The Blood Moon Ball

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It was a normal day in the boiling isles where there's a partial red moon up in the sky. Camera pans down to hexside where we see student who are outside of school until a black and red carriage pulled by a skeleton horse emerges from the ground in a pillar of fire. The carriage door opens, and someone steps out and walks and toward the school.

Cut to school interior. The person walks through the hallway, igniting small flames with his shoes. Several female students stare at him. Who's that? / Look it / he's hot. Several female students said including one of boscha's posses.

Inside of the abomination classroom we see many of the abomination students are seated including Star until the door was suddenly opened and someone enters the classroom and stops in front of the class. And stops in front of her.

That person was revealed to be Tom Lucitor, prince of the underworld. spiky salmon-colored hair, very pale lilac skin, three red eyes (one in the middle of his forehead), black eyeliner under and around his eyes, two pale-orange white-tipped horns on the sides of his head, sharp teeth, and pointy ears and nose. he wears a simple black jacket with black pants and shoes, a large black belt with an army green buckle, a white button-up shirt with a protruding collar, a loosely worn black tie, and special "three-lens" sunglasses.

*Removes his sunglasses* Hey, Star. I'm here to take you... *Creates a flaming crescent moon in his hand* the Blood Moon Ball He said with a smirk smile. But star instantly frowns at him as we cut to Star dragging Tom by the hand back toward his carriage. Nope-nope-nope-nope-nope. You need to leave right now. Take your carriage and fire and dead horse, and go back to the underworld Star said as the skeleton horse heard that "Wait. I'm dead?" It said as Star walks away "Oh, come on, Starship! *Tom sweeps Star off her feet with flames and levitates her into his arms* It's the Blood Moon Ball! It only happens once every 667 years Tom said to Star as she flips backward out of Tom's arms.

We broke up! Period! "Wait, wait, wait, wait. Star, hang on. I'm a changed man, okay? I've got a life coach, Brian" hey brian said poking out of the carriage. He's awesome. A happy bunny. And, and I have been anger-free for 53 days. *He reveals a button on his shirt that reads "53 DAYS ANGER FREE"* "53?" Don't you want to pet my bunny? *Tom's bunny winks at Star*.

Well, it does look cute Star said. Just as she was about reach and pet the pink rabbit until suddenly someone tackle Tom from behind dropping the rabbit in the process, as it revealed to Orion as he pinned Tom from behind as he held his right arm from behind and held his head down to the ground.

Who are you! what are you doing to the princess? Orion demands it as he tightly gripped on Tom right arm. Ow! Ow! Dude your hurting me! Tom yelled feeling his arm was about to break.

Whoa whoa whoa! Orion wait! That's Tom! Star said gaining the owl mage attention. Tom? "(Sigh) yes Tom, my ex-boyfriend. Did I mention you about him remember? *Orion began thinking*


Okay when I first met tom at the silver bell ball, He has this super hot demon with a swimmer's body *Star starts to explain about tom as she was currently with Orion and Luz ducking behind a large rock to avoid the fire breathing pepper plant monster as the two were screaming*.

We had our cornshake date in the underworld but the shakes didn't last long because of the molten burning stuff *the scene shows the three of them were on a large part of the earth as they were caught in a landslide*.

Then I blew it up. Tom and I got into a huge fight, long story short we broke up *The scene shows Orion Luz and Star all tight up for some unknown reason as they were about to get sprayed by a giant skunk badger*

The Dark Prince of The Owl House (Male OC x Harem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora