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Muichiro sat in the shade as he watched (Y/n)'s figure playing with the Ubuyashiki children, a small temari ball being kicked around.

Amane stood behind the boy, watching the children running around with a soft look in her eyes.

The woman's husband was currently having a small conversation with the Insect Hashira inside a nearby room.

The pre-teen kept his eyes on the boy with (H/c) locks, a small frown dancing upon his lips. A small feeling of jealousy swimming through his veins.

Amane looked over at the young boy and smiled in amusement.

She could tell that the young Tokito was getting jealous over the fact that (Y/n) didn't have his attention on him.

She had also noticed how the pre-teen had become clingy to the Wind Hashira's Tsuguko whenever he came over to visit right after training – even if that said Tsuguko was tired as hell.

(Y/n) moved out of the way of an incoming Kiriya that decided it was a good idea to go after him.

"Too slow," (Y/n) lightly teased the young male.

Kiriya gave a barely noticeable pout as he gave the older male the stink eye.

Muichiro brought his gaze to his hands, as he tried his best to remember what happened before he was brought here, just to get an aching pain in his head.

Amane took notice of this, and lightly placed her hand on Muichiro's shoulder, causing the boy to stiffen up under the physical contact that was foreign to him.

Muichiro's misty and dazed eyes lifted as he made eye contact with Amane's gentle purple hues.

"Do you feel alright? We can head inside if you feel like you've been out here long enough," Amane asked.

Muichiro looked at the children and (Y/n) for a quick moment before nodding his head as he slowly pushed himself up with Amane's help.

"(L/n)-kun, I'll be taking Tokito-kun inside," Amane spoke up so that the teenager knew where the younger would be.

(Y/n) turned his attention to the duo that was about to enter the estate and nodded his head. "We'll follow right after in a bit," he retorted.

Amane smiled and nodded before leading Muichiro into the guestroom he would be staying in for a while.

Muichiro looked over his shoulder, watching as (Y/n) gave him a small wave in farewell.

The pre-teen looked away, gazing at the ground with a distant look in his eyes.

Amane looked down at the young boy once more and shook her head fondly.

She just had that feeling that Muichiro and (Y/n) were going to be having that tight bond of a friendship due to their close age gap.


A yawn could be heard escaping Muichiro's lips as he leaned into (Y/n)'s figure that sat behind him, brushing away any knots that got tangled in his long hair.

(Y/n) released a soft chuckle from his lips as he gazed at the sleepy pre-teen that did his best to stay awake.

"Sleepy?" He asked, raising a questioning brow at the pre-teen.

Muichiro frowned as he shook his head in a deniable manner. "No," he murmured just for another yawn to escape his lips.

The (H/c)-haired teenager stared at the back of Muichiro's head for a few moments, amused that the said boy didn't want to fall asleep.

He could tell that the younger one had become comfortable around him. But around others? Muichiro still had a long way to go to reach that achievement. They just wait for that said moment to hit, even if that said mention would cause pain.

"You can fall asleep, you know? I can tell that you're falling asleep on me," (Y/n) points out.

Muichiro made a hum of dissatisfaction. "No..." He mumbled once more.

A sigh escaped (Y/n)'s lips. 'I should thank Amane-sama for getting Sanemi-san to give me a short break.' He thought, trying to figure out what to gift the older woman.

Muichiro leaned his head back a bit when he realized that (Y/n) was no longer brushing his long hair.

The said teenager had set the brush on the tatami mat beside him.

A tap on the arm caused (Y/n) to blink and gaze at the boy in front of him.

"Oh, did you need something?" (Y/n) asked.

Muichiro turned his whole body around and pushed the slightly older boy onto the futon he usually slept on.

A small 'oof' escaped (Y/n)'s lips as his back landed on the futon.

(E/c) eyes stared up at the roof with a deadpanned expression sketching upon their owner's face.

The (H/c)-haired teenager felt the pre-teen cuddled up right next to him, just to fall right asleep.

'Damn it... Why did I forget how clingy he could be with me. Oh shit, wait. His crow's going to be almost just as clingy with me. Fuck!' The teenager paled when he realized what was going to be happening not long after the both of them would be receiving their Kasugai crows.

A defeated sigh escaped the fourteen-year-old boy's lips, immediately surrendering his personal space and the fact that he had been defeated in staying in one place for a while.

The sound of a sliding door opening captured his attention, causing him to look over.

Amane poked her head in, an amused smile dancing upon her lips.

"Would you like me to tell Shinazugawa-san that you'll be staying for the night?" Amane asked the trapped boy.

(Y/n) nodded his head in defeat. "If you don't mind, that would be great," he replied.

Amane nodded her head and closed the sliding door as she left the duo inside Muichiro's guestroom.

(Y/n) once again turned his attention up to the ceiling.

He subconsciously wrapped an arm around Muichiro's figure, causing the said pre-teen to snuggle up into his side, taking whatever heat the (H/c)-haired boy's body gave off.

A tired sigh escaped his lips as (Y/n) closed his eyes, feeling tired all of a sudden.

"Just a little nap..." He murmured, before falling asleep.

Fifteen minutes later, however, Amane poked her head in to tell (Y/n) that she had sent the message to Sanemi, just to go quiet as she stared at the scene in front of her.

A gentle smile came across her face as she quietly awed.

A sleeping (Y/n) had turned his body, so that it was facing Muichiro, with an arm wrapped around the said pre-teen's figure.

The fourteen-year-old teenager was using his unoccupied arm as an extra lift that the pillow didn't give.

While a sleeping Muichiro could be seen right up against (Y/n)'s figure, clutching lightly onto the white nightshirt that the other was wearing. His head lay right up against the teenager's chest, where the heart would be.

Amane's gaze switched between the two of them and nodded to herself.

"Goodnight you two," she whispered before leaving the room, not wanting to disturb the sleeping children as she closed the sliding door once more.

Amane had taken it into account that the two were each other's comfort if they needed it, and she was glad that they became quite attached. They did deserve each other after all the things that they've been through.

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