Chapter 12

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Kelli's POV
"Robby really did that?" I asked. Billy chuckled and popped some home fries in his mouth. We went to eat at this cute restaurant, it wasn't packed, there was like only two other people here.
"Yes. He lost the bet." Billy shrugged looking at me.
"I would have said no anyway..." I took a sip of my coke.
"It's Robby we're talking about, we don't know what goes on in his head." We both laughed and continued eating. Billy was telling a me a story of when they were freshmen, Robert lost some kind of bet and had to run around in Erin's pink zebra bra and matching underwear from Victoria Secret's and run around the school halls yelling
'I love Channing Tatum'.

"Here y'all go darlings." Kayla put the bill on the table. She was a lady in about her fifties and was the cutest ever. She was short and plump, not waitress material at all, but she was so sweet to everyone, she also has a slight southern drawl that goes with her personality and appearance. Billy must come here often because she was talking to him like she knew him for years.
"Y'all are so cute together." She giggled, and leaned over to Billy,
"She's definitely a keeper." She whispered loudly. She winked and then walked off. I chuckled,
"She's so sweet." I looked at Billy who was a light pink.
"Yeah and she is embarrassing." He mumbled.
"So you come here often?" I asked.
"I've been coming here ever since I was a baby and Kayla has known me since." He said. I nodded and started to eat my hamburger. Man that thing was good.
"So Kel what's one crazy thing you have done back in Delaware?" Billy asked me.
"Well there are a lot of things, but I think sneaking out to go to this one party two years ago was definitely underneath my definition off crazy." I said.
"Please, I've snuck out a million times." He winked.
"Yeah, but my sneaking out was a huge fail." I smirked.
"How so?" He smiled mischievously.

"Well my house was a normal looking house, my room faced my back yard and there were no trees there. So me taking the advice from some of my idiot friends, I tied all the blankets and sheets in my room together, I tied the end to my dresser and climbed down it. But not realizing that tying blankets and sheets together actually doesn't work, the blankets came untied and I fell, landing on my butt making my mom's flower pots fall over, and the babysitter-"
"Wait you had a babysitter?" Billy asked with a chuckle.
"Yes. My parents didn't trust me at night alone at home." I laughed,
"Anyway, the sitter came running out and me and my friends went running towards my fence, now my fence was pretty high and to get to the exit one of us would have been caught by the guy, so we all jumped over, in our dresses and nice jeans, and the guy caught my leg, making me fall again ripping my dress, and falling into my yard, so all that I have done, has gotten me caught, with a ripped dress, and a sore butt."
"Wow I never excepted you to be so badass." He smiled. I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.
"Yeah, I'm the baddest there is," I smirked.
"But that was like the highlight of my sophomore year, I got grounded for two weeks, but my parents actually laughed when they saw my dress, and half the rope that I didn't untie." I said.
"My sophomore year was a blur, hardly remember anything." He laughed leaning back in his chair.
"Was it to many girls, or too much drinking?" I asked raising an eyebrow putting my elbows on the table.
"It was definitely both." He chuckled and copied my movements.

"Did you have any boyfriends?" So he wants to play that game. I smirked,
"To many to count ya know, I never really liked getting tied down, I like playing the field." I bluffed; I only had two boyfriends and the first one was in middle school, and lasted two weeks.
"Oh really? Name at least four of them." He said. Okay Kel., just think of all your guy friends back home.
"Will Pouter, Jason Earles, Dylan Snyder, and Mateo Arias."I smirked at him.
"I think your lying." He smirked. For some reason I felt like I was in a poker game, bluffing to see who's card comes out on top, and wins all the money.
"I think I'm telling the truth." I said.
"You're a pretty good liar Kelli. I almost believed you." He smirked.
"I know I am, but I'm telling nothing but the truth."
"I think your telling anything but the truth." He narrowed his eyes and we had a staring contest, daring one another to give up. I can't keep a straight for so long, so I laughed,
"Okay Billy you got me, but I did have two boyfriends." I said.
"Oh let me guess Alex Pettyfer and Taylor Lautner." He said.
"Ha, you're really funny. But those guys I named were my friends." I said.
"I would ask you how many girlfriends you had but I already got my answer from Er." I smiled innocently. From what she said, Billy didn't have too many girlfriends either.

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