Rumble in undertown

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In the town of bonesborrow the camera aim straight at mort potion shop, laying there on the counter was a long sub sandwich with meat lettuce tomatoes and cheese, mort came back from whatever he's doing from inside the shop. Hey Morton eda called out. He looks up and saw the owl lady with her son and her human student "oh hi eda..." but he also saw the little girl with blond hair wearing a cloak over her body "whoa eda I didn't know you had a daughter? My goodness look how big she is what did that happened?". Never ask that question again, listen I need something--- "hey miss eda could I have a little snack?" The little girl asked you want a bite? Here you can have some morton said thanks! "Suntail don't over do it" luz said hey I don't mind miss, how big a bite can she take anyway?--- *Suddenly suntail transformed back into her original form also ripping the cloak in the process* "thanks for the food!" She said as she ate the sandwich in one gulp "that wasn't too bad actually" morton was shocked to see the little girl turned into a giant bird.

Sometime later orion and luz headed to hexside while eda takes care of suntail finding a new dress for her. Do you think suntail is going to be okay with eda? Luz asked oh come on she took care of bat queen's babies I'm pretty sure she take care of suntail while we're at school you said and beside if she's going to keep transform into a person and back into a bird she gonna waste all of out clothing and money, so our best bet is to buy her a magical transformation clothing "does that even exist?" Yeah I seen it a couple of times but they can be pretty hard to find these days but if mom can't find a dress I guess she has to make one for her orion said.

Minutes later he and luz arrive at hexside but once they entered the building suddenly the students staring cheering for the owl mage seeing the grand prix champion has come.

Hey orion that was an awesome race the other day!/You were totally badass out there!/Hey orion wanna hangout sometimes?

Wow looks like everyone starting to like you luz said yeah I guess winning that race must have boosted my popularity, which it suck "why would you say that being popular is a way to make new friends" luz there are something that I hate about school and that is being popular, meaning people will draw more attention to me and to make things worst the girls would go after my ass pretty soon orion explained oh come on I'm sure that won't ever hap-- "oh orion~! *suddenly someone tackle him revealing it was emira was cuddling him in a tight hug* how are you my handsome prince~?" Emira asked I'm fine emira thanks he replied looking at luz who chuckles nervously. Emira quit bothering him amity said as she got her sister to get off of orion and offer a hand which he accepted and got up "thanks amity" you're welcome.

So orion how does it feel to be popular in hexside? Edric asked It's okay I guess, I mean wasn't planning on being popular "what make you say that?" Well it means I'll get more attention outside from hexside" well could you blame them, you did won the grand prix race so of course you'll be popular emira said yeah well I wish everyone just tone it down a little orion said as the sound of the bell screaming marks the beginning of school "welp looks like we better get to class come on orion luz said walking towards their first class but just as he was about leave, emira hold his hand to stop him and kiss him on the cheek "see you later my prince~" emira said in a sultry tone before leaving with her brother and little sister "seriously why do hot girls always goes for the outsider like me?" Orion asked himself that, heading towards his class room.

Half of school hour in hexside has past, now it was lunch time at the cafeteria as we see orion coming out from the restroom as he returning to the cafeteria suddenly he felt a present behind him. He turned around only to see nothing. The same present felt in front of him, turning forward there was nothing there. Looking around something was staring at him from above in position to pounce on him as it yelled "AMBUSH!" Orion hear it screamed and looked towards seeing a dark silhouette jumped at him, tackling him to the ground. Seeing of who just tackled him was not other than ebony "hey orion~" ebony he said in a dead pan tone before pushing her off of him and stand up "seriously is this a normal thing for you now?" Oh there are other ways to surprise you "(sigh) what do you want?" Ooh what, can't a girl get a kiss from her boyfriend? mmm~?... "Oh that's it? Fine" orion replied as he and his girlfriend started making out, as it goes on his hands moves down behind ebony as they squeeze her butt cheeks "oooo~ orion so naughty~" come on don't tell me you don't like that do you~? He said with a grin "(lustful giggle) as the matter of fact I do~❤". The kissing continues, as orion still squeezes ebony's ass. As she slides her hand down from his body and to his crotch where she started rubbing it, it was getting hotter at the moment until they hear someone coming as the two quickly stop what they're doing and pretended to do nothing, as a random teacher walks by them.

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