Mission Accomplished

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Obanai side-eyed the Wind Hashira. "Shinazugawa, you can't do it in the sunlight. The demon won't come out unless you go to the shade," he points out.

"Oyakata-sama forgive my rudeness," Sanemi grumbled as he picked up both the box and Akira, and disappeared within a quick second just to reappear right behind the Ubuyashiki family.

Sanemi was pointing his blade straight at Nezuko's box.

"Nezukooo!! Stooooop!!" Tanjiro hollered, just to be elbowed in the spine by Obanai.

Tanjiro gasped out in pain. 'I can't breathe... I can't move!!' He panicked.

Before Sanemi could stab into Nezuko's box, Akira fluttered up onto it and spread her wings out in a protective stance.

An irk mark appeared on Sanemi's forehead.

"Akira—!" He exclaimed in a rude voice.

Akira immediately shook her head despite wanting to bow her head and submit to the strong aura the Wind Hashira had.

But she couldn't.

She had a mission, and she was gonna fulfill it.

She has already failed the first time around, but she wasn't going to fail this time.

"Caw!! Friends! (Y/n)'s friend!" Akira cried out, doing her best to nudge the blade away without hurting herself.

Sanemi's body trembled in anger, clenching his teeth.

A caw of surprise escaped from Akira as she flew upward when the box's door was pushed all the way open with a strong force.

Everyone watched as Nezuko made an appearance, slowly standing up from the box.

She was breathing heavily as the smell of Sanemi's blood captivated her senses.

Her eyes narrowed heavily on the blood dripping from Sanemi's open self-inflicted wound.

Akira released a worried caw, causing Nezuko to take notice of her as well.

Nezuko's pink eyes widened a little when she realized a familiar scent came from the albino that she had started to miss.

(Y/n)'s scent stood out despite the scent of Sanemi's blood on Akira's feathers.

"Iguro-san, you're pushing him too much. Loosen up a bit."

Obanai side-eyed the person that spoke up. "If he tries to move, wouldn't I be the one being pushed?" He questioned.

Shinobu sighed in disappointment. "...Kamado-kun, your lungs are under pressure, so if you use your breaths, your blood vessels will explode," she warned.

Hearing this caused Uzui to beam in excitement.

"Blood vessels exploding!! That's gonna make a flamboyant sound!! Okay, go explode!" Uzui exclaimed.

Mitsuri stared at the Sound Hashira in horror.

Tears dripped down Gyomei's cheeks. "You poor thing... What a weak pitiful child. Namu Amida Butsu..." He murmured.

Tanjiro clenched his teeth as he stared down at the ground.

Drool slipped from behind Nezuko's muzzle, but she kept looking between the blood and the worried crow that had tried her best to protect both her and her brother up to this point.


Mitsuri covered her face as she watched Tanjiro struggle for a few moments before forcefully pushing himself off of the ground after breaking through the rope that had him tied down at the wrists.

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