Chapter 37

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Kelli's POV
"So what do you think about this one?" Erin asked. She held her phone in her hands as we were waiting to walk down to be seated for the graduation ceremony. Yes, the graduation ceremony. The day has finally come were you could say you are a high schooler for the last time. The day that marks that you're finally an adult and nothing's going to be sugar coated for you anymore. The day that says you're in the real world. The day that some people dread and others couldn't wait for. The day known as none other than graduation.

"Ms. Unger, put the phone away." a teacher calls making Erin glare at him. She grumbled and shuts the phone off and places in her bra.
"This is so boring." She groans. Erin couldn't help put not stay still, she had to pull her phone out and start showing me pictures of dogs she wanted to get. Thankfully for us we were right next to each other, because of our last names and poor Stefanie was stuck all the way up at the front.
"It'll be over soon." I chuckled.
"Not soon enough, I just want to move into my new apartment already!" She screeched causing people to look at her. Erin and Robert have decided to rent an apartment together close the college they will be attending acrossed town, and they were moving in today.
"Calm down drama queen." I said rolling my eyes. A week from now I'll be moving to New York with Khylin to get settled into the apartment and going to try and find a job, thankfully for Kirra she's spared me money until I'm on my feet and working a steady job.

Billy... well Billy and I have argued about a million times, he wanted to come with me to New York, but he was already accepted and ready to go to the University of Indiana, and I didn't want to stop him. I told him I'll be back and we will keep in touch. Trust me , we both have shared a good amount of tears together and just thinking about that makes me sad.
"Hellur? Kel we are going!" Erin says waving her hand in front of my face. I snap out of my gaze and realized that this was it. This was the day that was starting a new chapter in my life.

"Billy Unger..." The speaker spoke into the microphone for Billy to go up and receive her diploma. A loud cheer came from the crowd as she was called up. "Erin Unger..." I cheered for Erin and so did many other people. And then I was next, my heart was beating fastly, and I had no idea why I was over exaggerating about this.
"Kelli Berglund..." He said and I walked up to the stage and shook my principles hand who smiled at me. When I finally crossed the stage and was walking down, I could the relief come on me, I always had terrible stage fright, even it was only on there for like a minute.
I sat down and smiled,
"Good job baby." Billy kissed the side of my head,
"Thanks babe." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and we waited for everyone's names to be called.

Once the last person sat down and the principle and vice principle gave there speeches the final announcement came,
"And now ladies and gentlemen I give you the class of 2015!" Everyone jumped up throwing their caps in the air and then we all broke out into a song like high school musical. No that didn't happened, but we all did throw our caps in the air and cheered.
I did it.
High school sure went by fast.

Billy and I walked out to wait for everyone else.
"So next week." Billy started as we stood in the parking lot.
"Billy..." I looked up at him,
"Kel I just want you to be sure about this. I can come with you." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist,
"It's okay. You have plans for your future and I have mine." I said.
"I know but I just want to be with you." He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged me tightly.
"C'mon let's get some pictures." he said pulling me over to a group of friends. Erin, Stefanie, Robert, Jake, Niall, Calum, Graham, Gregg, Billy and I huddled into a group picture that Kirra was taking.
"3... 2.... 1... Cheese!" Everyone yelled except Robert who yelled,
"Milk!" I laughed,
"Robby, bruh."
"What I like milk better." Of course he does.

We were all back at Erin and Billy's house having some food that their mom made, with our families. The parents chatted, Kirra and Cody holding hands, and everyone just walking around talking to each other. I was standing by Stefanie and Jake when I felt arms wrap around my waist,
"Can you come with me?" Billy asked. I turned around and raised my eyebrow, he nodded me to follow him and I did taking hold of his hand. He led me to the back yard and we stood on his back patio looking out to were the sun was setting.

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