Chapter 34

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Billys POV
Monday morning I was planning on getting up and going to pick up my beautiful girlfriend, but I got a text that changed all that.
'I know everything that you've done Billy Unger.' I read, the number was blocked so I couldn't find out who it was from.
'Meet me at school now.' I got another text. In the pit of my stomach I felt that I was getting caught for all the bad doings I've done. This was someone blackmailing me. I quickly got ready and headed out the door, texting Kelli I had to do some things and couldn't pick her up this morning.

As I arrived at school no students where to be seen, except for some teachers who always arrived extra early. I parked my car and got another text.
'Come to the football field.' I wasn't scared that I was going to get jumped, because every guy in the school knows not to start anything with me. Quickly getting out of my car and heading over to the football field I saw Peyton standing in the bleachers with her arms crossed and a glare on her face.
"Were you the one texting me?" I yelled up to her. Peyton made her way down from the bleachers and stood right in front of me, her overly put on disgusting smelling perfume came through my sense of smell and I coughed a little.
"Why do you want me here Peyton?" I asked. This girl has been trying to get with me since Freshman year, even when I was dating Zendaya she did everything possible for us to break up. But Zendaya never fell for her idiotic moves.

She placed her hand on her hips and smirked,
"I know a lot of things Billy." she smirked. I did my best to hide any kind of nervousness and matched her smirk, "And what kind of things are they?"
"Like why Kelli quit the cheerleading team, why you left for almost two months, why you and your friends have been keeping to themselves lately." I raised an eyebrow,
"Why did Kel leave the team?" She rolled her eyes,
"Like you don't know, jeez Billy I thought you would be more responsible than this."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Kelli Berglund is a pregnant bitch and your the father. She had to quite the team because she's pregnant. You left because you didn't want to be a dad, but she convinced you to come back and your friends aren't coming around so often because they have to hide Kelli's secret." Wait what? I thought this was about the drugs.
"Are you crazy? Kel is not pregnant." I said. This girls a psychotic bitch,
"She quit the team because you're a bitch, and I left and she didn't even know why, and my friends are all in relationships and have their own lives, they don't need to make their presence known if they don't want to." Peyton scoffed,
"Stop trying to cover for her Billy. She's no good, I can give you more than she can." I shook my head,
"Kel's an amazing girl, you can't give me nothing." I said and turned to walk away. I heard her foot steps behind me as she grabbed on to my arm.
"Billy wait! I just want to be with you. Plus isn't she going to New York anyway?"
"How do you know?"
"I'm the head cheerleader I know everything. When she was on the team she told us, looks like you where the last one to find out." Some about what she said made me feel hurt, did Kellk really leave me to last to know? Billy don't listen to this crazy bitch.
"She doesn't care about you Billy, she was going to leave anyway, I'm going to stick around here, and we can be together." I shook my head,
"I don't want to be with you Peyton. I never did." I said I finally pulled away from her and walked into school, people already started coming and I want to find Kelli.

First period passed, which I didn't go to because I was looking for Kelli, but unfortunately ran into Peyton.
"What the hell do you want?"
"You bad boy." She winked walking her fingers up my chest. I grabbed her wrist and pushed it off,
"No. I'm not going to stop and once she leaves I'll have you." I looked at her weirdly and began to walk away. "Wait." she grabbed my arm again and wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Billy what the hell are you doing?" Robert came over to my rescue. "Nothing, she's pushing herself on me."
"I am not, he can't keep his hands off me." Peyton winked at me again. I took her arms off of my neck and looked at Robert.
"You're girlfriends over there."
"Kel!" I called. She was with Eein. I smiled over at her, but was pulled back and Peyton had kissed me, in front of my girlfriend. By the time I got her off me Robert had a disappointed look and Kelli was already gone. Peyton smiled and waved bye, she's lucky she's a girl.

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