Week Three

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(Y/n) blinked as he stared dumbfounded at Sanemi, wondering what the hell the older male was thinking about.

Sanemi had his nonexistent brows furrowed as he stared at the slightly shorter male in front of him in silence.

It was already day fifteen, and the Wind Hashira was having trouble trying to figure out what the fuck to do next.

The Wind Hashira had seen how Gyomei was right in some way, that he didn't even want to agree with it.

Gyomei's words of (Y/n) becoming a monster on the field struck a nerve for some unknown reason that Sanemi, himself, didn't understand.

The one thing that he was silently glad that (Y/n) had was muscle memory.

Something that you never see in demon slayers nowadays.

Sanemi crossed his arms over his chest as he lightly scoffed.

The silence in (Y/n)'s footsteps was already scary enough, but matching that with a nichirin blade would probably make it terrifying.

Especially when you can't even tell which direction (Y/n) was coming from, at all.

(Y/n) tilted his head to the side as he watched Sanemi contemplate what should be worked on next.

'I feel so bad for him... Maybe drop me off with another Hashira or ask for a training regimen I could follow? Wait, his ego won't allow that to happen unless he's ordered to be on a mission.' (Y/n) thought as sweat rolled down the side of his head.

Sanemi then scoffed, causing (Y/n) to jump a little at the unexpected sound.

The (H/c)-haired male became dot-eyed as he watched Sanemi walk off.

"Uh... where are you going, Shinazugawa-san?" (Y/n) nervously asked.

"Grabbing something, don't you fucking worry about it," Sanemi grumbled out.

The teenager just stood there in plain confusion, wondering what he had done to anger the Wind Hashira.

In realization, (Y/n) mentally panicked inside of his mind.

'Did I forget to hold back the first two weeks?! Ahhhhh!! No!! Is this what Genya meant when he said I was like a miniature Gyomei-san when he first saw me training!?' (Y/n) thought as he gripped at his (H/c) locks.

(Y/n) quickly did his best to try and pull himself together, as he slammed a fist onto an open palm.

'I'll just... I'll just hold back! That should work... right? Maybe...? I...don't know anymore.' the male became depressed at the thought that came across his mind.


Trembling in fear, (Y/n) stared down at the fainted figure he had been fighting against for the past hour in plain horror.

Sanemi was standing off to the side questioning what the fuck he got himself into.

"I am so sorry!" (Y/n) clapped his hands together as he apologized to the fainted demon slayer that was carried off by a Kakushi.

Sanemi then narrowed his eyes upon the teenager that was sulking at the fact he had failed to hold back his strength.

The (H/c)-haired teenager turned toward the Wind Hashira with a saddened look on his face.

Sanemi grumbled under his breath and pointed off to the side.

"Take a break," the Wind Hashira ordered despite wanting to see more of what (Y/n) was capable of doing.

"Yes, sir," (Y/n) replied as he headed off to take a break.


Days sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen went by like a breeze.

(Y/n) had practically been placed into the custody of the Flame Hashira for those three days because Sanemi didn't trust him, while the said Wind Hashira went out for a mission that he was called for.

The Flame Hashira had made more progress for (Y/n), seeing as he had helped the teenager to start working on his breathing style.

What was the breathing style?

Well, (Y/n) was going to be keeping that a secret until the time was right, seeing as it was the same one he had been using before he died.

Those three days also felt like a breath of fresh air to the teenager since he didn't have to feel tense around the hyperactive and loud Flame Hashira.

The current Flame Hashira had even praised the teenager with gifts of food whenever (Y/n) had made an achievement, even if it was small.

During that time, the two had also grown a brotherly bond with one another.

And that was when (Y/n) decided to not make this mistake again.

He was going to try and save Rengoku Kyojuro, even if it means nearly ending his life again.


A young woman by the name of Mitsuri Kanroji stared at the (H/c)-haired teenager with wide, sparkly green eyes.

'Uwah!! He looks so cool!' She mentally squeals inside of her mind as she makes sure to keep up with Sanemi, nearly falling behind.

Sanemi had just come back from his mission, so it was about day nineteen now.

(Y/n) could be seen going against the Flame Hashira in a small mock battle that passes the time quicker, since he was becoming bored of not finding anything to do.

"Brat!" Sanemi called out, causing the mock battle to come to a pause.

(Y/n) turned his head in Sanemi's direction with a confused look on his face.

The teenager blinked when he took in the familiar female figure that stood beside Sanemi.

A ghost-like smile came across (Y/n)'s lips as his eyes brightened.

It was Mitsuri!

One of the Hashira he had gotten along with, and nearly called her "big sister" at one point in his life.

"Ah! Sanemi and Mitsuri!" Rengoku greeted with a wide smile on his lips.

Sanemi huffed lightly as Mitsuri waved at the male that was her mentor not too long ago.

Sanemi then turned his full attention to the (H/c)-haired teenager.

"The last two days of this week, Mitsuri will be helping you with your training," he says in a moody tone.


Yeah, those last two days were a bitch.

It ended up with (Y/n) being sore all over because his body hadn't had a good stretch in a long while.

But did he regret it?

In a way, yes.

But at least it would help him with his flexibility, since he was bad at it in certain situations.

The only thing he could wish for is that the next five weeks could come by fast because he would be getting hand chosen by Amane herself.

So, the only thing that was keeping (Y/n) going was that he was going to see Muichiro again in a depressed and blank state.

Just five weeks left.

Let's just hope (Y/n) doesn't die in that estimated amount of time.

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