Chapter 4

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Kelli's POV
"Yo! Girl we have to chill before school starts!" Ellie yelled; from on the computer screen. Who ever invented, Skype, Oovoo, or any other video chat websites, thank you, seriously.
"Yes! Maybe you guys can come down next week, or the week after." I said. Ellie and Una sat in Una's purple room, the room which we all at least had twenty million sleep overs. One time we did that thing like on Aquamarine, where she called the guy she liked and hung up, Ellie being the one who called her crush, also threw the phone out the window like in the movie.
"We'll ask our parents, and you ask Kirra, later." Una said.
"So Kel what have you been up to...? Any boys?" She wiggled her eyebrows up and down. I chuckled,
"No, but I did meet these wonderful group of guys, they're funny, and really good friends so far." Ellie start to fake cry,
"Your already replacing us?" she sobbed and grabbed a pillow and hugged it.
"NO! I love you guys! But I'm going to need to make new friends. But you guys will always be my best friends."

"WHAT?!? I'm not your best friend anymore!" I turned toward my door and saw Robert there, along with Gregg, Niall, and Jake.
"Who's there?" Ellie and Una yelled.
"Is someone trapped in the computer? Oh my god I'll come help you!" Robert yelled running over, jumping on my bed, and sitting Indian styled.
"Hello there! I'm Robert and you are?" Robert winked and they giggle. Oh lord, here we go again.

I got kicked off my computer, with my video chat. The boys were all on my bed around the computer talking to Una and Ellie. I sat on the floor on my back reading a magazine. The doorbell rang and no one seemed to hear it. Okay I'll just get it guys, even though it might be a psycho killer, at 11 o'clock at night. I took a long deep breathe and got up, they didn't even realized I left, well I feel loved. I jumped down the stairs and to the front door. I creaked opened the door, a little, just in case it was Michael Myers, or Jason. Which it wasn't, but the guy kind of looked intimidating.
"Um who are you?" I asked. I opened the door a little bit more.
"Billy, my friend texted me to pick him up here." He said, his piercing hazel eyes looked at me. Billy, I don't know a Billy...
"Wait are you Robby's friend?" I asked.
"No, really?" his sarcasm was as clear as day.
"No need for the pissy attitude, dude." I said. He chuckled,
"But princess, it was a stupid question." He smiled. I rolled my eyes,
"Don't call me that."
"You didn't tell me your name, would you rather me call you something offensive?" he raised his eyebrow smirking, well he sure isn't shy.
"It's Kelli, Mr. Grump." I grumbled.
"Look who's being a hypocrite. Are you going to let me in, or do I just make my way in myself?" he asked.
"How is Robby friends with you?" I asked. He seemed so different from Robert, Gregg, Jake, and Niall.
"Again, a stupid question Princess. It's really How can I be friends with him." He said.
"Do you not give up?" I asked.
"Nope, never lost a battle, Princess, excuse me." He said and came right in, well then.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I yelled.
"Looking for the magical elves. What do you think I'm doing?" he asked, smirking.
"Geez any louder the windows will bust." I said, rubbing my ears.
"Is that supposed to be an insult?" he laughed.
"Yes." I snapped.
"Why are you even in my house? Can you get out?"
"Why are your parents going to come kick me out or something? Lecture you for having boys in the house?"
"No, I don't live with my parents; I live with my older sister Kirra who happens to be over my next door neighbors." I said.
"At eleven?"
"Let's just say, they are 'getting caught up'." I said.
"Ew with Mrs. Donald? Wow Kelli, your sisters sick." He made a disgusted face. A sudden feeling to punch this guy in the face sparked.
"So Kel I guess you've met Billy early." Niall chuckled coming down stairs with, Jakw, and Robert.
"Yeah... Aren't there four of you? Where's the other one?" I asked. Gregg wasn't down here yet.
"Ellie and Una wanted him to speak more. They absolutely love his accent." Jake said.
"Especially Ellie." He chuckled.
"Yeah well, they are pretty crazy at times." I said.
"I'll be right back."

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