Mewberty (Lemon Chapter)

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It was a normal day in hexside as we see Orion playing grudgby with striker and edric, and with the other boys. It seems that the schools has finally allowed the boys to be part of the grudgby game.

Just as the ball was lunched into the air Orion was the first to grab it.

From a distance inside of one of the classrooms Star was watching the boys playing sports, she lets out a dreamy sigh as watch them playing around wearing shorts. Especially a certain boy that she set her eyes on.

Star... Star... Hey Star! Luz said calling out to the princess. Huh? What? "Star I said are you alright?" She asked oh uh y-yeah just got little distracted that's all "by distracted you mean the boys play grudgby? Willow said making the princess blushed "what?! No I wasn't looking at the boys, I was definitely wasn't looking at their shorts" Star said oh come on we all saw you eying on the boys, and who couldn't blame you. I mean who doesn't like seeing boys wearing shorts? Luz asked especially the one boy we love~ "yeah~~" The girls fantasizing about the boy they like.

Uh girls in case you have forgotten, we got to get to our next class! Gus said also Star you got something on your forehead he informed her.

Camera cuts to Star's front. Star has a purple heart in the middle of her forehead. She peels the purple heart off. Uh oh Gus, this isn't a paint "Well, looks like you got another heart" Quiet, Gus. This is serious! *Draws closer to the camera* guys. I think I'm going through... Mewberty Star said. Numerous purple hearts appear on Star's face. She pulls her hair over her face. "wait that's it? hah relax I've gone through my witch puberty, and it wasn't so bad after you--" Gus! Don't confuse this with your Boling isle things! I'm from Mewni! (Whispering) Ooh this is gonna get really weird. You guys gotta keep me away from boys! Wait a second... *Hearts appear in Star's eyes* Gus's a booooy~~... Star said in a creepily which made the illusion mage chuckles nervously, backs away.

Wait, Star. When you say things are going to get weird, do you mean typical-Star weird or, like, destroy-the-school weird? Luz asked destroy the school Star answered. Yeah that's what I was worried about. Let's get you home.

Luz Willow and Gus leaves the classroom. Star looks around and slowly follows them "(whispered) Oh-no-oh-no-oh-no. Okay Star, here comes a boy. You got this. You got this. Avert your eyes. Avert your eyes. (Gasps) *More hearts appear on her face* guys I don't think this is such a good ideaaahhh... Star stops at a water fountain to watch the beast keeping boy student drink. Luz Willow and Gus stops walking and turns around. Star presses her finger on the fountain nozzle.

Huh? "(My turn~~)" Star said sing-songy whispering. Whoa okay lets go! Luz said grabbing Star's arm but suddenly she shoots purple web from her hand, which sticks to a locker door. (Panic screaming) *all four friends started screaming seeing the purple web coming out of Star's hand. Luz lets go of her hand and now her hand is now purple. Star tries to unstick herself from the locker. The locker door swings open, and Star falls over and slides halfway into the locker* I'm stuck "uh I'll help" Gus said No! *Closes the locker, opens it again* Your little boy hands are part of the problem! Star said closing the locker as Luz wipes her hand "Isn't there some way we can help? Maybe there's something in your book of spells that can stop this" willow said maybe "okay I'll go home and get it" uh actually it's not at home I gave it to Emira! "What why?" I lost a bet, okay! Do you wanna help me or not?! "(Sigh) Okay, but we gotta talk about that betting thing later!" Luz said as she, Willow, and Gus ran off to the illusion class.

In the illusion track, we see students who are paying attention to the teacher way in the back are Emira who was bored, then they heard someone whispering to them. Psst! Emira Psst! *The older blight sister look around where the sound is coming from, when she turned around they saw Luz's head peaking out through the small hidden door from the tower of doors*. When Emira looked back at the teacher making sure she wasn't looking as they look back at Luz.

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