Chapter 30

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Kelli's POV
It's been a month since I talked to Billy last, it's been a month since anyone has seen him or Graham. I was worried, Erin was worried, everyone was worried. I did what Billy asked me to do though, not go anywhere by myself. I either was over Erin's or Stefanie's or they were over my house.

It was Christmas day and Kirra was having Cody's parents over. I sighed as I sat on my bed staring at the snow falling. I can't remember when it snowed on Christmas day, but it made everything seem so much more relaxed. A knock came from my door,
"Come in." I said. Kirra walked in dressed in a cute Christmas sweater and jeans. I spotted something shiny on her finger,
"Is that?" I asked. She nodded with a big smile on her face,
"Well it's not an engagement ring. I told him give it a few months." She chuckled,
"But it's a promise ring, a step under a engagement ring." She sat down next to me. I studied it for a second and smiled,
"You really got yourself a nice guy Kirra."
"Thank you Kel. You think mom and dad would have approved?" she asked. I nodded,
"Absolutely, plus they knew him when he was little." She hugged me and whispered,
"I miss them Kel." She sighed sadly. I nodded and hugged her back,
"Me too." I missed my parents terribly, and I would show it more than my sister would, she was always be strong for me, since the beginning and now I have to be strong for her.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm good, I just miss them when holiday's come around, I'm just so used to beginning with the whole family on these days." She sighed again and then pulled away,
"Well Cody's parents will be here any minute, are you coming down?" she asked.
"Yep, that would be rude of me, not coming down and spending time with my future brother-in-law's parents." I chuckled. She laughed and stood up, "Okay, I'll leave you to get ready." She stopped when she reached the door, "Kel?" I looked up at her,
"Have you heard from Billy?" She asked. I shook my head and looked down,
"No, no one has." She nodded,
"I hope he's okay." she said and walked out. I hope he is too.

I hopped out of bed and threw off my hoodie and grabbed a sweater like Kirra has. Stefanie, Erin and I got our nails done two days ago like a Christmas theme. I had already curled my hair after I took a shower this morning. I ran down stairs when Kirra opened the door, I walked into the living room and turned the Christmas tree on. Kirra and Cody escorted Mrs. and Mr. Christian inside and I smiled at them.
"Oh my! Is this the little Kelli who loved to steal my cookies?" She asked. I chuckled and nodded. To be honest I don't remember doing anything like that, I really don't remember much from when I was little; I tried to forget everything about my parents. Mrs. Christian had mostly grey hair, and Mr. Christian as well. They both gave me a hug and a 'Merry Christmas'.
"Here sweetie this is for you, Cody told us about how good of a sister you are to Kirra." Mrs. Christian handed me a small box,
"Thank you, but you shouldn't have." I said.
"We insist, Kirra and you always use to be good kids, and your parents were wonderful as well." She smiled and then followed everybody else into the dining room. I sighed and looked down at the box. I decided I would open it later.

After dinner, we all sat in the living room, watching Christmas shows and Mrs. Christian wondering when they are getting married. I chuckled, Cody just gotten her a promise ring. I knew Kirra wanted to wait to be married, but you can tell Cody and her really love each other. Mrs. Christian and Mr. Christian left a little after, claiming they have a plane to catch to the Bahamas tomorrow morning.

"So K..." I looked over to Kirra who was getting ready to head upstairs, with Cody behind her.
"Yeah?" I asked standing up from the couch.
"Well... Cody and I were planning on going to New York to see the ball drop... and would you mind if we go-" I laughed and smiled at the two,
"You guys are older than me you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. I don't mind, I was planning on going over Stef's New Year's Eve." I said. Kirra smiled,
"Thank you! We are leaving the day before New Year's Eve." She said. I nodded,
"Okay Merry Christmas sis, and Cody." I said. They returned a Merry Christmas and retreated upstairs. I bent down to turn the Christmas tree off, and remembered the box. I quickly grabbed it, turned off the tree lights and sprinted up the stairs.

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