Chapter 32

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Kelli's POV
It's been a week and a half since the party, it's also been a week and a half since Billy and I confessed our love for each other. I can also say it's been a week since I was known as the 'single' Kelli Berglund. Billy had asked me to be his girlfriend, in not the so romantic way.

I was in my living room watching Home Alone 2 because I loved those movies, when my door bell rang. I got off my couch and looked out the window to see a pizza delivery guy at my door with a box of pizza. I didn't order pizza but maybe Kirra did, but I knew she would have told me if she did.
So I carefully opened the door.
"Hi are you Kelli?" the pizza delivery guy asked.
"Yes." I replied then he, then shoved the pizza at me and ran off. I was waiting for a boom to go off, but Billy started walking up my porch.
"You're supposed to open the pizza box dumbie." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes,
"Who opens pizza boxes on the front porch?"
"Just open it." And on the back of the lid was written
'would you be my girlfriend?' It was definitely cheesy, the most romantic, no. But at least he tried and that's what I loved. I love that he isn't so mushy, but goofs around a lot.

Flashback over

Of course I said yes, and now Billy and I are on our way somewhere, where? I'm not sure where yet. He said he wanted to take me on a date, since we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. "Are we there yet?" I asked for the billionth time this minute. Billy looked at me and chuckled,
"If your trying to annoy me, and trying to get me to tell you, I'm sorry to say this but it's not working." I rolled my eyes in frustration,
"You're a ass." I muttered, I was getting very annoyed; it should be the opposite way, but Billy is being a bum.
"I'm an ass? Why's that?"
"You won't tell me where we are going!?"
"So that makes me an ass?"
"Yes." I cross my arms and look out the window, we've been on this road for about a half hour, my butt was getting sore, and I was getting bored. Billy sighed,
"Fine, do you really want me to tell you where we are going?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. He started laughing,
"No, I'm not going to do that." I scoffed and punched his arm,
"Butt face."
"You love my face."
"As if." He laughed and turned up the radio, but I turned it back down.
"Are we there yet?" I asked.
"How about now?" I knew some point he was going to get annoyed and tell me where we are going, but for now he wasn't budging and I knew I had to keep this up.
"Yes." I knew it!
"No, but your face, it was priceless. You looked so cute!" He pinched my cheek and I swatted his hand away. I stayed quiet, for the rest of the ride, knowing he wouldn't tell me until we got there.

"Okay Kel, we are here." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, okay."
"No really we are here." He said and pointed out the window where a big bright sign said, Meg's and Dan's Ice Skating Rink.
"We're going ice skating?" I asked. He nodded and hopped out of the car. I did the same and followed Billy to the entrance,
"You know I never went ice skating before." I said.
"No I actually didn't know that." He smiled grabbing my hand,
"And you know I can't ice skate right?" He chuckled,
"And that one I kind of figured since your so clumsy." He laughed opening the door. I rolled my eyes and followed Billy inside.
"Hi, how many? And what sizes?" The lady at the front desk asked, she seemed really bored.
"Two and size twelve and?" He looked over at me,
"Seven." I muttered at the lady who was oogling my boyfriend. Sickening.
"Here you guys, go enjoy." She bent over the counter showing her cleavage as she handed us our skates. I rolled my eyes and dragged Billy away from the girl and to the side of the rink,
"Is someone jealous?" Billy asked poking me in the side.
"No, I just find it disrespectful for a girl to do that to someone with their boyfriend, and it's also disrespectful to herself." I said explaining myself. Billy chuckled kissing my cheek,
"Mhm sure." I rolled my eyes and slipped my skates on. I have no idea how to stand on these things,
"If I break my ankle Billy, I swear to god."
"What? You'll be like LeBron, breaking ankles." Billy laughed at his stupid and pointless joke. I smacked his arm, glaring at him.
"Here hold my arm." Billy got up and stood in front of me, holding his arms out. I carefully stood up clutching my hands around Billy's arms,
"Don't let me fall." I said.

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