Wanted: Respect

477 22 1

"Genya! Straight to the northeast! The fifth one is hunkered down there! Go! I'll back you up!" Tanjiro shouted.

Hearing his yell, Genya went running in the direction that Tanjiro told him to head.

'Northeast!' Genya repeated in his mind.

"Nezuko! Go help Genya! Don't let the demons interfere with him!" Tanjiro shouted once more.

Nezuko made a sound from behind her muzzled lips before chasing.

A strong wind attack was sent at Tanjiro, causing the teenager to shout in surprise.

Tanjiro grasped onto a nearby tree trunk, trying to not get blown away.

'Don't get blown away! Stay right here! Uh-oh... A lightning attack is coming too!' He realized.

Nezuko ran forward, her right arm swung above her head just to be stabbed through the abdomen and trapped against a tree.

Before Sekido could even move, the upper part of his arm and his staff were sliced.

'That boy...has gotten faster! From the moment we met...he had already surpassed the level his Lordship told me about. He has outstanding reflexes and adapts to the fight. And he demonstrates explosive growth at critical moments.' Sekido thought.

Not even a second later, Urogi's lower face was sliced by Tanjiro's attack.

Nezuko glared at Aizetsu and grabbed him by the hair.

Aizetsu's eyes widened a bit as he was pulled closer to Nezuko, getting pierced through the abdomen by his own weapon at the same time.

Nezuko wrapped her arms and legs around Aizetsu and set him on fire.

"GAH! AAGH!" Aizetsu screamed.

'Uh-oh! Karaku... Karaku!' Sekido looked around and found Karaku going up against Tanjiro this time.

Karaku sends a strong attack down toward Tanjiro which leaves behind the shape of what his weapon was.

A cough escaped Tanjiro's lips as blood dripped down his nose.

'Now for the boy who lets the lead fly!' Karaku was about to send in another attack just to watch his arm become split down the middle.

This caused Karaku to wave his split arm around.

'Hmph! He cut me!' Karaku then stomped on the ground which made Tanjiro roll away before he could get hit.

"Genya! On your right! It's moving south! Find it!" Tanjiro yelled.

'I'm looking! I've been looking this whole time! Can I not see it because of some demonic art?! Grrr! Where?! The longer this goes on the more exhausted I get.' Genya looked around, trying to find Hantengu.

"West! Further right! It's close! On the ground! Genya!" Tanjiro continued to shout.

'Where? W...' Genya shifted his gaze downward just to meet eye contact with Hantengu who stood near his feet.

"AIEEE!" Hantengu cried out.

'It's...tiny!' Genya thought before pulling the trigger in the direction of Hantengu just to miss.

"AIEEE!" Hantengu makes a run for it which makes Genya chase after the demon.

'It's too small! This is the main body?! This guy?! The little creep! How was I supposed to find that?! He's the size of a mouse! The other four are really strong! This pipsqueak is controlling them?! While fighting those four, we gotta go mouse hunting?! Sheesh! Now I see how they've defeated so many Demon Slayer Corps members so far. Dammit, if (Y/n) was here... He'd easily end this! Where the hell is he, anyway?! Gimme a break! So sneaky! That really pisses me off!' Genya then swings his blade at Hantengu's neck.

"GYAH!" Hantengu cried out.

'Yes, got him!! I've won!' Genya thought.

Suddenly, Genya's blade breaks when it touches Hantengu's neck.

Seeing this surprised the teenager. 'My... My blade! I can't cut him! No way! No way! His neck is only as thick as a finger!' Genya gritted his teeth as he pointed the barrel of his gun at Hantengu once more.

A loud bang was heard.

Dust piled up into the air just for it to be swept to the side, showing Hantengu's small form still standing.

"AIEEE!" Hantengu cried out.

'It's no use!' Genya thought.

Sekido appears behind Genya, the end of his staff pointing at the back of Genya's neck.

'No! I was too slow! I can't dodge. He's got me. I can't heal my neck. Sanemi... I wanted to become a Hashira...so you would respect me. And I wanted to apologize...for that one time.' Genya reflected.

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