Chapter 36

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Kelli's POV
It was the day of prom, and let's just say everything's be hectic. Erin, Stefanie, Jules, Vanessa and I all got out of school early to go get our hair done.
"Guys this is out senior prom, this is like our last year to go out with a bang!" Erin said excited as she sat in the salon chair getting her nails painted purple to match her dress. I personally thought it was a little to showing but Ari said she felt like a fairy in it so I wasn't going to argue.
"I know. I'm going to miss high school." Stefanie said with a sad face.
"Guys, I still have another year." Jules said with a groan. I chuckled,
"We'll all still keep contact right?" I asked looking over at them.  Erin smiled,
"Of course."

I broke the official news to them last week that I would be moving in a few weeks to New York with Khylin, and they were all sad but happy for me.
"I mean I want you all to be in my wedding and my bachelorette party." she laughed. We were soon done with all our hair and nails and we soon left to go finish getting ready at Erin's  house. The guys were hanging out over Robert's, and are supposed to be getting ready, but they're probably playing video games or something like that. I looked down at the ring Billy had given me, are we still going to be together after I leave?

I know I want to be, but I also know long distant relationships are hard, and I don't know how Billy and I can handle it. I sighed and reminded myself not to worry about anything right now except for tonight. Senior prom.

"Are you girl's ready?" Erin asked standing by her door.
"Wait!" Jules said, fiddling with her heel strap.
"Okay I'm ready."
"Well ladies, lets go get our men." Erin said happily walking out and down the stairs. Whistle were heard and we went down one by one, yes Erin had us do that. I was second to last, Jules was behind me and when I started to go down, I started feeling nervous. It feels like a wedding. My hands were covered in a cold sweat, and my heart was beating so fast I could hear it in my ears.  As soon as my eyes met Billy's hazel ones, I felt myself start to relax. My hands were still sweating though, and I felt like I was about to throw up, but I kept eye contact with him. He smiled at me came to the bottom of the stairs.
"You look beautiful ." He held his hand out for me and I grabbed on to it. "Thank you." I smiled. Billy wrapped his arm around my waist and turned to take a picture. Erin and Billy's mom held the camera as the flash went off and all of our families were here. Billy and I stepped out of the way as Jules came down.
"You really look beautiful." Billy whispered in my ear.
"You don't look to shabby yourself." Billy chuckled and squeezed my waist.

After a thousand pictures later and many hugs from parents and siblings we all were finally heading to the hotel they were holding the prom at.
"It's so pretty!" Stefanie chirped as she stared out the window at the beautiful hotel.
"They have like a grand ball room here." She said.
"How did our school afford this?" Erin asked.  Stefanie shrugged and continued to look out the window. The limbo we rented was very nice and we all amazingly got to fit in it. Billy held my hand and we were talking quietly about how the nights going to go. Last year it was like the 'bomb' as Robert put it, so this year was excepted to be the same. I was a bit nervous, I didn't go to my junior prom last year, not only because I really had no friends, it was because people told me not to come because I would bring a hit man with me.

I know such a wonderful high school.
Our limo finally pulled up to the front entrance and we all made our way out. "Around twelve I have to pick you guys up?" The limbo driver asked.
"Yeah." Billy said before closing the door and wrapping his arm around my waist,
"Are you ready to have the time of your life?" He asked smiling at me.
"Pluh-ease, I'm the party queen." I said with a smirk. Robert gasped,
"Bish what? I'm a better partier then all y'all." I rolled my eyes at Robert pathetic southern accent.
"You all are wrong." Erin said. "I'm like the legend." Those two are definitely made for each other. Everyone chuckled as we made our way into the hotel.

We were lead the way by a hotel worker to the grand ball room and it was decorated beautifully. I guess it was a 'winter' theme, since the lights the hung looked like icicles and were changing colors, the table cloths were a light blue, and the chandelier that hung above the dance floor was dimmed. Overall it did look really pretty.  People were already in here, I spotted Peyton admittedly as she paraded around in her puffy Cinderella looking dress. Scratch that Cinderella's dress was a lot more prettier. Peyton's dress was abnormally poofy, there were too many jewels on the top and her boobs were practically hanging out. I scrunched my nose in discuss, she was honestly a whore. Cameron stood beside her as she talked to some girls at the table. He looked over at us and I rolled my eyes and looked up at Billy,
"We should go find seats." I said.
"You guys go get seats, and we'll go stand in line for pictures." Robert said pulling Erin to the long line to get pictures taken. Billy and I headed to a table on the far left of the room not to far from the dance floor. Everyone mingled for a while, Billy and I held hands as everyone was greeting everyone. What caught my eye was Peyton, staring over at us.
"Looks like we have a watcher." I said nodding over to Peyton. Billy looked over at her and chuckled,
"She looks like a fluffy goose." Billy remarked. I giggled,
"But we should give her a show to watch." He said before swooping in for a kiss. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Once Billy pulled away Peyton was no were to be found,
"We definitely gave her a show." I said laughing. 

Once we finally got our pictures and ate the rest of the night was just partying, until our senior president, Liam grab the D.J.'s mic.
"Hellooo people! I hope you all our having a fucking great night." In the corner of the room you could hear the teachers gasp,
"Anyway, it's time to announce prom King and Queen!" He exclaimed and everyone cheered.
"Alright the runner ups for prom queen are Peyton List..." Peyton made her way up on to the stage like she was the queen of England, I rolled my eyes, "Madison Petite." I don't remember her from school...
"And last but definitely not least Erin Unger!" He shouted and we all cheered. Erin stood there shocked, she looked over at me with wide eyes.
"Go up!" I laughed pointing to the stage. She hurried up on stage with a shocked expression on her face. Peyton glared at Erin, but she totally ignored her as Erin looked over the crowd.
"Alright, the runner ups for prom king are... Gregg Sulkin." I cheered as Gregg went up on stage.
"Cameron Dallas..." Boo!
"And Robert Pattinson!" I cheered for Robert when he went up. Robert winked at Erin and she blushed, how cute!

"So are you crazy party animals ready to meet the new king and queen?!" He exclaimed.
"Yeah!" everyone yelled back.
"Drum roll please!" and everyone started to do a little drum roll with their tongues,
"Your new queen is Erin Unger!" Stefanie and I started yelling and cheering as Peyton looked like she was about to bust a vain in her head. She walked over to him and grabbed the mic,
"How in the world did she get prom queen?" She screeched into the mic and everyone started to boo her. Liam grabbed the mic back off her and told her to go sit down. People on the student council placed a crown on Erin's head and she was smiling.
"And now for the new King... Robert Pattinson!"  It was cute to see a couple get prom king and queen. Billy wrapped an arm around my waist and smiled down at me.
"You look beautiful." He repeated. Not like I minded. It was nice to hear a nice comment.
"Thank you." I said leaning up to kiss him. He met my lips and placed my arms around his neck. Somewhere along the way the song Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts came on. I pulled away from the kiss and looked up at Billy.

As much as it seemed cliche, I felt like I never wanted to leave Billy. It felt like he was going to be with me forever. For all I know we may not even talk in the future, we may forget each other twenty years from now. But one thing I know is that Billy Unger is my first true love, and I'm glad he is.
"I love you Kelli." He said smiling down at me.
"I love you Billy." I said.

Only one more chapter left people!!!!!!!😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

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