Chapter 20

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Kelli's POV
Two weeks pasted by quickly, but cheerleading practice was brutal, every day of the week Peyton had us practice, twice a day. By the end of the week I felt exhausted. But I did learn two routines and slowly becoming better each day. Cameron and I have become closer but our relationship seems to not be going anywhere else. He seemed kind of jittery too most of the time, maybe it was because his championship game was coming up...

The gang and I have been hanging out a lot too, just goofing around. Billy has been a really good friend, giving me rides to practice, and to school and dropping me off. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted. Vanessa and I have become really good friends too, she's been helping me with routines and stunts, every Sunday we go to the gym and practice, for once I could say I'm actually working out. She and Niall are also getting a little flirty with each other. But other than that my life was running pretty smoothly. Billy and I were going to hang out today, it's Thursday and everyone else has something to do. Erin has work, she got a job at Hollister because she loves that story and she gets discounts, Stefanie and Jake were going on a date, Gregg and Graham were in England for the next week visiting the other half of their family, Calum and Niall where doing something but I'm not too sure what, and Robert... well who knows what Robert's doing.

"I'll pick you up after practice," Billy said walking next to me on the school sidewalk going to the football field.
"Okay, you're not going to stay and watch girls jump around in small skirts?" I asked chuckling.
"Oh believe me I would, but my mom needs me to help her with something." He said. I nodded and turned to him before I walked out to the field.
"Well I'm going to embarrass myself." I joked,
"Bye Bil." I said.
"Bye Kel." He said walking away. I turned walking to the group of girls. I set my gym bag down and stood next to Vanessa.
"Are you and Billy finally going out?" she raised her eyebrow, and smirking.
"No, we're just friends." I laughed.
"Billy's a good guy." She said suddenly.
I scrunched my eyebrows,
"Really?" I don't know why I asked that, I was just shocked, not that Billy's a bad guy.
"Yeah, Billy's a good guy- well maybe not that best, seeing that him and his friends use to make bets on girls, but it was really nothing harmful." She said.
"What do you think about Cameron?" I asked.
She sighed,
"Cameron's... how do I put this?" She rubbed her chin,
"Cameron is basically ruled over by Peyton, she tells him what to do, and he does it. He doesn't have a mind of his own when it comes down to her." She said.

"But Peyton encouraged me to this so me and Cameron could be a 'it' couple." I said. She looked at the ground and then back up at me,
"Peyton's crazy Kel. And I'm being serious, she gets attached to things very easily and that one thing is Cameron. She has something up her sleeve Kel, just watch out." Vanessa said. I swallowed a lump that formed in my throat, it felt like I was in a scary movie and I was being warned about some psycho killer.
"I will." I said. Peyton skipped over and ordered everyone to do the second routine.

"See you later Kel!" Vanessa called walking out of the locker room.
"See ya!" I yelled back. I sighed and stuffed my uniform and my cheer shoes into my bag. I pulled my hair out of my ponytail and ran my hand though the front and brushed it back. I hoisted my bag on my shoulder and walked out, I was stopped by Cameron standing in front of me.
"Hey Kel!" He smiled. I smiled back,
"Hey Cam."
"So what are you doing now?" he asked.
"Well I'm going to hang out with a friend." I said.
"Who? Maybe I could come?" He asked determined. I opened my mouth but was cut off,
"No you can't." Billy said.
"You're hanging out with him?" he asked in disbelief.
"Yeah he's my friend Cam, I could hang out with him if I want to." I crossed my arms. He sighed and looked at Billy and glared.
"Whatever. I'll talk to you later Kel." He came over and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I knew he did that to piss of Billy, but it felt weird. I mean I don't mind being called beautiful or cute, but kissing on a daily bases, is kind of getting weird. He didn't ask me out yet, and we've only been on two dates, I don't think I want someone who isn't my boyfriend kissing me whenever he wants. Before neither Billy nor I could say anything he walked off, I looked up at Billy, he was glaring at the back of Cameron's retreating body.
"Billy just forget about it." I said. He sighed and took my hand,
"Let's go." He muttered pulling me to his Hummer.

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