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"Only think about your own lives. First thing to do is to come back to my place, no matter what you leave behind. Your lives are more important than fulfilling your duties. Saying that in this line of work is somewhat odd, but I don't care. I'll allow it. I'll establish a clear, flamboyant life priority. First, you three. Then, respectable humans," Uzui says.

The three kunoichi stared at him in confusion.

"We're gonna protect the plain, carefree people of course, since we're demon slayers. But frankly speaking, you guys are precious to me, so don't die."


"Well, why not? Tengen-sama said he's okay with it. Hating to die and wanting to live aren't bad. If you don't actually mind the idea yourself, I'm sure he won't too."

Uzui walks past two of his wives just to give both of them a quick head pat.

"Looks like you did a flamboyant job there. I knew you could do it, my girls," Uzui compliments.

Loud cries escaped Suma which caused Uzui to stare at her with widened eyes.

"Heeeeey, bastard God of Festivities!! The maggot sashes disappeared into the holes and escaped!!" Inosuke hollered.

"Shut uuup!! We saved all the captured people, so it's fine. Talk to me after you finish singing my praises first!" Uzui shouts.

"Tengen-sama, we should pursue them quickly or the damage could spread!" Makio piped up.

"Follow me and make it quick, you lot! We're going to give chase," Uzui ordered.


Uzui runs across the rooftops, heading in the direction of where the sashes had disappeared.

"Outta the way, people!! Uzui-san's going through!" Uzui hollers. "WAHA HAHA!"

Inosuke felt irked when he saw how far ahead Uzui was to him and Zenitsu.

"He's damn fast!!" He exclaimed.


(Y/n) grabs the back of Tanjiro's haori, and jumps backward when he takes notice of sashes heading over.

Tanjiro stares with wide eyes when he watches the sash go into Daki's body.

'What the? The sash went into her body? No. It split off from her, and now it's coming back?' Tanjiro wondered.

(Y/n) releases his hold on Tanjiro's haori, and watches as he releases a heavy breath from his clenched teeth as he swings at Daki.

Daki suddenly disappears, which surprises Tanjiro when he sees that he didn't land a hit on her.

"Yeah, a 'Hashira', huh. Good thing a Hashira came. That person will be pleased..." Daki was grasping on both sides of her face, cracks being seen all over her body.

Tanjiro seemed to be deep in thought, so (Y/n) disappeared.

"Hey, what are you doing there!!" A man hollered, pointing at Tanjiro.

People were peering outside of their windows, checking to see what was going on outside.

"Don't go arguing in front of other people's stores!" The man continued to shout.

"How annoying," Daki hissed quietly under her breath as she sent the man an ice-cold glare.

"No, get away from here!! Don't leave the building!!!" Tanjiro yells, confusing the man.

Multiple attacks were released at the same time from Daki's sash, each attack landing on the buildings and anyone that was nearby.

Tanjiro quickly moved to protect the man just for blood to go flying out of his wound, which caused him to grit his teeth.

A scream of pain was heard from the man behind Tanjiro.

The man was gripping onto his arm was now handless and had blood dripping to the ground.

Tanjiro watched in horror as the buildings started to slide and crash into debris.

(Y/n) quickly grabs onto both Tanjiro and the man, immediately taking them out of any more of harm's way.

A woman lay lifeless on the ground nearby at a doorway, the upper part of her body and arms sliced off.

Loud cries of a woman were heard as she gripped onto a dead man's figure.

"Hiro-san! NOOOOOO!!"

(Y/n) crouched down in front of the man, and started wrapping his handless arm tightly with bandages.

Tanjiro breathed heavily as he stared down at the disaster.

"(Y/n)..." Tanjiro murmured as he turned toward the slightly older teenager.

(Y/n) stood up onto his feet, walking over as he placed a hand on a broken wall.

His (E/c) hues zeroed on Daki's figure which had started to walk away from the disaster she had created with her attack.

She even had a smirk on her lips which he noticed.

'I could kill her easily...but I need Gyutaro to make a damn appearance to do that! I need to slice their heads off at the same time.' (Y/n) clenched his teeth together, not noticing that Tanjiro was trying to grab his attention until he felt a hand grab the sleeve of his uniform.

This caused the said male to look over and take immediate notice when he saw how Tanjiro tightened his grip as if he were looking for some sort of comfort.

Tanjiro released a heavy breath from his lips as he leaned against the (H/c)-haired male's arm as he started to speak toward Daki.

"Wait. Unfor... Givable. How dare you do this," Tanjiro says.

Daki looked over in annoyance. "Huh? You're still talking? I've had enough of both of your plain existences. The lives of grotesque humans have no value whatsoever. You can all have fun rotting in hell," she says.

Anger swarmed Tanjiro's mind as he listened to the cries that surrounded him and (Y/n).

"Hiro-san. Hiro-san! No! Someone save him...!!"

"Don't come out here... It's dangerous!!"

'The demon slayer mark...' (Y/n) thought when he took notice of what was appearing on Tanjiro's face.

His eyes darted forward as he remembered when he had gotten his.

But he couldn't think of that now, a fierce battle was about to commence, and he needed his mind, soul, and body ready for it.

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