Chapter 17

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Kelli's POV
I sighed as I stood in line at lunch. It was Monday, I'm tired and I have stupid cheerleading practice.
"Are you just going to move up or just stand there?" I heard someone say to me. I looked behind to see Billy smirking.
"Oh hey." I mumbled and moved up.
"Why are you acting like a zombie?" he asked. It seemed like an eternity since I talked to him, but it was just last week.
I yawned,
"Just tired." I shrugged.
"Did I miss anything when I wasn't here Thursday?" he asked trying to pick up a conversation. I wasn't in the mood to talk, to be honest I think I only talked to two people today and that was Erin and Robert.
"Nothing really, but I joined the cheerleading squad." I muttered.
"You what?" he asked.
"I joined the-"
"I know what you said. I mean why?" he asked. I shrugged.
"Long story, I don't feel like talking, so you can ask your sister or Stef." I said. He kept quiet after that, and I felt kind of bad but the line moved and I got my lunch and paid for it and made my way to the lunch table.

I followed Debby and Ariana out to the track/football field area. I sighed and pulled down the skirt. They practice in their uniforms... I much rather wear basketball shorts, and an old baggy t-shirt.
"Stop pulling at the skirt, you're going to rip it." Ariana snapped. Debby looked over at me,
"You look fine." She said. I sighed,
"Thanks." The uniform was white, red, and blue, to match our school colors, I guess they were trying to be super heroes or something.
"Alright girls we have a new teammate!" Peyton said. Some girls smiled, others rolled their eyes. I felt so out of place that I felt like puking.
"Did she even try out?" A girl in the back of the group snapped.
"No... but I can tell she'll be really good. Vanessa and Debby take her to the side and show her one of the routines." Peyton barked fishously at them. I gulped, this is going to end terribly, for one reason I can't dance or flex my body, and two I don't really heaave a good memory to remember routines. This one time when I was seven my mom put me in this hip hop class, and when it came to the recital, I forgot all the moves and just hopped on the stage like a bunny. I got to say that was one of the embarrassing moments in my life.
"Don't look so stressed." Vanessa came to walk beside me as we follow Debby over to the spot Peyton told us to go.

I chuckled nervously,
"Yeah well, I'm a little scared I'll get embarrassed" I said looking over to the football players.Vanessa laughed,
"Don't worry about them, they hardly look over here, only when they have a break, and that's not often." She said.
I nodded,
"Also I'm not the best cheerleader."
"I was actually surprised when Peyton said we have a new girl. But just act like you know what you're doing, and don't act scared, Peyton will eat you alive if she sees that. She scares off most the freshmen." I raised my eyebrows,
"Yeah... but don't worry." She laughed.
"Alright Kelli we are first going to start off with stretches so we don't pull anything." Debby said once we reached our destination. We stretched our arms, legs, necks, backs, thighs, stomach, everything and anything that could be stretched basically.
"So the first routine isn't so hard. We'll explain and show the steps and you repeat them. The count is in eighths." She said quickly.

Mother of the holy aliens, I never, and I mean never practiced so hard in my life for something. I wasn't that I want to do good, but the fact I kept failing at learning the routine killed me. I wasn't just going to do this to look like a goof; I want to look half decent at least.
Debby sighed frustrated,
"No Kelli not low V, high V, low touch down. It's high V, low V, high touch down, punch." Debby showed me the moves again, to the first part of the routine.
"Oh lord, and this is the easiest." She mumbled.
"Listen, I know your new, and all, but go to the gym tomorrow with Vanessa, she'll teach you all the basics, then work on flips and stuff. I won't tell Peyton how bad you did." She said.
I nodded,
"GIRLS!" Peyton yelled. We jogged back over to where Peyton stood with the squad.
"So how'd she do?" Peyton asked.
"Okay." Debby lied. I was horrible.
"Good, practice tomorrow 5:30, and 3:30." Wait, did she just say 5:30? I hope she means 5:30 in the afternoon.
I leaned over to Vanessa and whispered, "5:30...?"
"In the morning." She whispered back. Holy fuck.
"Good practice today ladies. Go get cleaned up." Peyton said. I went to the locker rooms and changed quickly into my clothes. I threw my gym bag over my shoulder and headed out.

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