Chapter 11

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Kelli's POV
Have you ever felt like you were stuck in something and couldn't get out? Like in mud? Or answering a question in class you have no idea about? Well yeah that's how I feel now. Billy's lips were soft, but rough at the same time on mine, if that made any sense. My mind was telling me to push him away, but my body was doing the opposite. Stupid teenage hormones.
"Hey you kids!" Finally someone came to my rescue.
"No PDA in the hallways." It was some old teacher who was walking by.
Billy pulled away, because I don't think I could have. I was breathless and I was looking at the ground, and heard the teacher mutter,
'Damn crazy teens.'
Billy's index and thumb went under my chin and brought my head up, making me look at him.
"If you ever kiss that dick wad, remember this kiss princess." He smirked and then walked away. Billy Unger just freaking kissed me and walked away like it was no big fucking deal. Excuse me for my language. I looked down the hall and saw Cameron glaring at Billy's back and some blonde chick I never saw in my life glaring at me. What did I ever do to her? I sighed out of frustration and went to my locker.

As I did the combination and angrily threw my stuff in there someone came up to me.
"Are you sure there's nothing going on between you and Unger?" Cameron asked. Thank you Billy for causing me so much stress. I huffed and turned to him,
"I swear to the heavily unicorns, or whatever, me and Billy are nothing but friends. Maybe not even friends anymore." I muttered to myself. He looked a little unsure but nodded his head and then told me he would see me later. I didn't notice the girl that was with him before was standing in front of me now, smiling. But it wasn't a kind smile.
"So you like Billy...? Or is it Cameron?" she asked.
"I never liked Billy liked that." I told her.
"So it's Cameron you like?" she raised her eyebrow.
"Yes I like Cameron, okay." I said. She smiled again,
"Well I'm Peyton List, and you must be Kelli Berglund, am I right?" she asked.
"Yeah." I said.
"It was nice to meet you Kelli, but I must be going." She said. Peyton walked away and met up with two other girls that looked at me and then at her. I closed my locker and made my way to the cafeteria.

"So the skank came up to and asked who you liked?" Stefanie asked. We sat at one of the larger round tables in the cafeteria because there was too many of us for a small one. It was me, Stefanie, Jake, Gregg, Graham, Calum, Sierra, Allie, Billy, Niall Robert, Erin and then back to me. Billy didn't look at me, he didn't even say hi. He and Allie just kept flirting. No I'm not jealous.
"Yes," I said.
"She asked if I like Cameron or...Billy." I said Billy's name in a whisper so no one else would hear. Erin jumped up,
"Guys we will be right back! Bathroom emergency." Erin said and grabbed my arm and Stefanie followed behind us.

Once we got in the girls bathroom, Erin looked under the stalls to see if anyone else was in here, once it was clear she shut and locked a door.
"She asked you if you liked Billy?" Erin asked.
"Why would she ask that?" she asked suspiciously. I didn't tell anyone about the kiss, but I think I should since Peyton would tell them.
"I need to tell you girls something and do not freak out." I said and they nodded.
"Well after gym Cameron came up to me and asked me out on a date." Stefanie's and Erin's face lit up, but it was like they we jumping around and causing a fit, it was more like 'okay whatever' kind of face.
"And then when I walked around the corner Billy was there, and we argued for a bit and the next thing I know, we're kissing." I mumbled.
"What?" They both said.
"We kissed!" I said. Now this is when they started jumping up and down and squealing.
"Oh my gosh! You and my brother freaking kissed!!! I am so freaking happy!" Erin said jumping around.
"Calm down guys!" I said.
"It wasn't like I told him to do it. He just said this will make Cameron jealous and freaking kissed me." I sighed and sat on the counter that was in here.

"Wait so Cameron was watching?" Stefanie asked.
"Yes and Peyton." I said.
"So that's why she asked you who you liked. Just stay away from her Kel, she's nothing but drama." Erin said.
"I kind of figured the way she was talking to me, and then she walked away she met up with these two girls, who I'm guessing are Ariana and Debby." I said.
"You got that right." Stefanie said.

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