Chapter 19

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Kelli's POV
Thursday and Friday school days passed by very boring and I actually got detention Thursday because I fell asleep in Mr. Smith's class. I was now walking out of school with Cameron talking and smiling,
"What are we going to watch tonight?" I asked.We decided not to go out, just to stay at his place and watch movies,
"I really don't care, you pick." He said.
"I'll think about it." I shrugged. He nodded and unlocked his car, I got in the passenger seat and he got into the driver seat.
"My older sister and brother our in for a while because my sister is getting married, and my brother, just so you know when you get there; he's a bit... perverted." He said. I chuckled,
"Thanks for the heads up but I'm kind of friends with some pervs." He smiled at me and then started his car pulling out of the driveway. It was silent for the rest of the ride and no music playing, you don't know how bad it was for me not to switch the radio on and jam out to it, but I didn't know if he would like me touching his stuff, so I sat in my seat picking of my nail polish off.

He came up to his house, which was a pretty decent size, double story, with a garage and looked like big back yard.
"Come on I'll introduce you to my family." He smiled getting out. I grabbed my bag and got out too, meeting him in front of the car, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our hands, I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me. As cheesy as that sounds. He led me inside and he yelled,
"In here honey!" A soft voice called from the dining room. Cameron pulled me into there, and at the table sat four people, a lady and a man, probably in their mid-forties, a guy who looked like Cameron but an older version, and a girl who looked about the same age to the guy, maybe a little older though.
"Oh who's this?" The older lady smiled at me and got up from her seat.
"Mom, this is Kelli, the girl I told you about." Cameron smiled, squeezing my hand a little tighter.
"It's so nice to meet you Kelli! I'm Veronica Cameron's mom." The lady said. Cameron looked a lot like her, same facial feats, same eye color, and hair color, but she was extremely short.
"It's nice to meet you to Mrs. Dallas." I grinned. A man came up and wrapped his arm around Veronica's waist.
"Hello Kelli I'm Vincent, Cameron's father." Okay I definitely see where Cameron gets his height from, but he looked more like his mom.
"Hello, it's very nice to meet you too." I said and shook his hand.
"Well we were just going over everything about Molly's wedding. Will you be attending Kelli?" Veronica asked kindly.
I looked up at Cameron and he looked at his mom with a blank expression,
"I was going to ask her..." Cameron said.
"Well then ask her!" Veronica chuckled walking away with Vincent. Cameron turned to me,
"Sorry about that, I was going to ask you later on. But that clearly isn't happening." He chuckled.
"So Kel would you like to go to my sister's wedding with me?"
"Like be your date to the wedding?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"Yep." He smiled.
"I would love to be." I smiled and

Cameron brought me over to the table where his siblings sat.
"Hey Cameron! Is this your girlfriend?" the girl asked.
"No... not yet." He mumbled and I smiled,
"But this is Kelli. Kelli this is my older sister Molly." He said. Molly got up from her seat and came over and hugged me,
"It's nice to meet you Kelli. You better be coming to my wedding?"
"Yep!" I smiled.
"Good." She said sitting back down.
"I'm trying to figure out all the seating, I assume you want to sit by Cameron?" she asked looking down at a notebook with names.
"Yeah... but if you can't seat me there it's fine." I said. She flicked her hand,
"Psh it's no bother, I'll just take Peyton off the list since she's not coming... Right?" she looked up at Cameron.
He nodded,
"No she's not."
"Good she's very rude Cameron, I don't know how you put up with her." I laughed at Molly's statement and Cameron rolled his eyes.
"Anyway this is my brother Ryan." He pointed to the guy was sat acrossed from Molly. Him and Cameron look very much alike and you could easily tell they are brothers. Ryan smirked,
"Hello beautiful."
"Ryan back off." Cameron said wrapping his arm around my waist and pulled me behind hide him a bit. I saw Molly look up from the paper and glare at Ryan, along with Cameron.
"Chill dude, I'm not going to take your girl." Ryan said chuckling getting up.

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