Refunctional-Recovery Training: Part 2

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(Y/n) hid in the shadows as he watched Tanjiro do his best on trying to Focus Full Breaths the whole time.

Akira was nuzzling up against his neck, also keeping an eye on the Water Breathing user with her misty red hues.

Her feathers ruffled up in a panic when she heard Tanjiro slap his face with both of his hands for some reason.

(Y/n) held back a chuckle as he watched the teenager panic while panting heavily.

"You coward!!" Tanjiro shouted at himself, clenching his hands into fists.

A set of red hues widened as Tanjiro yelled out.


The butterfly girls that were hiding, smiled as they walked together.

"Tanjiro-san's been trying hard every day."


"We should bring him some rice balls."


"And the gourds too."

The sound of soft fluttering caused the three girls to brighten up when they saw who it was.


"Akira-chan, too!"

"Were you here the whole time?"

(Y/n) nodded his head as he walked with the girls.

"Do you also think that Tanjiro-san is progressing, (Y/n)-san?" One of the girls asked, looking up at the Tsuguko with a look of curiosity on her face.

(Y/n) nodded his head. "Yes. I'll say he'll be able to perform it well enough the second it truly needs it amid battle," he agreed.

The girls smiled at that.

"He still won't be able to catch up with you... But he might have a chance to catch up with Kanao-san, though!" Another beamed.

(Y/n) gave an amused smile at the comment. "Who knows, he might catch me if he tries hard enough."

"Eh? Even Shinazugawa-san has trouble catching you!" All three of them exclaimed in sync.

The Tsuguko shrugged his shoulders.

"Let's go get him those gourds, yeah?" He replied, changing the subject.

"Oh, yeah!"

The small group went off to grab the gourds that were needed.


"Blow into the gourds?" Tanjiro asked in confusion.

The three Butterfly girls smiled.

"Yes. When the Hashira were training Kanao-san and (Y/n)-san, Shinobu-san often had them blow into a gourd," one answered.

"Huuuh. That's one interesting way to practice. Does it make a sound or something?" He questioned.

"No, she made them blow into the gourds to destroy it." One of them beamed as if it was a normal thing to do.

"Huuuh..." Tanjiro trailed off before paling as he realized what the girl meant.

'Destroy...?' He thought.

"Uh, this? Destroy this? This hard thing?" Tanjiro continued to ask, hoping he didn't mishear them.

"Yeah. And since these are specially crafted gourds, it's harder than the usual ones."

This caused Tanjiro to panic even more.

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