Chapter 10

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Kelli's POV
My phone vibrated in my purse and I pulled it out.
'Hey cutie! What's up?' I smiled at the text from Cameron. I was in the middle of first period with Billy right next to me.

It's been a week since school started, and Cameron and I have texted over 600 hundred messages.
"You know were not allowed to have our phones out in the middle of class." Billy muttered.
"Since when have you become goody two shoes?" I asked raising my eyebrows. And in this past week Billy managed to get detention three times already, I mean really who does that in the first week of school. He gave me a look and then turned his head facing forward, great I pissed him off. I rolled my eyes and went back to my phone, 'I'm sky diving :P Lol no I wish I was tho. Mr. Smith is so boring.'
"Miss Berglund what are you doing?" Mr. Smith raspy voice came from the front of the class room. I snapped my head up, and slid my phone under my thigh.
"Just you know... um paying attention to you?" It came out more of a question than I intended it to.
"Okay Miss Berglund, since you claim to be listening... what was I just talking about?" He asked raising his eyebrows. Oh shit.
"Um... You were talking about..." I looked around the room hoping aliens would blow off the roof and abduct me. But unfortunately that didn't happen,
"You were talking about Zac Efron?"
Wow, did I really just say that?
Yes, yes you did Kelli.
Well I just said whatever came to my mind first.
Okay I really need to stop talking to myself.
"Zac Efron?" Mr. Smith raised his eyebrows.
"Who's that?"
"Oh please don't tell me you don't know who Zac Efron is?" A girl in the middle of class asked and Mr. Smith shook his head. I'm guessing it was her friend that sat next to her, because the girl gasped,
"Oh my gosh! Zac Efron is like that hottest guy every!" The girl squealed.
And this my friends, is how I got the whole class out of doing work the rest of the period, and getting out of trouble, plus I got to text Cameron.

After class ended Billy didn't stay and wait for me like he usually does, he just got up and walked out right when the bell rang. I sighed, this guy seriously has moods swings. As I walked out of class Erin came bouncing to my side and smiled.
"So how are you and my brother?" she asked. That question caught my off guard.
"Um what do you mean?" I asked looking at her.
"Like are you guys flirting?" she asked.
"No...why would we be doing that? I mean he's pissed at me now." I said pointing at Billy who was talking to Allie.
"Ugh that girl!" Erin said.
"Why do you dislike having Allie and Billy together?" I looked over at the two. Allie was giggling and Billy had a smirk on his face, like he knew we were passing.
"Because Allie isn't like you. She's a type of girl who falls for anything, and would do anything to be with Billy." She said.
"But why are you trying to hook me up with him, if you know he's bad news?" I asked.
"Billy needs someone to hold him together, not just a hit and leave. He's never actually had a girlfriend that was herself around him. Allie for example was never like that, until one day my brother had this brilliant idea to go and talk to her. All she has been doing these past couple weeks is being fake. She once was that quiet girl no one talked about, but she's built up this coincident confidence that I don't like." Erin said in one big breath.
"So you think I'm the girl to hold him together?" I asked.
"Yes." She said.
"Well toodaloo my class is here!" she skipped into her classroom leaving me thinking. Why is Erin so persistent to get me and Billy together?

Erin's POV.


*Last week the night before the first day of school*

"I didn't know you had so many Jordans." Stefanie said.
"Yeah, I use to play basketball in middle school and I bought a pair, and fell in love with them, but those suckers cost a fortune." Kelli said.
"You played basketball?" I asked.
"That was like the only sport I actually like to play, but then I just got too lazy to go to practice every day." She said.
"Team lazy asses!" Stefanie said and high fived her.
"I'll be right back." I got up and went out the room. I ran down the steps and dialed Billy's number.

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