Hidden Softie

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The soft, but heavy swishing could be heard thundering lightly against the atmosphere.

Purple eyes stared narrowly at the blade with anger swirling in them.

The owner of this blade could feel the look of awe being sent toward both him and the weapon that he was carrying.

This said figure that was staring in amazement was gazing at the young Hashira that was training right in front of him.

The boy with (H/c) locks could remember all the times when he had his own nichirin blade sitting comfortably, wrapped around his (S/c) fingers.

(E/c) eyes sparkled in remembrance while staring at the male, even more, excitement fidgeting at his figure.

Sanemi came to a pause as sweat rolled down the side of his head.

The said male rolled his shoulders as they started to roll in with the soreness.

(Y/n) took notice of a small face towel that sat beside him, and quickly snatched it up, heading over to Sanemi's side.

"Here, sir." (Y/n) states as he hands over the small towel to the Hashira.

Sanemi stared at the object for a few seconds as he sheathed his blade to its original spot on his hip before taking the towel.

(Y/n) felt nervous all of a sudden as he placed his forearms on his lower back.

With a heavy sigh, Sanemi turned away and wiped away any excess sweat on him.

(E/c) eyes widened when he was handed back the towel.

"Would you like anything to drink? You've been at this since breakfast," (Y/n) asked.

Sanemi grumbled out, not wanting to answer the teenager's question.

Blinking, (Y/n) felt a ghost smile slip up onto his lips.

"Are ohagi and tea, alright?" The boy questioned, tilting his head off to the side.

'Oh, pfft- There are those eyes.' (Y/n) bit back a laugh when he saw the slight sparkle in Sanemi's eyes when he brought up the other male's favorite food.

"Whatever," Sanemi mumbled.

(Y/n) grinned, tilting his head off to the side a bit. "Okay... Just wait here," he says with a clap of his hands before turning away, and heading off inside.

Sanemi watched the fourteen-year-old walk back inside the Wisteria House with a frown on his lips.

"Why the fucking hell does he remind me of him?" Sanemi huffed out.

With a grunt, Sanemi finally decided to take a break and sit down under the shade.


"Sorry for the wait!" (Y/n) says as he comes walking out of the kitchen with a plate of ohagi, and a plate that had two cups of hot green tea on it.

Sanemi snapped his eyes upward, a frown sticking to his lips.

(Y/n) sweatdropped at the stare but didn't dare say anything as he took his time slowly putting down the food and drinks.

In all honesty, (Y/n) made the ohagi just for Sanemi, but he wasn't going to tell that to the other.

Sanemi side-eyed the male before him before picking up one of the ohagi and taking a bite out of it.

The said (H/c)-haired boy gently blew at the cup of tea in his hands before taking a sip from it.

Not wanting to say anything, (Y/n) kept his attention on the nearby wisteria flowers that surrounded the backyard while Sanemi had some sort of flashback of familiarity with his favorite food.

(Y/n) side-eyed the white-haired male beside him, taking notice of the unspoken question that the older figure wanted.

(E/c) eyes drifted down into the green tea that had small ripples in them.

"If you're wondering how I know how to make these, it's because I had someone special to me teach it due to the curiosity I had." (Y/n) explained, clearly lying.

'If only he knew that he was the one that taught me how to make it.' (Y/n) mentally chuckled.

Sanemi scoffed as he turned away. "I didn't need to fucking know that," he scoffed lowly despite still nibbling at the ohagi.

(Y/n) just mentally deadpanned but shook his head.

Bringing the cup of tea up to his lips, (Y/n) took another sip from it.

A soft breeze brushed by, allowing (H/c) locks to dance with it.

Sanemi side-eyed the teenager once more, taking in how the boy seemed reliable.

He could see the small scars decorating the boy's (S/c) hands, which made him wonder how he got them.

Before he could think of the other figure beside him, he immediately shook his head.

'What the hell are you doing to me, you little shit?' Sanemi wondered.

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