Hunting Palismen

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The opening began with a bonfire filled with coals, which has nine empty circular holes around the edge. A blue fire ignites on the coals, before quickly extinguishing and sizzling. Cut to a different location in the Emperor's castle, outside the stairs leading down to the room in which the portal door is held. Four spear-wielding scouts line the entrance, standing impassively as the nine coven heads, who wear white cloaks with circular badges bearing the symbol of their respective covens, walk between them and gather around the central bonfire, which now burns low. Emperor Belos sits on a low seat in front of the portal door, which has tubes running out of it and is held in place by a towering circular frame in the process of being reconstructed. The Golden Guard and Kikimora stand on either side of Belos, and two Abomatons flank the three.

The Day of Unity approaches, where we'll celebrate the purification of magic under the coven system, just as The Titan intended. As heads of the nine covens, we celebrate your efforts to complete this plan. For this, you have earned a glimpse of the reward that awaits. Kikimora told them.

Cut to Belos' left hand on the arm of his seat. Gestures forth. "Step forward."

The head witches remove their badges and place them in the holes around the bonfire. The badges glow with bright colors, and light swirls into the center of the fire as it suddenly erupts. The heads gaze in awe at the fire as their eyes turn a glowing white. The heads receive a vision through the flames, in which The Titan's skull is shown from the side against a dark sky, with nearby trees visible. The sky turns and becomes brighter and The Titan's eye glows from within before a fiery blast erupts from it, causing nearby birds to fly away. Finally, The Titan's head is now shown to be relocated to what appears to be a metropolis of the Human Realm, shown against a red sky with an eclipse slowly rising above. The vision fades to the head witches, their eyes still glowing.

The larger your covens grow, the more power we have to unite our realms, where the worthy shall inherit a utopia free of wild magic. *Suddenly, Emperor Belos grunts in pain and clutches his chest. The Golden Guard helps Belos up from his throne. Kikimora attempts to follow, but the Golden Guard stops her* "No. Stay here. I can handle this alone" he said.

Kikimora glares at the Golden Guard as they leave.

When they are alone, Emperor Belos transforms into some kind of sludge monster. He proceeds to punch the wall repeatedly, pulling his hand away on the final punch, and puts his mask back on. The Golden Guard hands him a Palisman staff. He quickly breaks it and absorbs the green essence through his eyes, which briefly turn green before changing back to blue

(Sigh). I need more. Belos said reaching his hand out to golden guard. "That was the last from our reserves. The palistrom wood has been overharvested. *Emperor Belos grunted and turns away* Uncle, let me help! We can make more palismen! Actually, I read about this technique: harnessing wild magic to- *Belos stares back at him* Uh... s-sorry" Golden guard said as the emperor places a hand on Golden Guard's shoulder. "Please, be careful. Our family is gone because of wild magic. I can't let the same happen to you." *Cut to outside the throne room. Kikimora is shown listening in on them* (Find me more palismen. I can depend on you, right?) the imp lady narrowing her eyes, as Kikimora runs off somewhere.

*The next morning*

Now the camera focuses on the the echo mouse is seen resting in a terrarium. Luz, in night gown, looks at it. "Okay so let me get this straight. So the journal that Philip Wittebane wrote, the echo mouse ate the whole page." Star said. And now all the info we needed is inside the little mouse's stomach and it can only shows it like a old movie projector? Orion finished the sentence.

Yeah that's pretty much it. But the little hasn't showed any more of the page of Philip's journal. Oh, little echo mouse. You ate the diary that can get me home. Can't you cough up a teeny bit? Luz asked to the mouse. "Just squeeze it out!" King said as he squeezes his teddy bear so hard, the head pops off.

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