A great day for baseball!

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Two days after fixing willow's memories and after that... Dream orion had. It was nice day in the boiling isles. Since luz is hanging out with her friends, the owl mage decided it's time to hang with his other friends

Walking through the forest orion dalin ebony striker donny meteora and claire. Uh why do we have to hangout in the woods? We could have just hangout in the city meteora said with a small hint of annoyance "oh come on meteora there all sort of excitement goes on in the forest you said eh truth I mean we did attacked by bandits last week striker said and we totally kick their asses! Donny said now that was fun "(sigh) alright that was exciting" meteora admit it "so orion what makes you bring us all the way out here?" Ebony asked clinking onto his arm. Oh I just thought we should play a little game called... Baseball! He said raising the bat in the air "baseball?" They all said at the same time "yeah it's sort of a human game luz told me about" he drew several magic circles making the trees to move aside to make much bigger clearing area and some parts of the grass sink back into the ground to make a diamond outlined shape.

Now here are the rules of the game orion started to explain. We take turns throwing the ball at each other, the batter tries to hit the ball with the bat, and the batter have to run around the bases whoever get the most runs wins.

But the batter only get three tries *he was standing at the pitcher's mound as dalin was the batter, as orion throw the ball at him as he misses the ball on purpose* "and if you get three strikes you're out and next player get to be the batter dalin said and if the ball caught you're out and if you get tag by the ball you're out as well. So now do we understand the rules now? The owl mage asked to his friends.

Hm sounds simple enough ebony said actually sounds more fun striker said meh sounds boring but if it means I get to hit something then sure meteora added excellent! Let's get started, claire conjured up some curse puppet dolls so we can have more players you said you got it! Claire reply as she summons curse straw dolls as they grow into adult size.

Later the group of friends were playing baseball. Each friends took turns being the batter to hit the ball as others try catch the ball or toss it back to their players to get a tag but once it was meteora's turn. When she was in position to hit the ball, orion was the pitcher as he threw the ball really fast as she miss the swing "strike one!" Dalin shouted meteora got back to her pose to try it again, but once he threw the ball she misses it again "strike two!" Meteora growls in anger and annoyance as this started to get on her nerves. It was the final swing she's going to make and once orion throws the ball meteora turns her arms into monster arms and with one full swing she hit the ball out of the field. Once the ball was gone meteora started running all four base "woohoo! Yeah! Who is the best!" She cheered "yeah nice hit meteora expect that was the only ball we got! You thunderhead idiot!" Orion shouted at her "great now we have to go find it!" He headed toward the direction where the ball went "oh great now you made my boyfriend mad meteora" ebony said what?! You're on his side?! 

About an hour later the group search everywhere for the ball in the forest not knowing where did it landed. (Sigh) cuz lets just head back to the city the ball could be long gone by now dalin said no it has to be here I know it orion said as he continue his search. Moments later donny past through a bush and saw finally found the ball "gotcha" donny grabs the ball from the ground but there was also something else that caught his attention.

Did you guys found it yet?! "Nope!" "Not here!" "Not here either!". Hey guys I found it! Donny shouted as he came back with the ball as his friends cheer "oh yeah donny my man!" Orion said walking up to him and giving him a fist pump as he past the ball to him "hey you guys are not going to believe what else I just found come on." Donny heads back to where he found the ball "hey, why are you standing there come on!" What did you found? Ebony asked who knows but whatever it is, it better be worth it striker said as they all followed donny.

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