Chapter 9

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Kelli's POV
School was starting tomorrow, and someone please help me. I've never been so nervous in my life. I mean I was never nervous about going to school, but I was the new girl. I never was the new girl, especially senior year.
"Kel relax." Stefanie smiled at me,
"If you keep biting your nails, there won't be any left." She said and went back to reading her fashion magazine. Stefanie and Erin said they would stay over so we can all go together tomorrow. They brought everything they needed for tomorrow, like their clothes, make-up, notebooks, their purses, and other stuff like that.

"Yeah girl, don't sweat it." Erin said going through my clothes.
"Everyone will love you, you're just a lovable person." Erin said.
"Thanks." I sighed and laid on my back staring up at my ceiling. This past week as been quiet boring, everyone was getting ready to go back to school. Kirra and I were finishing up the upstairs rooms; like her room that was done with pearl pink walls, a red rug, and a nice flat screen TV. The bathroom was already finished, so were the guest rooms, and the hall way. My room, I was doing by myself, because I'm still not too sure what color to paint it, but other than that the upstairs was going good. The kitchen was still being redone, there was, and is a lot of work to be done in there.

Ellie and Una also left last week. It was a very sad goodbye, but we both promised each other to Skype, well try to Skype, every weekend and text each other a lot. Billy also tried to contact me, and apologize for what he did at the mall the other day, and how did he get my number? Ding, ding, ding, you got it! The one and only Robert Pattinson. But other than that, that was pretty much my life this whole week.

So now Erin was trying to find the 'perfect outfit' for tomorrow.
"Maybe this?" She said holding up a white V-neck.
"No, that's to plain, Kels not that boring." Stefanie said.
"You're right." Erin snapped her fingers and grabbed an outfit out.
"How about this Kel?" she asked. It was cute, and I totally forgot about that shirt.
"Sure." I smiled.
"I didn't know you were into Jordans." Stefanie said.
"Yeah, I use to play basketball in middle school and I bought a pair, and fell in love with them, but those suckers cost a fortune." I said. I did have a lot of Jordans, but that was over the years. I just kept them real nice; because it wasn't every day you could go spend a hundred and twenty dollars or more on them.

"You played basketball?" Erin asked, a weird smile coming to her face.
"That was like the only sport I actually like to play, but then I just got too lazy to go to practice every day." I said.
"Team lazy asses!" Stefanie said and high fived me.
"I'll be right back." Erin got up and went out the room.
"What do you think she's doing?" I asked. Stefanie smirked,
"I think I know, but she would literally kill me right here, if I told you." She said.
"Come on tell me, she won't find out." I whined.
"She may not be able to hear use, but you would definitely give it away if I tell you." Stefanie confused me, how would I give it away. Erin came back in with a smile on her face, and with a kitten. She sat down on the floor and started to play with him.
"Erin... What did you do?" I asked.
"I just brought up a kitten, what's his name?" she asked. Her tone was teasingly, and I could tell she was keeping something from me.
"Seriously what did you do?" I asked.
"That's a pretty long name..." she chuckled and petted the kitten. This is where you can tell how Erin and Billy are siblings, they are procrastinators.
"No that's not his name- Oh never mind, his name is Mojo." I said.
"Mojo? Like Mojo JoJo from Powerpuff girls?" Stefanie asked.
"No, I just like the name." I shrugged. I still had three out of the four kittens, since Niall took one of them.
"Kirra and I actually stayed up really late one night to name them, this one is Mojo he's a male, and the other male is named Noodle, and the last one is a female which we named Nala since Kirra and I love the Lion King."
"Aw Noodle, that's such a cute name." Erin said.
"I wish I could take one, but my mom is allergic to them." Erin pouted.
"You know I think my next door neighbor is looking for a male cat." Stefanie said.
"Who Derek?" Erin asked.
"No, why would that idiot want a cat, he would forget to feed it." Stefanie said.
"My neighbors Joanne and her son Sam, they were looking for a cat." Stefanie said.
"Well maybe tomorrow you could call them and see if they want one." I said. Stefanie nodded and grabbed a new magazine.

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