Chapter 31

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Kelli's POV
I stared at my phone, rereading what I sent him and what he sent me. Billy okay! My heart filled with joy for a minute before it felt like it crashed into a million pieces. I looked back down at my phone and read his message again.

'I'm sorry Kelli for not being there for you... I'm sorry I didn't spend any holidays with you. I had to leave so no one would get hurt. I'm so sorry... I must've made it seem like I didn't like you when I left with out saying good bye or telling you if I'm okay or not. Well since you don't want to talk to me anymore, I understand, once I'm back I won't make any gesture to talk to you Kelli. It was really nice having a friend like you...'

I didn't know how to reply to something like that. I never felt so empty when I read that; I've lost friends, many of them said to not talk to me anymore, but when Billy said this it made me feel terrible. I couldn't think of not talking to him anymore, or not arguing over stupid things. That's when I realized I needed Billy Unger in my life.

I think it's safe to say that things are starting to go back to normal. School's back on, vacations over, and reality starting to sink in that this is my last few months of high school. I was preparing myself to head to NYU, no one knew I was going there except Kirra and Cody. Erin and Robert seemed to be more in love each day and Stefanie and Jake seem to be lost in lala land every time they see each other. I've started hanging out with Khylin, we've went to the movies a few times, and went to the mall. He's a really fun guy and sweet. He is also very attractive but before I started to get any feelings for him, he made it clear that he was not into females.

Oh and Billy's back. He stuck to his vow to not come anywhere near me. In school when I would sit down at the table, he would get up and leave. He didn't even spare a glance at me, and every time I tried explaining what happen he would turn the opposite way and walk away leaving me standing there like a idiot.
"So Kellikins-"
"Ew don't ever call me that." I laughed hitting Khylin in the arm.
"Sorry... anyway what are you doing tonight?" he asked flopping down on my bed. If only he wasn't gay, many girls would be after him... well they still are because they don't know that.
I shrugged,
"I don't know... read." I say criss cross on my bed with Beautiful Creatures book in my lap.
"Boringgggg! Why don't we go out to some party. David is throwing one we should go!" He jumped up.
"Come on! This will be so fun!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up.
"Khylin! I'm reading!" I exclaimed trying to get back to my amazing comfortable bed.
"Reading is for squares!" he laughed, "You're a square!" I giggled back. He finally got me away from my bed and pushed me into my closet.
"Now queen bee, pick out an outfit!" He commanded,
"And reading isn't for squares I actually enjoy it." I rolled my eyes,
"Who gets you?" He pointed to his chest,
"Me, I do." I laughed and turned to pick out something to wear.

An hour later, Khylin and I where walking into the overly jammed house, with many drunken teenagers in it. Khylin helped my pick out my outfit, because he said I was taking to long, he also helped me straighten my hair. I also told him wasn't going to wear a dress, because I was freezing out. I held Khylin's hand, because I told him I was deathly afraid of going to these things. I was afraid some pervert would come and try to rape me, so Khylin said he will hold my hand the entire time. Yes I know a bit babyish Kel.
"Hey dude!" Jake said.
"Hey Kel!" I waved to him, getting bummed into a bunch of people. "Where is Stef?" I yelled over the loud music. He pointed over to a table where, Erin, Robert, Stefanie and Gregg where at. Khylin and I followed Jake over to them.
"Kel!" Erin came over and slung herself over me, and gave me a kiss right on the cheek. Whoa there!
"Hey Er!"
"So have you talked to my brother yet?" She asked wobbling back and forth, she's so drunk.
"I've tried to, but he ignores me." She groaned.
"Damn that boy... Now this is what I want you to do, I want you to get him into a room, lock the door! Then sit his butt on the bed-"
"I'm am not going to have sex with him!" I cut her off. She slapped my arm,
"Shush I didn't mean do that. I want you to sit him down, look him straight in the eye, and tell him what happen, tell him your true feelings about him. And then I want you to kiss him, and kiss him hard!" She started laughing uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes, as if.
"That's not such a bad idea." Khylin said. I told him everything, from Billy and I's first meeting, to our last kiss we had before he left, everything.
"How is that not a bad idea? I can't just kiss him, he doesn't like me like that."
"So... you can show him your feelings. What if he's just afraid to show them to you." Khylin said and Erin nodded. I sighed, Khylin nudged my arm,
"He's right over there." I looked into the direction Khylin nodded and I saw Billy with his arm slung over a really pretty girl's shoulder, he was laughing and then he suddenly turned his head to me. He looked down at Khylin and my hands and glared. He pulled the girl closer to him and I sighed again.
"He likes someone else see." I motioned my hand his way.

Billy never liked me, he just wanted me as a good friend. I'm just the stupid one for growing feelings for him.
"No he's just trying to make you jealous Kel!" Khylin smacked my arm. What is it with people hitting me today?
"You better talk to him by the end of the night!" Erin twirled away into Robert's arms and they went to dance. Khylin placed his arm around my shoulder and squeezed it,
"Cheer up kiddo, lets go dance! I love this song!" He pulled my to the 'dance floor' and he started dancing very crazy.

About a half hour later, a song Khylin didn't really like came on so he pulled me off the dance floor and back to the table where Greff was still at with Jules.
"Jules how have you been?" I asked. She smiled,
"I've been pretty good. How about you?" I shrugged,
"Eh so, so." Jules and I talked for a bit before I was rudely interrupted by Khylin.
"Look there he goes, now is your chance!" Khylin pointed to Billy who was heading up the stairs.
"What? No!" I yelled.
"Go!" He pushed towards the stairs and I struggled to get pasted everyone, it's now or never Kel! You can do this!

I finally broke free from the ground of drunken teens and sprinted up the stairs. Billy was walking slowly down the hall and I spotted an open door, time to bring out my ninja moves. I sprinted as fast as I can, tackling Billy into the room and landing on the floor. I quickly got up and locked the door and turned to face Carson.
"What the hell Kelli!" He asked angrily getting up.
"Listen Billy we need to-" Billy shook his head,
"There's no need for anything. Excuse me." he tried pushing passed me. I began getting furious, I pushed on his chest hard making him stumble backwards,
"Why don't you let me talk to you!" Another push,
"Why do you keep ignoring me!" Another push, and that's when he grabbed my wrist.
"Because you told me to leave you alone!" He yelled back.
"I was drunk you idiot!" he stopped and looked at me for a second. His eyes soften and I thought he was about to forgive me, but his eyes harden again, "Well you seemed to get over me quickly!" I snatched my wrist back and pushed him with all my might, he fell back onto the bed.
"How Billy?!" I yelled.
"With that Khylin guy! You guys are all over each other all the time! It seems like you really want him Kelli! I don't know why you're even talking to me!"
I smacked my forehead,
"You idiot, Khylin is gay! I have no feelings for him! None, nada, zero! He was just a good friend who was there for me! I was so worried about you stupid! I couldn't even explain my feelings when you didn't message me back!" I yelled tears coming to my eyes, "When you texted me back I was so happy you were okay!" I let the tears spill over my eye lids.
"I love you!" I yelled. I didn't care that I just poured my feelings out to him, I didn't care I just let him know I loved him, I wasn't even on planning on saying that, but he just got me so emotional. Billy sat there staring at me. "I was worried sick about you." I mumbled and then started blubbering like a baby, the tears wouldn't stop.
"Kel..." he whispered. He then jumped up and wrapped his arms around me, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for thinking stupid things." My breathing became rigid as I punched him in the chest, "You wouldn't even let me explain." I muttered. Billy sighed and hugged me tighter,
"I'm really very sorry." Billy pulled back and wiped my tears from my eyes,
"I'm sorry I had you worried sick. I-I love you too." He stared right into my eyes. And as cliche as it may seem, I felt my world stop.

Billy Unger made me fall in love with him, without me even realizing...
I never thought I would ever do this again, but I wrapped my arms around his neck and connected my lips with his. My heart swelled with warmth and my mind went into a haze and the only thing I could think about is Billy. He hands with to my hips and he pulled me in closer kissing me back. He suddenly pulled away and a tear went down his face.
"W-why are you crying?" I asked wiping the tear off his cheek.
"I-I don't know. I never felt so happy before." He mumbled,
"God, I feel so unmanly for saying this. But, Kelli Berglund you are very special to me. You made me feel so wanted, and happy when I was with you. Ever since what happen to my dad I felt like a piece of shit, and then when Zendaya died I felt like love wasn't for me. But then I found you, and you stuck by my side through all the crap I put you through. I know I didn't want to admit it, but I fell in love with you, I was afraid that if I believed that you would leave." I smiled and kissed him again.
"Billy I think that's the sweetest thing you ever said to me." I chuckled. He smiled and rolled his eyes.
"I'm not usually a corny person."
"And that's what I like about you!"

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