Daybreak and First Light

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"(Y/n)-san... Help...please."

(Y/n) could remember the words that Tanjiro mouthed to him.

A quiet chuckle left his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'll help in a bit, Tanjiro."


The sound of heavy breathing could be heard escaping Tanjiro's lips as he tried to get his breathing back in shape.

Tanjiro's attention noticed that the sun was slowly coming up which made him quickly turn in Nezuko's direction and run toward her.

'Night is ending!! This open field is bad! Nezuko, run!' Tanjiro thought.

Nezuko sat on her knees, rubbing the back of her hand on her face.

As Tanjiro tried to yell, his voice wouldn't work except for the painful coughs that escaped from him.


'UGH!! Voice not coming out.' Tanjiro thought.

Taking notice of her brother, Nezuko immediately reached out to him.

'No!! Nezuko don't come here! Yo– You're in danger! The sun will rise!' Tanjiro mentally yelled.

Hantengu's headless body stumbled onto his feet which Tanjiro didn't seem to notice.

"Nezuko!! Run...!! Go hide in the shade!" Tanjiro did his best to yell, warning his younger sister.

"Uuuu!! Uuuuugh!" Nezuko muffled out, pointing behind Tanjiro.

Tanjiro's eyes widened as he heard the screams of swordsmiths behind him.


"RUN!! RUN!!"


The three swordsmiths ran, trying to get away from Hantengu's headless body.

Tanjiro jerked in head and saw Hantengu's head on the ground.

Fear ran through Tanjiro's body when he saw the word 'resentment' on the tongue.

'His tongue says 'resentment'?! The real body is supposed to have 'fear'... The tongue character's wrong!!' Tanjiro thought.

Immediately, he turned and started running in the headless demon's direction.

"We messed up!! We... We have to stop him!" He shouted.

The sunlight beamed in, catching Nezuko in its bright rays of light.

Nezuko's skin started to burn which caused a muffled scream to escape her.

Tanjiro's eyes widened as he quickly turned in his sister's direction.

Nezuko covered her face with her arms which didn't work as she continued to burn.

Tanjiro quickly ran over and covered her with his arms.

"Nezuko!! Shrink!! Make your body smaller!! Shrink!!" Tanjiro yelled.

Nezuko immediately shrunk, covering her face as she released muffled cries of pain.

'The sun hasn't even fully risen, but she's already...!!' Tanjiro thought.


The screams of the swordsmiths captured Tanjiro's attention once more.

'Crap!! Someone... Genya!! Tokito-kun...' Tanjiro looked over.

Muichiro was being held back by Kotetsu while Genya was trying his best to get down without injuring himself even more.

'They can't do it! We're way too far from the cliff now. Yeah, the demon's gonna get hit by the su– No, wait!! He'll get to the villagers before that happens! If I carry Nezuko with me, I won't make it... AGH... AAGH!! Crap! What to do, what to...' Tanjiro's eyes widened.

Nezuko, Genya, and Muichiro's eyes widened as they watched a familiar (H/c)-haired teenager appear beside Tanjiro and Nezuko.

"Where is it?" (Y/n) asks, his eyes facing forward as he speaks.

Tanjiro's eyes widened but took in a deep breath to smell out Hantengu.

"Heart... The heart..." Tanjiro answered.

Without replying, (Y/n)'s figure disappeared.

Muichiro stared with wide eyes.

A small smile appeared on his lips when he realized that the (H/c)-haired teenager was using more than half of his speed to catch up with the headless body.

"You can do it, (Y/n)!!" Muichiro yelled.




A blade of (F/c) was seen for a quick moment before it was sliced through the headless body's heart, immediately snatching Hantengu's head.

There was no time for Hantengu to scream as the attack happened in a split second.

The headless body and Hantengu slowly crumbled into ash.

The three swordsmiths stared at the Storm Hashira in surprise.


Tanjiro sat on his knees with tears in his eyes.

His attention was nowhere on Nezuko because he thought he had lost her. Thinking that the sun was just crumbling her away slowly.

The three swordsmiths had wandered over to the teenager with (Y/n) walking behind them.

Tears dripped down to the ground.

"Kamado-dono. K-Kamado-dono. Kamado-dono. Kamado-dono..." A swordsmith kept repeating before pointing at the girl who stood fine in the sun.

Tanjiro looked over seeing Nezuko alive, and her muzzle falling to the ground.

(Y/n) stood there for a few moments, not knowing what to do, and debating on walking away so that the siblings would have this moment to themselves.

A warm, bright smile appeared on Nezuko's lips.

"M- M- Morning."

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