Akira's Worries and The Train

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(Y/n) stared at the giant train that sat stationary right in front of him. He had been given a mission by Ubuyashiki to join Rengoku on the train to find and defeat the demon.

His eyes drift over to the front of the train and narrow his eyes upon it. Due to him joining this mission way before he died and got brought back into the past, the remaining lower moon that was on it had turned the train into its whole body.

With a sigh, (Y/n) shook his head and stepped onto the train looking for a loud Flame breathing user whom he was supposed to meet up with.

It didn't take him long though, seeing as he just had to follow the loud shouts of 'delicious'.

"Rengoku-san," (Y/n) greeted as he made his way up to the said man after walking for a few minutes.

Rengoku took notice of the teenager and beamed. "(Y/n), my boy! Have a seat!" He exclaimed.

(Y/n) nodded his head and sat across from the Hashira.

Rengoku grinned brightly. "I'm guessing Oyakata-sama gave you the approval to join me on my mission?" He asked.

(Y/n) nodded his head. "Yes," he simply answered.

Rengoku nodded his head and pushed a bento box in the teenager's direction.

"Eat! We'll be here for a while," the Hashira says loudly.

(Y/n) sweatdropped, but gave a silent thanks to the older male as he opened the bento box to see what food was contained in it.

A (S/c) hand picked up a set of chopsticks that came with it, breaking them apart just to give a small quiet prayer and quietly dug into the food.

Rengoku grinned brightly as he continued to eat, shouting 'delicious' every time he took a bite.

He got weird looks for it though, but nobody questioned it.


Akira landed on Ubuyashiki's hand, staring at the only thing she could see due to how close she was to the man.

She could see the eyes that stared back at her with such a fatherly warmth she dearly loved.

"How is (Y/n)-kun, Akira?" Ubuyashiki asked as he caressed her head with a single finger.

Akira released a caw of approval as she nuzzled her head against the finger.

"Working hard, caw." She answered.

Ubuyashiki nodded his head. "I can tell that you're nervous. Please do share if you'd like," he said softly.

Akira blinked as she gazed into the semi-abyss that sat in front of her, just to see the tinge of a soft shade of purple in her little to no vision.

"What if he... doesn't come back, caw? Akira doesn't want him to die." She cawed softly.

Ubuyashiki chuckled. "I'm glad you care so deeply for him, Akira." He replied.

Akira playfully huffed. "Of course, Akira cares for (Y/n)-sama. (Y/n)-sama is Akira's best friend!" She cawed.

"Then do you trust him to come back alive?" Ubuyashiki asked softly.

Akira nodded her head. "Yeah," she answered, "(Y/n)-sama is very strong!"

Ubuyashiki hummed softly in understanding.

He could tell just how much the albino crow looked up to the (H/c)-haired male.

A soft jingle captured his attention and assumed that Akira must've swayed her head to make the musical sound.

Akira then lifted her head, her misty red eyes shining with determination. "Akira will stay by (Y/n)-sama's side through the thick or thin! Nothing can separate us," she proudly declared.

Ubuyashiki smiled in amusement but nodded his head.


(Y/n) was staring heavily at all the bento boxes that sat empty off to the side with sweat rolling down the side of his face.

He had forgotten how much Rengoku truly ate on the mission because he thought it was going to be his last meal forever.

Which it was...

But of course, (Y/n) was going to make sure that today was going to be the day that he'd break out of Unknown's control to save Rengoku and the others that he wasn't able to save from then on.

With a sigh, (Y/n) leaned into the seat and turned his attention to the outside world.

His (E/c) hues shimmered at the scenery even if it wasn't much.

This was honestly his second time being on a train seeing as he didn't trust the transportation and usually traveled on foot.

Plus, he even found out he had motion sickness when he first rode it.

His body couldn't handle the rocking and small sways of the train moving which made him feel sick.

(Y/n) turned his attention back to Rengoku who was still eating.

But this time, he was eating a brand new bento box causing the teenager to deadpan at the man.

(Y/n) couldn't help it though...

Seeing Rengoku currently alive in front of him, eased his mind and nerves a little.

He could remember himself breaking down and becoming an emotional mess when had concluded Rengoku's death.

Because of that, the male visited the Rengoku family household to take care of the man's younger brother.

And well...

(Y/n) had kicked Rengoku's father out of the house, found every single bottle of alcohol that the man had, and poured it out right in front of him.

Yeah, that was probably one of (Y/n)'s most memorable memories he was glad to remember.

And he wasn't scared of doing it again, either.

Soft footsteps captured the teenager's attention, causing him to look down the walkway and hold back a smirk.

It was about time.

The Mugen Train mission was just about to start.

And it was going to get hectic.

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