Eda's Requiem

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Somewhere in the nighttime of the boiling isles we see an emperor coven prison kart being loaded with wild witches as two coven soldiers lift up the ramp and locked it.

Okay they're loaded up, let's get out of here. One of the coven soldiers said. You know I don't get why we needed round up so many witches? "Because belos wants these witches to be in the coven system for the day of unity. That why he wants them" *Just as the soldiers were about to move out, until several potion bottle flew into the air and exploded into a large puff of smoke* (cough) what happened!? "(Coughing) it's a smoke screen!" *Then suddenly a shadow dashes through the smoke knocking one of the soldiers down* we're under attack! the coven soldier said as they we're on guard but since they can't see through the smoke, the shadow kicks the third soldier into the air and shot a web string on him as he gets stuck onto the tree and then the shadow came after for the other soldiers.

The witches inside the kart couldn't see what was happening outside due to the smoke screen. but soon all went quiet as the ramp began to lower itself down only to reveal the wall crawling hero. Spider-Man.

*A/N: This is Orion's new Spider-Man stealth suit, Imagine the Spider symbol is on his chest*

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*A/N: This is Orion's new Spider-Man stealth suit, Imagine the Spider symbol is on his chest*

When the witches saw him one of them recognize the emblem on his chest. "Hey it's Spider-Man!" Hurry up. I'm missing happy hour with my girlfriend for this. Spider-Man said to them.

Soon all the witches began exiting the kart but one of the coven guards draws a magic circle that shot a fire into the air as it exploded signaling the other coven guards. Spider-Man quickly web him to the ground "Oh no more guards are coming!" the witches said. Find somewhere to hide, go! The web slinger told them as they quickly get out of sight. And not much later the other coven guards arrive at the scene. "Hey it's the Spider-Man get him!" One of the guards said. "Time for some ass whooping" he said as he charges at the coven guards.

Orion battle with the emperors guards and as you can see he's literally beating their asses, they try to blast him with magic but he kept dodging their attacks and shooting his web at them, throwing them to the other guy, launching him into the air and web him. Orion was having the best night ever. That is until a much bigger coven guard come into play "Oh you're big boy aren't you?" Spider-Man said but he guard let out a shout and slam his fist at him but the hero dodges it. The guard kept swinging punches but Orion easily dodge them like a balloon "okay I think it's time to end this " Orion he said as he shot web on the brute's face then hop over behind him and suddenly his hand started to glow with golden yellow bio-electricity and putting his hand on the guard's back which causes an electric discharge through his hand and releasing a blast of electricity sending the guard flying across the woods smashing through trees before crashing into a large rock. When the fight was over the wild witches saw all of that as they were in awe seeing that Spider-Man has taken down all the guards and walked out of their hiding spots.

We thank you, Spider-Man. One of the witches said. Hey don't thank me, just be glad that I was around here, Now to get rid of these guys *Spider-Man threw the webbed coven soldiers into the kart and locking them inside* alright listen up, you all should leave here before any more soldiers shows up, and speak nothing of this night he said. The witches nodded and began running away from the scene.

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