smoking and laughing. Billy came to my side and pulled my hand.
"Whatever these guys say don't listen." He whispered into my ear. I nodded and kept my head straight.
"Billy! Long time no see." A guy who looked too old to be in high school, but to young looking to be in his thirties called to Billy.
"I don't care Mike." Billy yelled over to him.
"Got yourself a pretty little lady kid?" Another guy said. He looked the same age as the first guy did.
"Mind if you share?" he asked. Billy stopped walking and turned around, "No fucking way. Justin you're a scumbag!" Billy yelled, the guy Billy called Mike started laughing, while the one named Justin raised his eyebrow, giving Billy a dangerous look.
"Oh what you're afraid I'll take her away like that guy did with Zendaya?" He teased Billy with a smirk. I felt him tense next to me. I squeezed his hand.
"It's not worth it." I whispered to him. He took a deep breath and nodded. We both turned around and started walking to the field again.
"Your girlfriend can calm you down? You're such a wimp kid." Justin yelled. I could tell it was hard for Billy to not turn around and go beat their faces in, so I kept my grip on his hand and continued walking.

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