Chapter 21

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Kelli's POV
I woke when I felt someone crawling out of bed and then a little giggle. I didn't open my eyes, I was too tired to anyway, I then heard the door open but not close. I sighed and started to go back to sleep when I felt something- more like human arms- go around my waist. At first I thought I was just dreaming, until I felt the arms tighten around me. I shot my eyes opened and saw Billy sleeping peacefully next to me. His face seemed like a little boy who was dreaming about anything happy in the world, no worries, just peace. I didn't want to wake him, but it was awkward, with me just staring at his face. I shook his shoulder, he mumbled something and pulled me closer, making me let out a small yelp.
"Billy!" I whispered at him.
"What mom?" he groaned rolling over so he was basically on top of me,
"I don't want to go to school." He muttered snuggling into me. My eyes widen,
"Billy I can't breathe!" I said louder and shook him harder. I felt him groan and lift himself up, but not all the way. He looked down at me, with a surprised look at first but then a smirk came to his face,
"Well hello there." I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest, which was kind of hard to do so because he was hovering over me,
"You think this is funny, don't you? You almost crushed my lungs, but you know that's okay." I sarcastically said smiling. He nodded and smiled,
"Of course it is."
"Oh look at we have here." I heard Erin call. Billy jumped back and sat next to me, I sat up too. Erin stood by the door with a smirk on her face and Nikki in her arms.
"Uh we didn't do anything." I blushed furiously.
"Uh huh," she raised her eyebrows,
"Just keep the noise down we have a kid in the house." She smirked and walked out, making me blush even harder.
"I never knew you were one to blush so easily." Billy joked poking my cheek.
I swatted his hand away,
"Yeah whatever-"I stopped myself and my eyes widen.
"We have school!" I yelled jumping up. I realized I was in the same clothes as yesterday and didn't have anything to wear. I heard Billy groan again, I looked at him to see him on his stomach and with a pillow over his head.
"I don't wanna go." He whined.
"We have to! I can't miss school and cheer practice Peyton will kill me." I said walking over and shaking his back.
"Screw her." He said reaching his arm out and pulling me down to the bed. He rolled to his side and brought me against him, my back against his chest.
"Billy seriously st-" I got cut off when his hand went over my mouth.
"Sh, go back to sleep." He mumbled nuzzling his head into the back of my neck. I got kind of nervous when he did that. Why? I don't know, I mean its Billy why the hell would I get nervous around him?
"I really need to go." I said against his hand. I pried it off, and tried to get up. He pulled me back and rolled over on me, déjà vu. I sighed at least he wasn't fully on top of me like he was before. Only half his body covered mind.
"I need to go to school Billy." I said.
"Just skip and you can go to your practice later." He said.
"How about if a teacher saw me? What would I say, oh I accidently slept over Billy Unger's house, fell asleep with him on his nieces bed, woke up the next morning forgot we had school, we were too tired to go so we stayed in bed, and then I came to practice because I wasn't tired anymore?" I asked him.
"Yup." He said. I rolled my eyes.
"Please Bil get up." I asked nicely. He shook his head.
"Pretty pwease?" I asked using a baby voice. He grumbled something under his breath and rolled over in the other direction,
"Fine." I smiled and jumped out of bed,
"But I'm not going." He said pulling the blankets over his head, they didn't even cover his entire body, seeing they are made for childern. The smile dropped from my face and I put my hands on my hips,
"Yes you are."
"No. I'm not." He's very much like a teenage girl. I pursed my lips and started jumping on the bed. I kept jumping until I heard a groan of pain; I stopped and pulled the blanket back, seeing Billy holding his crotch. I started laughing,
"It's not funny." He gasped out.
"Yeah it is." I smiled down at his pained face. It wasn't technically my fault; I was just mindlessly jumping, and didn't know where any of his body parts where, because of the blanket.
"Sorry. But come on we're going to be late." I said.
"Fine Kelli, but I'm going to annoy you all day." He said.

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