Do Something

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A pained gasp escaped Tanjiro's lips as his injured hand cramped but he once again swung his blade straight at Gyuutaro's neck for a second time.

'This guy!! This idiot is still swinging his blade! Even though he couldn't cut my head off just a while ago!' Gyuutaro thought as he gritted his teeth while staring at Tanjiro in annoyance.

'I can't just use my arm strength alone. I'll cut him using my whole body. Use everything from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Forget all the pain in your body. Bite at him. One whole body blow isn't enough. Squeeze out a hundred times that strength!!' Tanjiro told himself.

Gyuutaro's eye widened when he saw markings appear on Tanjiro's face. 'Wha? The mark on his forehead...'

"GAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Tanjiro yells loudly.

'I can't pull the sickle from his chin!! Crap! I gotta regenerate my left arm that the Shinobi cut off...' Gyuutaro trailed off.

Slowly, Tanjiro's blade was making its way through Gyuutaro's neck.

'Dammit, this brat's... Crap, he's gonna cut my heaaad!! No! It'll be fine!! Even if my head is cut off, my sister's head is still connected to me.' Gyuutaro glared up at Tanjiro in annoyance.

Off to the side, the scene changes to Daki fighting against Zenitsu still.

'I'll deal with this first!!' Daki thought.

"I'll dice you to shreds before you even get a chance to cut my head off!! Take..." Daki exclaimed before noticing Inosuke behind her.

'How the hell!? This guy had his heart skewered by big brother!' Daki stared in disbelief.

"Don't underestimate the suppleness of my body! Shifting the positions of my organs is just child's plaaay!! Poison has no effect against a rugged mountain boy like me!!" Inosuke hollered as he swung his blades at Daki's neck.

Loud hollering was heard from Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke as they all tried their best to slice off the duo's heads.

"Big brother!! Do something, big brother!!" Daki cried out.

"Sorry I'm late, guys."

Breath of Storm Sixth Form: Wildfire Cutter

All of a sudden, an attack comes out of nowhere slicing through both Daki and Gyuutaro's necks which sent their heads flying at the same time.

Tanjiro's eyes widened when he saw a familiar figure appear before him.

The first head to hit the ground was Gyuutaro's with Daki's following not long after.

Daki had a shocked look on her face as hers and Gyuutaro's heads bounced and landed right beside each other.

The two demon siblings met eye contact the second they landed.

Tanjiro, Inosuke, Uzui, the wives, and Zenitsu were shocked when they saw who was able to slice off the two demons' heads in one go.

(Y/n) stared at the heads that belonged to both Daki and Gyuutaro, a blank look on his face.

"Did they get them!? They did!! They did!? KYAAAAAH! They did it, Hinatsuru-san! Look while you're crossing over to the other side!"

"Do you know what you're even saying!? Dummy!! Eh?"

"Something's wrong here."

The wives noticed Tanjiro's figure panting heavily.

'P-Poison... Have to... Breathe. Delay the poison just a little...' Tanjiro thought.

The burgundy-haired teenager's ears rang loudly so he wasn't able to hear Uzui's yells that were being sent toward him.

'What? He's saying something. Neck. Did (Y/n) not cut it? Uzui-san is saying something...' Tanjiro felt dazed as he couldn't make out the words Uzui was saying.

"RUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!" Uzui hollered.

Slashes of blood were sent flying from Gyuutaro's body in different directions, destroying everything else that was in the way.

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