Girls sleepover and Guys night

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It was another day in hexside as we see willow sitting on the stoop of the school and playing with nee who sat on her lap, there was a good half hour before classes started, so they enough time to play. Hey willow *the plant witch look back on her shoulder to see the healing beast keeper witchling, viney* thanks again for helping me creating that special ointment from plants viney said oh no actually you should be thanking nee he was the one who helped provide with those stuff willow said patting the baby greenman's head oh, well. Thank you, nee viney said to him as he makes a sound. Soon after they hear running hoofs as they see orion riding on his horse abomination with luz sitting and holding into him as it make a complete halt.

Hey willow, hey viney orion greet each of them "hey orion, hey luz" they both greet back "you know orion sometime your magic always find away to amaze me" viney approaching the stallion "when willow told me about these combo spells I thought they're made up but wow" she said petting it's head "yeah it took me years just to find right combo for the beast keeping magic" orion said well your horse abomination is cool but I think dalin's wolf form is much more cooler "what do you mean?" Well when I first met his sister mebh she can transform into a wolf well actually their souls become a wolf which I think dalin calls it a Astral Shapeshifting? "Oh yeah I seen it before, a person when your awake and wolfwalker by night. It's some kind of an astral level within the beast keeping magic I mean after all their mom was the only person who ever reach that level of magic he added whoa... I wish my soul can turn into a wolf at night luz said having an imagination.

But sadly your human... *A sudden realization* aw crap! I forgot my grimoire back at home, BRB! The owl mage said as he pull the flying out of his satchel, wear it and fly back to the owl house in top speed. Leaving the girls all alone in a brief silence. So... What else is going on with you and dalin? "Huh?" Well I heard you said that his wolf form is much cooler than my boyfriend's abominations stallion, is there something happening between you two? Luz asked squinting at viney suspiciously.

Viney looked nervous when luz is staring at her but to make things worst even willow squinting at her suspiciously as well. Ugh okay fine but don't tell this in front of orion okay *luz and willow nodded* okay... So for the past few weeks I started to hangout with dalin more often than usual, we talked, we go out a bit to have lunch, and we talked about my life and stuff, and by the end of the week me and dalin are... A thing now *luz began to gasp in shock knowing exactly what she's saying* "y-you and dalin are... DATING?!" She exclaimed um... Yes? viney answered Both luz and willow screamed with excitement as they both viney "I so happy for you!" Willow said uh guys can you please not make this a scene viney said with blush on her cheeks before they let go of her "sorry about that, so will you guys be going on other dates?" Luz asked nah, actually I'm not the romance type of gal and neither is dalin. So we're just slowly make our way on top and see where this relationship goes.

Not before long the owl mage arrives back at hexside with his friends. You got your book? "Yup *shows her the grimoire* oh and by the way I found a note from hooty, it saids that my mom is going to be out of the house all day and night till tomorrow and she took suntail and king with her for some 'expedition' so we got the whole house to ourselves you said wait the whole house?... (Realization gasp) *an idea came to her head* oh my gosh! Since eda is out all day, We could have a slumber party! Luz said with excitement. A slumber party?/A slumber party? Willow and viney said in confusion.

Yeah we can have a slumber party our place, we could watch a movie, play games, and scary stories, and-- *luz was cut off mid-section when orion put his hand over her mouth*. Whoa whoa whoa... Whoa, Luz I know where you're going with this but no. Don't you remember the 'last' time you invited people over to my house? Orion said last time? Luz said in confusion raising an eyebrow as he stare at her with a deadpan stare "the moon light conjuring, rings any bells?" *Luz begans to think and remembers about the moon light conjuring which involves with raising the owl house to life*. Oh yeah heh... "Mmm I got to agreed with orion, luz. I mean the last time we did that we almost got ourselves killed and for him almost being captured" willow said wait did that actually happen? Viney asked yup everything orion answered. Okay look I know our last night together got us all into trouble but time we'll just stay at the owl house no need to go out or anything, we'll just staying at home, nothing more. So what do you say orion? "I still say no, I don't want to get in trouble after that mess" he said turning around crossing his arms. Luz started to think, to get you to say and she came with the idea.

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