Final Selection

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The next night had appeared so quickly in the blink of an eye seeing as two boys have been traveling all day.

Both (Y/n) and Muichiro could be seen reaching their destination of where the Final Selection would be held for the current year.

The said duo were dressed up in simple, but breathable and moveable clothes that would protect themselves in the harsh environments that the Final Selection and upcoming demons would soon create.

(Y/n) kept staring down at a small bell that swung calmly after time he took a step, and not a single jingle from the object was heard at all.

Muichiro side-eyed the male beside him and frowned lightly when he saw the nervousness dance in the (E/c) hues he grew fond of within the last two months of knowing the other.

The said teenager brought his gaze up and forward, releasing a soft sigh from his lips.

"Remember what we planned on doing, Tokito-kun... We stick together on the first full day and separate when we see early dawn enter through the trees on the second day," (Y/n) piped up.

Muichiro blinked but nodded his head.

He would try to remember, for (Y/n)'s sake.

(Y/n) took notice of the look on the younger's face, and softly chuckled. "Don't think of it too much," he points out.

Muichiro hummed as he stared ahead, taking notice of the wisteria flowers that surrounded them.

"Let's hope we make it out alive in one piece," (Y/n) muttered despite knowing that both he and Muichiro would surely be one of the two surviving the Final Selection.


A familiar woman stood in the middle with two young children standing on both of her sides, watching as possible future slayers made their mark up the mountain.

After waiting for a few moments as the woman and children watched as the remaining people made their appearances, the woman began to speak.

"Greetings, everyone. Thank you all for joining the Final Selection tonight," Amane greeted the multiple children warmly.

With the greeting over with, the two girls started making their debut in finishing what their mother started.

"There are a lot of demons held captive on this mountain brought back by demon-killing swordsmen. They are unable to leave," Hinaki began to explain.

Nichika spoke up next. "Because from the mountain foot to halfway up, there are a lot of demon-repelling wisteria that bloom all year around."

Hinaki gave a ghost-like smile as she tilted her head to the side a bit. "However, from here on out, there are no more wisteria, only demons. If you can survive here for seven days–"

Nichika mimicked her sister's actions as she and Hinaki spoke at the same time.

"Then you pass the Final Selection. Now let the Final Selection begin," the two sisters say.

Everyone that went to the Final Selection darted right by the woman and children, not daring to look back at anything.

Muichiro and (Y/n) made sure to stay near one another the second they went by the two older Ubuyashiki daughters and Amane.

Hinaki looked up at her mother, a small frown on her lips. "Mother, do you think that Tokito-kun and (L/n)-kun will survive?" She asked.

Amane smiled softly down at her children as she nodded her head. "Of course, they're both very strong children."

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