Someone's Dream

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As half of Douma's head is sliced off, the hand that Akaza had used had fallen to the ground with a thud.

Akaza stared at his missing hand in shock and disbelief.

"Eeeeeeeep!" Hantengu squeaked out in fear.

"Akaza... You... Went too far..." Kokushibo tells the Upper Moon while appearing right behind him.

"It's fine, it's fine, Kokushibo-dono!! I have absolutely no problem with what he did," Douma exclaimed.

"I'm not saying this for your benefit... I'm troubled by the fact... He's not only disrupting the hierarchy, but he's also making cracks in our entire subordinate relationship..." Kokushibo calmly replied, not looking over at the two demons he stood by.

"Ohhh, I see now," Douma chimed in as he snapped his fingers.

"Akaza... If he really bothers you, you should apply for a blood battle to swap places with him..." Kokushibo states.

"But like, Kokushibo-dono, even if Akaza-dono applied for one, there's no way he can beat us. On top of that, I became a demon way after he did. I reached success earlier than him, so he must be feeling extremely pissed inside! Understand the guy. Besides, I intentionally didn't dodge him. It was just a bit of fun. This is my way of getting along with him," Douma states.

"Superior beings must give leeway to those lower than them and not scold them over minor... Akaza. Did you understand... What I... Wanted to say...?" Kokushibo's six eyes stared ahead as he continued to speak.

It was silent for a few moments before Akaza decided to speak.

"I did. I will kill you for sure," Akaza replied as he sent Kokushibo a glare.

"I see... Good luck... With that..." Kokushibo turned away and walked off just for the strings of a biwa to be heard and teleported him off.

"Farewell, Kokushibo-dono! Farewell!" Douma smiled before turning to look over at Akaza. "Man, I feel like the guy just didn't wanna talk to us. But you're just thinking too hard about this, Akaza-dono," he tells him.

Akaza quickly hopped away before he could hear any more of Douma's words.

"Akaza-dono! Come on, we were having a conversation here!" Douma complained.

"Launch me and Hantengu to the same place, if you don't mind!" Gyokko spoke up.

"Eeep..." Hantengu squeaked out quietly as he covered his face with his hands.

"Hang on, I'll join you gu..." Douma was cut off by the sound of biwa strings going off which teleported both Gyokko and Hantengu away.

Douma then looked over at the demoness.

"Heeeey, biwa girl! If you want, how about you and I-" Douma was once again cut off.

"I refuse," she answered before strumming the strings to the biwa she had in her hands.

Douma's eyes were wide as he was teleported back to where he originally was.

"Mrrghh. You're all so cold," Douma mumbled.

The sound of a sliding door was heard opening.

"Gracious founder. Your followers have arrived," a male said from the doorway.

"Oh, you serious? Sorry for making ya wait," Douma picked up a hat as he spoke and placed it on his head. "'kay, lemme put this on real quick. Come on, come on. Bring 'em all in."


The soft sound of birds chirping could be heard echoing through a vast blue sky that was decorated with white clouds drifting in it.

Gentle clacks of someone walking toward a man with long burgundy hair tied up in a high ponytail were seen.

A plate filled with onigiri, a cup of tea, and a small bowl of soup were filled on it.

"I poured some tea," a man's voice said quietly, not wanting to wake up his sleeping wife.

"Ahh. Thanks," the burgundy-haired man replied as he cradled a sleeping baby in his arms.

"Woow, fast asleep. I'm so sorry, my wife also happened to fall asleep. I'm really, really sorry. You're a visitor, but I made you watch over my kid," the man apologized as he sat down beside his visitor, taking his baby into his arms after placing the plate down.

"Don't worry about it. She's probably tired. Birthing a kid and raising them is hard work. After I finish drinking this, I'll be on my way. I can't keep eating meals for free like this," the burgundy-haired man with hanafuda earrings tells the other.

"Oh, no! I owe you my life. If you weren't around back then, then I, much less my children, wouldn't be here now," the other man quickly reassured.

The hanafuda wearer just took a silent sip of the tea.

"...Alright then. At least tell me your story for future generations," the man replied.

"No need."

"But... It must be hard since you have no successor at hand. It may be impossible for me since I am a humble coal burner, but one day, someone will..." The man tried to explain.

"No need. Sumiyoshi. Masters of their craft will always find their way to the same place. Even if the times have changed, even if they have taken different paths to that point, they will always go to the same place. You seem to see me as some kind of special human, but that's not true. I couldn't protect a single thing that was precious to me. I couldn't achieve what I was supposed to achieve in life. I am a man of no worth," the hanafuda wearer states.

Sumiyoshi stared quietly.

'Ahhh. Just don't. Don't speak like that, please. Please. I'm begging you, don't think of yourself like that. Tragic. Just tragic...'


Tanjiro's eyes opened a bit with tears in them.

His body and head were wrapped with bandages, and IVs in his arms to keep him hydrated and medicated during the time he was unconscious.

'A dream...? Where... Am I...?' Tanjiro wondered.

A loud shatter was heard as something broke.

Kanao entered the room with Akira on her shoulder, a look of shock and surprise on her face.

"...Are you okay? After the fight ended, you didn't regain consciousness for two whole months," Kanao explained as she went over to Tanjiro's bedside.

"Oh... Really... I... See..." Tanjiro muttered.

Akira hopped off of Kanao's shoulder and gently landed on Tanjiro's chest, not wanting to hurt him even more.

"I'm so glad you're awake..." Kanao breathlessly whispered in relief with tears in her eyes.

Akira nudged Tanjiro's cheek with her head which made the now-awakened slayer weakly smile at the white feathered crow.

" Welcome back, caw."

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