Royal pain

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it has been two days since Orion went to the blood moon ball and dance with Star under the blood moon light. The day after Orion decided to take his friends on a little trip to china with the scissors and they just love everything they got over there. That is until they encounter Ludo again and this time he got a new servant, a lizard man to be exact. He goes by the name toffee which Orion finds it ridiculous since his name is after a candy. Star was so upses with the fortune cookies that they got from the chinese restaurant and she believes that the fortune cookies has powers but Orion and luz tried to convince her that what happening to them was just a coincidence but Star doesn't believe them until Ludo and his monster army show up out of nowhere. As Orion Luz and their friends were fighting the monster Star was the only one that she's giving out hugs, which for some miracle that it worked. The monster is enjoying Star's hug too much to carry out the plan. Feeling guilty, the two-headed monster tells Star everything about Ludo's plan and says fortune cookies truly are not real. Star finally accepts the truth and blasts the monsters away with a mushroom blast.

So with the monsters Defeated, Ludo and his army retreat through a dimensional portal. Star apologizes to Orion and the gang for not listening to them, and Orion apologizes for playing a trick on her. The Chinese restaurant employee from before appears through a back door and offers Star more stale fortune cookies, and Star accepts. Star and Orion read one last fortune together: "A great evil has been unleashed." The two are amused by the fortune and throw it away.

Now it was the next morning Orion was walking out of his room still in his shorts. Morning Orion~ Star said off screen. Morning-- "DIVE BOMB!" *Suddenly out of nowhere Luz ran and tackles Orion from behind as enter a pool of water and slides into a water slide. His panicked screaming turns into excited laughing. They eventually splashes into a pool in the living room*.

Oh, man that was awesome! Orion said as Luz resurface from the pool with him wearing her bikini the pool. Star runs in from off-screen wearing a green two piece bikini as well. I know, right? Stairs are so boring Star said Heh-heh. I hope my Mom don't flip when they see this. "Oh no worries kiddo *Orion sees his mom resting on a long floaty mat* I say I'm well relax" Eda said and I'm flipping out, literally! King said wearing swim shorts as a dolphin rise carrying king on his back and hops away.

(Laughing) I love living here! If my parents found out I've been using magic for stuff like this... "Uh hah... Star this is cool and all but mind giving out a heads up? Okay? I mean I haven't even taken a shower yet" Orion said until the hooty press his face against Star's cheek "ding dong ding! You have a visitor Star" Hooty said scram Hooty Star said Okay! *Hooty retracted his head back to the front door as Star walks up and opens it. On the other side of the door, King River Butterfly riding on the shoulders of one of his royal manservants as he blows a horn*.

Oh, hey, dad-- DAD?! Star exclaimed Hello-- *Star slams the door before King Butterfly and his manservant can enter* "Oh, no! I need to hide everything!" she said as the camera zooms out to show the entire living room. The water slide is in the shape of a giant octopus. Orion and Star stands next to the pool while King and Eda swims in the pool. A mermaid sits on the left upper ledge. A submarine surfaces from beneath the pool.

Cut to house exterior with King Butterfly. Magical lights and sounds come from inside. Star opens the door again wearing her regular green blouse. The living room is back to normal. What a pleasant surprise! (Laughs nervously) What brings you here unexpectedly? Star asked Well, I was in the neighborhood and... Agh. Who am I kidding? You mother, has banished me from the castle "what? What did you do" Nothing!... Well lets just say that I might have left a garment or two laying around *King Butterfly enters the house. His manservant follows while dragging in his heavy luggage* I thought perhaps, I could stay here for a day while this blows over River said uh yeah sorry to disappoint you River but-- *suddenly Eda cover her son's mouth with her detachable hand*. Of course you can stay here your lord ship! "Ah, good show!" River said as he walks further into the house before Orion rips the hand off of his mouth "seriously mom, again?" Hey don't make it a big deal eda said uh yes it's a big deal! Having Star was trouble enough. But now we have another royalty in the house?! "I don't know Orion. This visit is actually gonna be fun then! Father-Daughter Day!" Star and River said as she grabs King Butterfly by the mustache and drags him around the house "tour time!".

The Dark Prince of The Owl House (Male OC x Harem)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang