Moonlight Visit

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Akira cawed quietly in excitement as she and (Y/n) headed in the direction of where Nezuko was placed, ready to see the demon both she and her master had saved.

The albino crow took notice of the needed door and ruffled her feathers as she took flight in the direction of the sliding door.

(Y/n) raised an amused brow at his crow, but sped up his walking since he didn't want to be left behind by an excited crow.

A few seconds later, Akira landed on the wooden flooring in front of the door and stared up at the blurry figure of her master with sparkling red hues.

(Y/n) playfully rolled his eyes as he reached the albino feathery creature, and turned toward the sliding door.

"Are you sure about this, Akira?" He asked.

Akira nodded her head as she danced back and forth, circling between (Y/n)'s feet twice before standing in the middle of them, staring up at the door with a caw of impatience leaving her.

"Hold your feathers, Akira." (Y/n) lightly scolded, just to get a huff back at him.

The teenager sent his crow the stink-eye before knocking on the sliding door.

"Nezuko-chan, we're coming in."

As he said that, (Y/n) opened the sliding door with Akira hopping away inside, the said teenager following the wide-awake crow who was currently full of energy.

Wide pink eyes could be seen glowing in the dark room, staring at the two who had just entered their owner's room.

"Mmh!" Nezuko hummed excitedly behind her muzzle, seeing how it was Akira and (Y/n).

(Y/n) sent a quick smile to the teenager in front of him. "Hello," he greeted.

Nezuko tilted her head, making a sound of confusion.

"Visit, caw!" Akira cawed softly, taking notice of the confusion that the girl was probably feeling.

Nezuko nodded her head in understanding, not bothering to change her size of being a small child as she lightly tapped the area beside her box, wanting (Y/n) to sit there.

(Y/n) raised a brow at the young girl, but followed the instructions by sitting in the said place where Nezuko wanted him to sit.

The second he sat down, Nezuko crawled onto him and curled her figure up against his chest.

Blinking, (Y/n) stiffened up a little before relaxing as he placed a single hand on Nezuko's head.

Nezuko closed her eyes in contentment as a pleased hum escaped from her.

Akira released a quiet, and surprised caw as Nezuko opened her eyes a little and picked her up.

(Y/n) bit back a laugh when he saw how Akira was now trapped in the gentle clutches of Nezuko.

Akira, realizing that she was now trapped in a way, cuddled herself up onto Nezuko's hold in happiness.

Nezuko leaned her head against (Y/n)'s chest, taking in the warmth that the older was giving away, and that she was trying to take.

Moonlight shifted slowly from behind the curtains that were softly blown by a gentle set of spurs of wind that belonged to the outside world.

The trio's figures lit up thanks to the moonlight landing on the three of them as they leaned up against the wall beside Nezuko's box.

Nezuko stared tiredly ahead as she felt drowsiness start to take over her figure.

Pink eyes slowly drift upward and soften a single shade.

'He...feels like a big brother.' Nezuko thought of it as a small smile appeared on her muzzled lips.

At that thought, she closed her eyes completely as she allowed sleep to consume her.

It didn't take Akira long after to fall asleep in Nezuko's hold.

The said crow had her head nuzzled in-between Nezuko's hands and (Y/n)'s chest.

A soft sigh escaped (Y/n)'s lips as he watched the two girls fall asleep on him, as he ran a hand through Nezuko's hair.

His eyes softened when he remembered how he was able to witness Nezuko conquer the sun with Tanjiro beside him.

'Once I get myself out of Unknown's clutches, which hopefully will be soon because it's been two years... Maybe, I can save Rengoku from his demise? It is coming soon after Tanjiro and the others are finished with rehabilitation training.' (Y/n) mused as his eyelids started to drift shut.

A sleepy coo-like caw escaped from Akira as she moved even closer to the two she was sandwiched between.

A tired chuckle left (Y/n)'s lips.

"Goodnight you two," he whispered as he leaned his head against the wall behind him, just to fall asleep minutes later.


Soft footsteps echoed down the hallway before coming to a stop when their owner took notice of the opened sliding door.

Raising a simple brow, the figure bounded forward and peeked their head inside of the room just for their eyes to soften a little at the moment before them.

"Oh my."

Shaking their head, the figure brought a hand to their masked lips and softly chuckled.

"Who knew that (Y/n)-sama could be such an older sibling figure," they whispered.

Taking in a silent thought, the Kakushi slid the door shut not wanting to bother the sleeping trio inside the room.

"Goodnight you three."

The Kakushi then left, wanting to finish off the remaining chores that they had night.

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