Lost in a language

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The next morning it was a normal in the owl house as luz was reading out loud in one her azura book. 'Azura!' hecate began 'our paths have crossed only in battle but today I stand before you seeking an ally' (sigh) "luz your getting all swoony again" king said yeah your putting too much attention to your books than your magic orion added  "I can't help it azura is able to befriend everyone even her biggest rival I wish I have that kind of power" who? Like amity? Tsk! Yeah right orion said luz rivals are meant to be annihilated not befriended *king laid down some of his 'knowledge' before his tail started wagging* now keep reading I've been sucked into your awful fandom "well king is half right" orion said while finishing another manga and grab another one keeping his eyes glued "rivalry comes in many different forms, such as differences, mutual respect, and their goals. All in all,. it's all about perspective but in real life though you can't just expect to someone to give you their friendship that easily" why not? You and king did for me "*pause the reading and looked up to her* that's because, I'm not one of those people. Like amity for example, you can't just befriended her overnight, and that just the fact *continue with reading*" yeah... But maybe we both have something in common with "Somehow I doubt it"  well I'm assure you I can prove you wrong luz said confidently "hm-hmm yeah sure good luck with that" orion replied hey! Read more! King demanded okay, suddenly the swung open-- "*suddenly the front door opened by it self* ding dong ding! Hoot hoot!" Hooty said swung wide open just as she said taking them by surprised "whoa, talking about on cue" orion said the book has come to life burned it! King said as luz went up to the door to see what it is but "hm? *Looking down to see a basket of some sort sitting right in front of the house*" hey luz what is it? "I think you and eda got a package" luz replied as she picked up the basket and closing the door and grabbing his interest as orion put down his book "were you expecting something?" Nothing that I know of...C'mon *they all headed to the kitchen* mom you in here?

Yes! The owl lady said I think we got something, looks like a gift basket luz said placing the basket on the table while king climbed on top to get a better look at it "this was sitting on the front door" probably an offering eda guess. Ah being the most powerful witch on the boiling isles has it's perks "define your view of perks" orion said as king tied a bib around his neck as he reach and pulls the blanked down, they all peered down see what it is as it reveals a sleeping baby.

Mmm fresh meat king said excitedly "nope, not eating that" Luz said walking away not wanting to be apart of what can transpire "witches eating babies is so 1693" eda commended "yeah and humans wondered why people back in salem were all paranoid orion said in a flat tone as he eyed on the baby "but please for the love of god don't let it be like one of those 'please take care of my child' thing" well it better not be eda commented "there's a note *king picks up the note and reads it out loud* {take care of my child till morning. Yi Yi}" Nope, baby are awful not happening *orion raise an eyebrow on his mother* oh but not you my star child your an exception *roll his eyes* "{you'll be handsomely rewarded X-O-X-O-X-O-X Bat Queen}" bat queen? *Eda's attention was regained upon hearing that name, she then grew even more interest when king pulled out couple of gold snails from the basket* rewards~?" Who the bat queen? Luz questioned only the most wealthiest demon on the boiling isles itself orion said answering her questioned "that's right get in the good side with her and you'll be set for life" eda added "so we just keep this thing alive for a few hours and we get paid? Pfft easy" You know somehow I'm starting to wondering how you manage to raise me? Orion said our greatest adventure yet! Learning about love and life through a child's eye luz said happily "not you, you have to return the books I checked out from the library *eda makes a magic circle causing two stacks of books to appear falling down and got caught by luz and orion*" wait why do I have to go?! Orion said because clearly you need to get out house and get some fresh air (and I definitely don't want them to have getting cut of the loot) eda whispered to king "(good thinking)" king added I heard that! And you know you can forget about me getting more of your apple blood when I do my market run orion added as he and luz head over to the door and leave for the library "eh, it'll be fine. Now let's take a look at this darling *upon removing the blanket it was revealed the baby bat and also a bad move as the infant bat creature began screeching like crazy and it was so loud it causes the whole house to shake*" oh boy! King said falling on his back "on second thought maybe we could use your help!" Eda said covering her ears "well we better get to the library! Got to go! Bye!" Luz said made her way to the door with you on towed "wait orion! Your not gonna leave your mother like this are you?! *The  only response orion gave to his mother is a devilish smirk as he close the door, this was his way of getting even* no nononononono! Orion Goetia Clawthorne don't you da-- *it was too late as the door was closed* we got this right? Whoa! Eda said as the bat baby flew out of the basket and right at her face.

The Dark Prince of The Owl House (Male OC x Harem)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن