A Rumble of Victory

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"Tanjiro-san, thank you very much for supplying both Nezuko-san's blood and the blood from those Twelve Demon Moons. A man who was turned into a demon by Muzan got his consciousness back. And it's thanks to Nezuko-san's blood. Now he can live free of Muzan's influence on just a small amount of blood. I was surprised by the changes in Nezuko-san's blood. Its components transformed countlessly in a very short time span. This whole time, I've been thinking about the reason why Nezuko-san hasn't regained her consciousness yet. And is still acting like a child. I think that inside her, there's something more important she's prioritizing, than regaining her consciousness. Tanjiro-san, this is just my speculation. But I think Nezuko can conquer the sun in the near future."


Tanjiro stared at Nezuko's form, reaching out toward her.

"Nezuko... Thank goodness... Are you okay? Are... You human...?" Tanjiro hopefully asks.

"Th... Thank goodness. Ar... Are okay. Thank goodness. Goodness," Nezuko replied.

Relief appeared on Tanjiro's face.

'She's talking...!! But her eyes and fangs are still... So she's not a human yet...' He thought.

"Thank you so much, you three... I would never forgive myself if you died, Nezuko-chan," one of the swordsmiths said.

(Y/n) sweatdropped and slowly started to move away from the scene.

"Wait... Are you okay? Y- You didn't turn into dust and disappear?" Tanjiro murmured.

Nezuko's eyes widened a little as she felt Tanjiro bring her into a warm embrace.

Loud cries escaped from Tanjiro's lips.


"So great," Nezuko repeated with a close-eyed smile.

Genya stared at the scene between the two siblings with wide eyes before softening as a smile slipped onto his lips.

(Y/n) looked over, noticing Genya's smile which caused him to quietly chuckle.

"Good for you... Tanjiro... Nezuko."

Shocked gasps were then heard as Tanjiro fainted from his injuries.


"He suddenly fell over!"

"Young Kamado, keep yourself together!"

"Dead? Dead?"


(Y/n) felt a heavy weight on his back which caused him to stumble a little, but he was able to catch his footing.

Turning his head, (Y/n) noticed that Muichiro had wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

"You did it..." Muichiro whispered before falling asleep on the (H/c)-haired teenager's back.

(Y/n)'s eyes softened as he brought his arms under Muichiro's thighs so that the slightly younger boy would feel comfortable and wouldn't fall.

"Take a good rest, Mui."


Mitsuri watched as Zohakuten crumbled away into ash and disappeared before her, which caused her to drop to her knees in relief.

"Hy– Hyaim alive...!! Tanjiro-kun and the others must've cut the real body's head off!" Mitsuri joyfully exclaimed.


Muzan stood in a room that was destroyed due to the anger he felt about losing two more Upper Moons, and that he found someone who could withstand the sun.

"What's wrong, Toshikuni? You've made a huge mess," a woman says as she and a maid enter the room.

"Someone who can withstand the sun has finally...!! Amazing job, Hantengu!!" Muzan muttered.

"Well, you seem to be having fun. What was the story in the book abou–" The woman starts to ask just for her head to be sliced off.

The maid slowly looked over and saw the woman's headless body.

"Eh? Eh? Madam? What... Happened to your head? Wha... Eeeh?" The maid asks.

"There's no need to search for the blue spider lily anymore. Kukuku!" Muzan laughed.

The maid stared at the 'young boy' with a feared look.

"It's been so long...!! But this, this is why, for a thousand years, why I've continued spreading my kind even though I didn't want to. This is something not even the Twelve Demon Moons have in them. The chosen demon."

Muzan shifted back into his original form which made the maid gasp in fear and shock.

"If I eat that girl and absorb her, I can actually defeat the sun!!" Muzan yelled.

"KYAAAAAAAHH!! Murderer!! Monster!! Monster!! MAAASTEERRR!!" The maid screams just to meet the same end as the woman.


"Tanjiro, you okay?" Muichiro asks as he looks at Tanjiro while being carried on (Y/n)'s back.

"Oh... T... Tokito-kun... (Y/n)-san... Thank... Safe... Sword... Thanks..." Tanjiro replied.

Kotetsu stood beside Muichiro and (Y/n), keeping an eye on the two Hashira's.

"Thanks to you too. With yours and (Y/n)'s help, I regained something important to me," Muichiro says.

"Eh... Oh no, I didn't do anything though..." Tanjiro gave a look of confusion.

Muichiro tilted his head. "So anyway, what's happening to Nezuko?" He asks.

Nezuko tilted her head back.

"Guys! Guys!" Mitsuri's voice was heard as she headed in the group's direction.

"Well, see..." Tanjiro trailed off.

"Guuuuuyyyyss!" Mitsuri yelled once more.

Hearing her yell, the group looked over.

Mitsuri threw her arms over Genya, Kotetsu, Muichiro, Tanjiro, Nezuko, and (Y/n)'s shoulders, pulling them all into a hug.

"WAAHHH? We won! We won! We all won! This is awesoome!! We're all aliiiive! Thank goodness!" Mitsuri cried out.

"Thank goodness," Nezuko repeated with a smile.

(Y/n) shifted his eyes toward the ground as a small smile slipped onto his lips. 'Maybe... I don't have to hold back anymore. Yeah... I'll stop holding back from now on.'

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