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A single leg swung limply back and forward as its owner could be seen sitting on a branch that belonged to one of the taller trees that surrounded the forest.

This figure didn't seem bothered by the change of pace after breaking off in different directions several hours before the second day of the Final Selection popped up.

Heavy footsteps captured this figure's attention causing them to look down and eye a demon that had several limbs perching out of its back.

The demon seemed to take notice of the figure sitting in the tree and released an aggravated snarl.

"Get the hell down here!" The demon hissed.

(E/c) hues lazily drifted down as their owner turned his body and casually dropped to the ground.

The demon released howling laughter from its lips, as it wiped the front of its teeth with a snake-like tongue it had.

(Y/n) tilted his head to the side as he stared at the demon with a blank look on his face.

The demon became ticked off when he saw how his next victim didn't fear him like the several others he had come across and eaten within the last hour or two.

"Why the fuck aren't you scared of me?! I can literally eat you—" The demon's eyes widened as its head went falling to the ground.

Breath of Storm First Form: Rapid Winds

(Y/n)'s figure didn't seem to move an inch, or so the demon thought as it became pissed.

"You didn't move a damn inch! How the hell did you even get to my head when you didn't even move!?" The demon's head screeched as it crumbled into dust.

The (H/c)-haired teen placed his blade back into its sheath with a frown dancing upon his lips.

The boy stared where the demon was last before releasing a heavy sigh from his lips.

He turned his figure to look in the direction of an incoming possible demon slayer.

The other person seemed to take notice of (Y/n)'s figure and brightened.

"Haha, yes! I found somebody!" The figure shouted while throwing closed fists into the air.

(Y/n) jolted when he felt hands slam down onto his shoulders, and started to forcefully swirl him around.

The other person was smiling brightly, relieved to find another human just like them.

Swirls appeared in (Y/n)'s eyes as he settled back to the ground, and nearly tripped over his feet.

"Who...who are you?" (Y/n) asked, his voice trembling as he covered his mouth so that he wouldn't get sick.

The other figure blinked, before realizing what (Y/n) meant.

"Oh, I'm (R/n)! What's your name, friend?" (R/n) asked.

Hearing the name, (Y/n) paled when he realized who the figure in front of him is.

(R/n) was one of the people who he couldn't save because of his stupidity.

A female teenager that he thought he could one day become friends with, just to lose the said female with the snap of a finger.

"Uhm... (Y/n)," the teenager mumbled.

(R/n) nodded her head in excitement as she clapped her hands together.

"I haven't seen an actual person in two days! Agh, who knew that Final Selection would be such a pain," she sighed.

(Y/n) sweatdropped at the female in front of him, not knowing what to say.

(R/n) brought a hand to her face as she furrowed her brows. "That demon was one ugly fucker," she grumbled.

The (H/c)-haired teenager hummed, looking away.

"Hmm..." (R/n) mumbled as she crossed her arms over her chest.

All of a sudden, a loud murderous scream could be heard echoing throughout the forest.

Not long after the first scream was a second one barely a minute later.

(R/n) froze when she heard the screams.

(Y/n)'s figure stiffened up as he jerked his head in the direction of where the screams might've been coming from.

Loud rumbling of footsteps thundered against the ground as they grew closer and closer to the duo, along with a set of normal human footsteps.

"Run! Run!!" A person cried out as they ran by the duo.

(R/n)'s eyes widened in horror when she took in the monstrous demon that had shown itself.

(Y/n) took a quick flash step backward, pulling (R/n) with him.

The demon came to a stop, staring at the two slayers that stood in its way with a snarky smirk on its lips.

(R/n) stood beside the teenager beside her, her body trembled when she felt the overwhelming power that this demon had.

The (H/c)-haired teenager gritted his teeth, remembering this one particular demon.

'This is that demon whose–' (Y/n) snapped out of his thought process as a single giant hand came in his direction.

The teenager dragged (R/n) with him once more, dodging the attack.

(R/n) stared at her companion with wide shaky eyes, fear being seen swimming in them.

(Y/n) unsheathed his blade, and brought it in front of him.

"W-What are you doing? We have to run! We can't kill that thing!!" (R/n) cried out as she took a single step backward.

The demon sent an extended hand out in the direction of (R/n)'s figure.

(Y/n) snapped his head in the female's direction. "(R/n)–" He began to holler, just to receive a scream of horrifying pain instead.

(E/c) eyes shrunk and trembled in horror as blood went flying and splattered onto their owner's face.

The demon had its hand wrapped around a crushed (R/n)'s figure, blood slipping out from between the cracks in its fingers.

(Y/n) could feel the blood slipping down his face as he stared at the replayed scene in terror.


Everything was being replayed right in front of him.

The six-armed demon...

(R/n)'s instant death of being crushed...

Tears of anger gathered in (Y/n)'s eyes as he glared at the demon with pure hatred in his eyes.

The demon froze when it saw the (H/c)-haired teenager stare at it with pure bloodlust dripping out into the atmosphere surrounding the two of them.

The demon dropped the deceased crushed female it had in its hand, a shiver running up its spine.

Its eyes then shot up in horror when it saw (Y/n) appear right in its face.

It immediately tried to send an attack of its own out, just to fail miserably as (Y/n) disappeared and reappeared on the other side of the demon.

"You deserve the sentence of death... Don't go trembling now," (Y/n) whispered as he swung his blade straight at the demon's weak spot.

Breath of Storm Second Form: Ever Storm

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