The Night Before

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(Y/n) stared at Sanemi as if he was insane with the immediate attack. 

Sanemi smirked as he swung his blade down at the (H/c)-haired teen's expected figure.

(Y/n) swiped his blade up at an angle so that he would be able to block it once more.

(E/c) eyes widened a little as Sanemi's figure seemed to have disappeared from his peripheral vision.

The said man had appeared behind the teenager's figure, wanting to see if the other would be able to block an attack from behind.

(Y/n) immediately turned around and blocked the incoming blow, nearly tumbling due to the force.

'What the hell! Wait... oh, yeah.' (Y/n) thought as he mentally deadpanned.

Sanemi kept going after (Y/n)'s figure with swift strikes from the blade.

The duo didn't take notice of how a Kakushi came to a stop as they watched the training duo in silence.

The Kakushi stared in silent awe, amazed to see someone being able to keep up with the crazy Wind Hashira that many feared to train against in the lower ranks.

Tilting their head, the Kakushi shuffled the freshly dried clothes in their arms and hummed lightly.

"Did Shinazugawa-san get himself a Tsuguko?" The Kakushi whispered to themselves as their eyes darted back and forth between the duo on the training grounds.

Sweat rolled down the side of their face as they realized that they couldn't hear the (H/c)-haired teenager's footsteps, no matter how many times the younger boy's feet touched the ground.

"Scary..." The Kakushi whispered before walking away to finish off their chores for the estate.

(Y/n) jumped back, gritting his teeth as he watched Sanemi get ready to send in another powerful blow to his abdomen.

Without a second thought, (Y/n) blocked the incoming blade just to send an attack of his own.

Sanemi took immediate action after his failed attempt at sending in another attack and blocked the incoming blade.

His purple eyes widened a little when he felt the force of the attack that was sent to him.

'He's holding back... that wasn't his full strength at all. What the hell is this, exactly?' Sanemi thought, annoyed at the fact that (Y/n) wasn't even using his full power.

While Sanemi was thinking that, (Y/n) was having a full-on turmoil session with himself.

'Oh gosh... Thank the gods that I was able to hold back! I'd probably be killed right here and now if I used my full strength. I don't wanna die again, not this early...anyway!' (Y/n) mentally cried, relieved that Sanemi was able to block his blade despite the strong force it had behind it.


Amane looked over at her husband before glancing over at her kids that were playing in the yard with a temari ball.

Ubuyashiki kept his eyes forward as he remembered the conversation he had with (Y/n) just last night.

"Tsuguko?" (Y/n) asked, tilting his head to the side as he pretended to be confused about the title.

Ubuyashiki hummed lightly. "You'll be taught and trained under one of the Hashira as their student," he explained in simple words.

Kanata and Kiriya, along with three other young females listened to their father's voice as they quietly ate their dinner.

(Y/n) stared down at his bowl of udon for a few moments before looking back up at Ubuyashiki.

"Why...?" (Y/n) whispered.

Ubuyashiki said nothing as he allowed the other to continue talking.

"Why me?" (Y/n) repeated with furrowed brows on his face.

Ubuyashiki chuckled softly when he heard the unsure tone in (Y/n)'s voice.

"It's because I can tell that you're different, and you have something special about you," Ubuyashiki answered honestly.

'Was his foresight able to show himself something about me? Does that mean...' (Y/n) trailed off in thought, not knowing if he should feel horrible that he was hiding secrets of his own, that could potentially help save the Demon Slayers from losing more of their slayers and their Pillars.

Kiriya looked at his father worriedly, wondering what the sickly man was thinking about.

"I... I can try to be someone's Tsuguko. But I can't promise that I'll be a good one," (Y/n) finally says after almost a minute of silence.

Ubuyashiki smiled. "Wonderful," he whispered.

The talking duo went quiet so that they could finish off their shared bowls of food that they didn't want to go cold.


(Y/n) slid to a stop as he and Sanemi came to a sudden stop.

Sanemi placed the wooden sword back into its sheath and placed it with the others before walking in the direction of his estate.

(Y/n) stood there with a dot-eyed expression as he stared at Sanemi's back with a dumbfounded expression while following the same action that the older male had done.

Sanemi stopped and looked over his shoulder.

"Hurry the fuck up if you want to eat," he says before entering the estate.

(Y/n) sweatdropped at the verbal language once more but nodded his head as he followed after Sanemi.

"Right!" The (H/c)-haired teen agreed.

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