The One and Only

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After yesterday with Hekapoo everything was back to normal... Or so it would seem.

Right now in the kitchen we see Luz and star eating breakfast at the table with Eda Lilith King and Suntail but there was one person missing. Hey have you girls seen Orion? Eda asked oh I think he's still in bed Star said odd he never miss breakfast before school Lilith said yeah, too odd... Hey, Suntail do you mind go and wake up starchild "okay!" Suntail said as she gets off the seat and heads up the stairs.

In Orion and Luz's room we see him still sleeping underneath his blanket, then Suntail opens the door and walks in and heads over to the bed. Master! It's morning already! Suntail said but she got no response as he was snoring loudly "master?... Wake up master..." Seeing that he won't get up there's only thing Suntail could do. She jumps into the air and transform into her roc form and landed on top of the owl mage, hearing the sounds of bones cracking, that should wake him up. (groaning painfully) "good morning master" ugh! Suntail get off of me! Orion said being crust to death before Suntail reverse back to her human form and lands on top of him "master your missing breakfast!" Huh? Oh it's morning already? (Groggy) alright then I'm up Orion said as Suntail happily gets off of her master and skips away out of his room.

As he got off the bed and walks over to his closet but suddenly he walks a step back and looked at himself in the full body mirror. He sees that he gotten a little taller but he still got his natural fit body then he notice his vision is much clearer and sharp. Huh that's weird... He said before going to his closet and change into his hexside uniform but for some reason they have been shrunk "(super weird my uniformed shrank)" he said in his head which pops out a thought box.

Later he came down the stairs and walks into the kitchen. Hey mom did you did something to my uniform? "No, why" because it feel they've shrunk Orion said showing his uniform has became small. Huh that's weird, I didn't do any shrinking spells, or have I?... Wait, something's different about you "what?" You...grew taller all of a sudden... Did you drink an entire barrel of milk?" Eda asked what? No I didn't  "hmm might be the countless sleeps he's been doing, I heard that you sleep that your body would grow" Lilith suggested. That's... Sounds about right "anyways you kids should go to school, it's time" Eda said.

After leaving the owl house Orion, Luz, and Star headed towards hexside. Inside the school Orion is having trouble of walking since his pants are too night. (Man I need to pants... Wait why is the voice in my head so loud?) *When he turned around he saw those thoughts box behind him until he bumped into Emira and Edric*. Oh Orion hey Emira said as she wraps her arm around him and kisses him. Uh hey...Ems Orion said trying to act cool but suddenly he started sweating bullets "(why am I sweating?)" Why are you so sweating? Edric asked oh I uh... Took a morning jog around the woods so heh yeah, boy is it getting hot in here? Orion said feeling his body getting warmer as he rush over to a nearby water fountain. As he took a sip of it but suddenly his hands are stuck to it, he tries to tuck them but still can't let go "Orion, what are you doing?" Emira asked guys I'm stuck! The owl mage exclaimed as he put his foot on the sink as the blight twins wrap around his waist and started pulling him but he was still stuck.

After a few hard tug the sink was starting to get ripped off from the wall and eventually they got Orion free but his hands are stilled glued to the sink. Well this is awkward Orion said.

Later Orion was sent to the metal shop as they cut the sink off his hands. After that now he was heading towards his class but suddenly his hearing has increase as he can hear the students whispering about him and staring at him. (What? What are they looking at? Are they staring at me? Did they know what happened? Does he knows? Does she knows? Wow she's super tall. Why's he smiling? Am I the weird guy now?! What am I doing?) "such a weirdo." (There's too many voices! How do I stop? Can they hear my thoughts?! *The owl mage starts to panic and starts walking faster* Why are my thoughts so loud?!).

The Dark Prince of The Owl House (Male OC x Harem)Where stories live. Discover now