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"Enemy attack! Demons! Enemy attack!" A swordsmith hollered as he banged a metal bell with a hammer. "Protect the clan leaders! Get the Hashira's katana! Get the Chief to safety!"

A demon came up from the side, its teeth wide open.

"WAAAH!" The swordsmith screamed.

Loud cries were heard as many swordsmiths tried to run to safety.

"GYAH!" A swordsmith cried out as he was attacked from behind.


"Be careful! This monster's claws are sharp like blades!"

"Get inside!"


"It's no use! Back! Fall back!"

Mitsuri could be seen making her appearance as she flipped high into the air, taking notice of how a nearby swordsmith was trying his best to push away a demon.

"Sorry I'm late! I'll slay them all right away!" Mitsuri yelled in an apologetic tone.

One by one, the fish-like demons fell as Mitsuri sliced them down by breaking the vases that were on their backs.

"WHOAAA! It's a Hashira! Amazing!"

"She's fast! And strong!"

"She's a strong Hashira... I forgot because she's so cute!"


An injured swordsmith could be seen lying beside a crumbled wall, the upper left part of his mask broken.

The Chief was being held upside down in a tight grip by an enormous fish-like demon that had multiple vases on its back.

Multiple demon slayers lay strewn across the floor dead.

Blood was across the floor and walls.

Saliva dripped from the demon's mouth as it salivated.

A loud growl left the demon as it tightened the grip it had on the chief.

'The demon easily defeated the corps members who protect the village. I can't let the Chief die... He's the most skilled in the village! This monster is too big! My attacks don't do a thing! And it's freakishly fast!' The swordsmith's eyes widened as Mitsuri appeared before him.

"Don't move... I think you have internal injuries!" Mitsuri states.

"L... Lady Kanroji!" The male exclaimed in relief and shock.

'What's with her sword? Did... Did Chief Tecchin make that? I heard some rumors, but that's really weird!' He thought.

"GROOAA... AAARR!" The demon growled out.

Love Breathing First Form: Shivers of First Love!


itsuri quickly moved in for the attack before the demon could land one on her.

A confused growl escaped from the demon.

"Those...who needlessly hurt others will never touch my heart," Mitsuri says as she watches the demon turn into ash while crumbling to the ground.

Because of this, Tecchin's figure was released and went falling toward the ground.

The swordsmith tried to move forward just to stop as a pained sound left him.

"Chief Tecchin!" Mitsuri shouted as she ran forward and caught the elderly man.

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