Chapter 14

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Kelli's POV
"So you're staying over tomorrow night?" Stefanie asked as I pulled my books out for class.
"Yup." I said.
"Why do you seem so down in the dumps Kel?" She asked, as I closed my locker. I sighed, I honestly didn't know why I felt like this, maybe it was from staying up to two in the morning finishing my homework, or maybe it was just one of those days...
"I'm just tired." I said. It's been pretty boring today, and it seemed to be dragging, and first period didn't even start yet.
"Alright, if you need anything I'm here!" She smiled skipping away. I turned and ran into Cameron.
"Sorry!" I said. He chuckled and smiled down at me,
"It's okay. So about that date... would you like to go out tonight?" he asked.
I smiled,
"I would love to."
"Great, what class do you have now?" He asked.
"AP Bio..." I said.
"Okay, I'll walk you there." He said. We got into an argument about unicorns; if they are real or not.
"They are so real." I argued.
"No they are not." He playful argued back.
"Okay explain a rhino, or a horse." I said.
"A rhino is a rhino and a horse it a horse." He shrugged.
"But you don't get it, rhinos have one horn like a unicorn, and horses are just like unicorns without the horn. So if you mate them, a unicorn will be born." I said seriously.
He started laughing at my pathetic scientific explanation,
"Oh please explain that on to Mr. Smith, he'll love that." He said sarcastically. I punched his shoulder as we came up to Mr. Smith's classroom.
"Are you going to sit by me today at lunch? You know since your possessive little puppy isn't here." He said.
"Billy isn't po-" Wait stop Kelli, where you just going to defend Billy? No, no you were not.
"Um, yeah sure, I'll sit by you." I smiled.
"Okay," He bent down and for a minute I thought he was going to kiss me, but he kissed my cheek instead.
"Bye." He said and walked away.

"Cameron Dallas just kissed you on the cheek?" Some girl with blonde hair and blue eyes said in disbelief. She looked a lot like Peyton.
"Uh, yeah he did." I said with a smile on my face I made my way to my seat, and since Billy wasn't here, I had the lad table all to myself, well at least for five seconds.
"Does Peyton know?" The same girl asked sitting down in Billy's seat.
"I think so..."I trailed off.
"Are you and Peyton related somehow?" I asked. She laughed,
"Yeah we're cousins, my dad and her dad are brothers, so that's why we have the same last name." she said. I laughed a little,
"So... what's your first name?" I asked.
She slapped herself with her hand on her forehead, making me jump from the sudden action,
"I'm so dumb, well I am blonde." She chuckled.
"My name is Vanessa, and I'm 100% not like Peyton, I actually hate saying I'm related to her." She shuttered.
"Well you do look a lot like her." I said,
"You two could be sisters. By the way I'm Kelli but call me Kel." I shrugged.
"Our dads are twins." She shrugged.
"Anywho, you and Cameron are like a thing?" she asked.
"No, not yet, he asked me out on a date for this evening." I said.
She smiled,
"Well I'm glad, but watch out for Peyton. She always has tricks up her sleeve, especially when another girl goes for her ex." She said.
"So she's like a crazy ex-girlfriend?" I asked.
"Basically." She chuckled.
"Okay everyone, have a seat in your assigned seats." Vanessa sighed,
"I'll see you later Kelli!" She said happily and went over to her seat.

"Miss Berglund, no Unger today?" Mr. Smith said pushing up his glasses.
"Nope." I said.

I walked into the lunch room, by myself and went over to my usually table.
"Hey guys!" I said.
"I'm going to sit with Cameron today." I quickly mumbled.
"Don't let Billy find out." Robert sung.
"Please don't tell him." I begged them. They all nodded, but Calum gave me a look, like when a parent gives their child a look because they did something bad. I raised my eyebrow at him, he shrugged and went back to his conversation with Gregg. I made my way over to Cameron's table and gulped when everyone turned and looked at me, like I was some alien with ten heads.
"Hey Kel!" Cameron said. I looked over at him and smiled.
"Hey." How awkward is this.
"Guys this is Kelli Berglund." Cameron said, motioned me to come over and sit by him, which I gladly did.
"Why's everyone staring?" I whispered to him, once I sat down.
"Because they're not use to having someone new come to our table." He said back with a shrug.
"Kelli! Hey!" I turned to see Vanessa and two other girls to right.
"Hey Vanessa!" I said.

The whole lunch was boring, awkward, and weird. All everyone talked about was everyone else in the school.
"Did you hear about Robert Pattinson and Erin Unger?" Some girls gossiped. When I heard their names my ears perked up. Another girl gasped,
"Omg yes! The slut supposedly screwing him!" I glared at her and she didn't seem to notice,
"She really is a slut." Another girl chirped in. I stood up and gave my worst death glare i could muster to them,
"Excuse me." I said nastily. They turned and looked at me and scoffed,
"Um, yeah they are my friends you are talking about, Erin is not a slut, and Robert isn't a man whore! You need to shut your mouths before you get punched by someone." I said and grabbed stuff,
"I'm going Cameron, I'm sorry I can't sit by fake people." I said walking away.

The whole cafeteria was quiet and looking at me. I sighed, I have a feeling I dug my grave. I pushed open the doors and walked outside sitting underneath a tree. The only thing I didn't grab was my lunch and I was hungry. My stomach growled loudly, thank god no one was around to hear it-
"Here." I looked up to Erin, she tossed me and apple.
"Thanks." I said biting into it. She sat down next to me and didn't say anything.
"Thank you." She mumbled.
"Er you're my friend, I'm not going to let people talk about you behind your back." I said. She smiled at me.
"They have been going on with that for months now, even last school year." She said with a sad look.
"I think that's why Robby hasn't asked me out yet..." she sighed.
"Wait, you like Robby? And Robby likes you?" I asked.
"I think he likes me, he acts like he likes me, or maybe I was just assuming..." She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin on them.
"NO!" I yelled and she looked at me startled,
"I mean, he does like you, when we were at the lake house, he said he liked this girl but she went under the bro code, or whatever it was. I'm so dumb, how did I not see it was you! He flirts with you, his whole face lights up when you walk into the room, or even when you talk, he told me he liked his friend's sister, and you must be her!" I said putting all the clues together.
She sighed,
"Well Robby hasn't done anything about it." I snapped my fingers thinking of a plan,
"We'll make him do something about it."
"What do you mean?" she asked. I smirked,
"One thing that over power guys is jealous. Especially when it's their girl with some other guy."
"Oh so like you and Billy?" she smirked.
"What? No." I shook my head, "I don't like Billy like that." I said.
"But you did kiss him..." she wiggled her eyebrows.
"He kissed me. Totally a different story"
"You can keep denying it Kel." She said getting up. I shook my head and did the same. I don't like Billy like that...

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