Chapter 2

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Kelli's POV
That whole day we just dusted stuff so we could breathe and left the windows open. We also brought our bags into the house. All of our big stuff like the couch, TV, and our beds, are coming tomorrow in a moving truck. We got dinner at a diner in town, and went to Home Depot to look for stuff to fix up the house. When we got home I helped Kirra carry the paint, the paint brushes, an electric paint scraper, and a couple of other things.
"We start in the living room tomorrow." Kirra said going up the stairs. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, nothing. I sighed and closed it. I checked the time on the old cat clock that was kinda freaking me out on the wall. 7:06. Hmm...
"Kirra I'm going to run to the store to get something to eat!" I yelled slipping on my old pair of gray high top converse.
"Alright, pick me something up to eat too!" She yelled. I grabbed my phone, and my purple wristlet, and skipped out the door. The sun was starting to set which made the sky turn a pinkish purplish colour. I smiled up at the sky and continued walking.

I didn't feel like walking all the way to the grocery store, so I stopped at a small convenience store. It was small let me tell you, but it was much cooler in here than in the muggy summer night air. Glancing around the store, I picked up two bags of beef jerky, a bag of Doritos, two red bulls, two waters, some skittles, slim jims, and sour patch kids. With my arms full I carried the stuff to the counter which no one was there. I waited for a minute, then another, and for a second I considered taking the food/junk without paying for it.
"Um... excuse me?!" I said a bit loudly looking around the little shop.
"Is anyone here?" I asked. I heard a thump come from under the counter. What the... A boy- well a teenager, jumped up rubbing his head.
"Sorry, love. I fell asleep." He yawned. I smiled at his British accent. Oh how I wished I had any kind of accent other than an American one... I chuckled.
"Your job must be pretty boring." His boredom on his face was clear as he rung my stuff up.
"Oh it is. This is my dad's shop. I got in trouble a few weeks ago with my brother and friends, and my dad's making me and my brother work here." He rambled on telling me his dreadful punishment. Please note there was sarcasm in that.
"What did you do that was so bad?" I raised my eyebrow.
"My friends and I were walking by the school, and my one idiot of a friend decided to set off a bunch of fire crackers near a window and now my father is making us work here for the rest of the summer. He said it's to pay off the damages." He complained setting my stuff in the bag.
"My names-"
"Gregg." I finished for him. He looked at me like I was some freak. "How did you-"
"Nametag." I smirked. He looked down at his nametag that was on his shirt with his name 'GREGG' printed on it.
He laughed.
"I'm an idiot. So are you going on a road or something?" he asked.
" My sister and I just moved here, and we didn't have time to stop at the grocery store and get food. So I just stopped here." I said.
"Where did you move into? Not like I want to stock you or anything." He chuckled.
"Down the road, 223 King Street."
"Oh! I know where that is. Isn't that the old falling apart house? My friends and I thought it was abandoned." He said.
"Nope, it's not. We use to come here in the summer when I was little, that was our summer house." I said. He nodded. "Well hopefully I'll see you around sometime again." he finished putting the stuff in the bag.
"That'll be $13.50." he said. I handed him a ten and a five. "Keep the change, 'to help pay off the damages'. Oh and by the way the name's Kelli." I smiled and grabbed the bag.
"Thanks love. And see you around." I turned around and walked out of the store.

As I was walking through the small parking lot, a car rolled up and six guys got out. One of them looking exactly like Gregg... Is he a twin?

"Kirra I'm..." I stopped in the kitchen doorway. Cody sat on one of the old kitchen table chairs and Kirra sat on the other side.
"Kel! Cody brought over two steaks for us." Kirra got up.
"So I bought this stuff for no reason?" I asked holding the bag up. She shook her head.
"Of course not, we're going to be needing all that sugar for tomorrow." She said. I nodded. Well that was true, let's just say I'm a lazy person when it comes to certain things.
"Well thanks Cody." I smiled and went over to the kitchen counter which had a steak on it and put it in the microwave.
"Welcome Kel." He said. The microwave beeped and I grabbed the plate, the very hot plate.
"Mother fucker." I cursed shaking my hand.
"Watch your language." Kirra snapped. She hated when people cursed. I'm pretty sure if she has kids, they won't be a loud to curse around her even if they're 24 years old.
"Sorry." I grabbed my plate again and brought it over to the table.
"So... Cody, do you still live with your parents?" I asked.
"Nah, they moved out about three years ago when I came home from college. They said they wanted to 'travel the world'." He rolled his eyes.
"You say that like that's a bad thing." I said cutting into my steak. I don't remember much of Cody from my childhood, but he seemed okay, I guess.
"It's not. Well for me it's not. I actually haven't seen them since they left. My mom calls around the holidays. And I know I'm a grown man, but to actually see your parents once in a while wouldn't be a bad thing either." I nodded in agreement. I would feel the same way, if my parents were still here.
"You don't even hear from your dad?" I asked. Man, this steak was good.
"Nope, at least my mom actually calls." He shrugged.
"You were all alone for these past three years?" I asked. Now I feel kind of bad for this guy. Living in a house all alone.
"No, I have two roommates, they're both siblings, and they're visiting their parents for a couple of weeks." I nodded.
"You make some good steak." I finished and got up and I put my plate in the sink. Now to embarrass Kirra.
"He sure is a keeper Kirra, the man can cook, very few of those around." I smirked and jumped up the stairs. I closed my bedroom door behind me and giggled when I heard Kirra telling him sorry for my craziness. I rolled my eyes and hopped on the blow up mattress for the night.

The old, very, old bed is push to the corner. The thing felt like it would break when I sat on it, good thing Kirra brought two extra blow up mattresses.
I rolled over to the other side and got my laptop from the floor. I logged onto Facebook and saw my two best friends posted on my wall.
'Girly we miss you!! OMG! It's ssoooooo boring! I just wanted to see if everything's alright. You haven't texted me or Ellie. Well... we both miss ya!!! See you soon Kel!! XOXO'

'Kelliii!! Wat's up gurl?!?! Is there any hot boys in Indiana? If there are let me know, ASAP! Guess who just had their puppies yesterday? Molly!! Oh my gosh they are so cute!! We're really missing ya! TTYL GURL!!'

Una and Ellie are my best friends. They've been since the 1st grade. We all got partnered up to finish this coloring thing we had to do, to make the long story short, we all got in a big fight because of the color crayons we were using, Una got glue in her hair, Ellie's glasses got marker on them, and my hair got cut. It was pretty intense, but after that we didn't stop talking. The teachers over the years always separated us, but that never stopped us from having a conversation a crossed the room. I smiled as I began to type back to both of them.

'Hey girlies!! I miss you guys too!!! Send pictures of the puppies! And yes there are hot guys here ;) I mean I never thought in a million years I would meet a British guy here, in Indiana.'

Not even a second later Ellie replied.

'WHAT?! I'm on my way there now. Lol just kidding :D But seriously get the dudes number and send it to me.'

'What? No! I don't even know him that good, just met him at a conveience store, lmao.'

'Hahaha alright... I'll just get it when I come visit you. What's his name?'

'This is creepy, talking about a guy we don't even know. But his name's Gregg.'

'Well you know him. Which means, since we're best friends, technically makes me know him as well, even though he doesn't know me.'

I laughed and shook my head. 'Whatever you say El, whatever you say. But I'm going to bed, I had a long day. Tell Una I said hi! Byeezzz xx!'

I logged off after that and shut my laptop down. Setting it on the floor nicely I curled up like a ball under the blankets, like I usually do and sighed. I think moving here was good. Kirra and I definitely needed to start somewhere new, even though leaving behind friends and family.

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